Sleeping over Part 1 🙃

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Hey it's me again, your favorite.. something whatever it is that you might like about me 😂. Back with another part and the title is obvious, so basically Darby and Sully are sleeping over! Let's see what happens :)

Patrick's POV:

I sigh as I look at the time. It was 7 pm. I came back with the groceries but Jill wanted me to promote a product for her line so I did that. It's not that I don't like doing that stuff for her, she's my wife of course I would do that. But sometimes it gets a little overwhelming especially when she gets frustrated and I have to wash my hair and film the video all over again. I was watching tv when I get a text message from Ellen and then I remember. Shoot I forgot about my kids.

Ellen: Hey Patty, I took the kids back home and they're sleeping over if that's ok. They also requested their sleeping over duffel bags to be brought over so bring those over as soon as you can ✌🏼

I smile and sigh a little in relief since El took my kids home too. El always loved my kids, even from the starting. She had so much fun playing with them on set and she always took care of them whenever Jill was busy and I had to film a scene.

I get up and go to grab the twins duffel bags from their rooms. As I come back downstairs and grab the car keys, Tal walks towards me. "Where are Darby and Sully at?" She asks me, looking at the duffel bags and back at me. "They're at.. they're at Ellen's house." I say and she looks at me with a mixture of confused and shock but she quickly covers it. "Oh.. ok. Can I.. can I go stay in her house too." She says slightly hesitating and now it was my turn for the face of confusion. "Yea sure, go get your bag." I say after a minute and she smiles and goes to grab her bag from her room.

I look at the living room as I wait for her. The house was going to be just me all night if I stayed, since Jill went to one of her friends house. So I got my duffel bag slowly too from the closet of the living room and I hide mine with Darby and Sully's bags. I just hope Chris isn't home or he'll definitely not want me to be there. I wait as Tal comes back, all her clothes and stuff she needed for the night packed up in her dark blue bag. Tal is wearing a multi colored striped long sleeve shirt with jean shorts and her usual white shoes.

I smile and I open the door for her and she goes outside and I go outside too, making sure to take one more look inside the house to see that the lights are off and I lock the door. Since El's house is really close, Talula and I walk towards her house next to each other. "It'll be nice to see Ms. Ellen after so long." Tal says looking at the stars as we walk and I nod and smile: "Yea, we should get you guys to see each other more, she misses you too." She smiles and puts her arm through mine and I chuckles softly. We make our way to El's house and smile at how familiar it is.

Basically nothing had changed except the outer walls of her home looked like they had applied a new coat of grey paint on. Tal and I walk to the doorstep and she rings the doorbell and Ellen answers the door after a second, clearly surprised to see Tal here with me too. "Talula, it's been so long!" She says hugging her and Tal smiles at her warmly and hugs back. "Come on in you guys, we are just starting on dinner." She says and we step inside her house, taking our shoes off.

Her house is amazing, looked like something out of a movie. Eli and Sienna's toys were scattered everywhere but it still looked very welcoming. They had a huge tv, three electric couches that kinda looked like a sectional, and a huge kitchen. They also had two bathroos and two bedrooms down the hallway and four bedrooms and three bathrooms on the second floor. She also had a huge pool and garden in her backyard. I set my duffel bags down and look around to see where Darby and Sullivan are.

Ellie must have noticed since she smiled and said, "Sully is in Siennas room and Darby will be back in a minute, he went to the bathroom. Are you guys planning on staying for the night?" she says eyeing my duffel bag and I felt my cheeks start to heat up a little from embarrassment. I forgot to tell her that Tal and I wanted to sleep over, I make a mental note to work on being polite, especially around El. "Y-yea if that's ok with you and Chris." I say quickly and I notice Tal give me a teasing look about my stuttering as she watches tv. "Yea it's fine, Chris is off at his friends house anyways so you're more than welcome to." She says with her sweet warm voice as she sits next to Tal, watching tv.

She had changed clothes from the afternoon I saw her, and she was now in a tie dye matching shirt and short said that came to her mid thigh. I look before I stare too long and I grab my duffel bag and make my way into a guest room down the hallway. It was pretty nice for a guest room and I change into my normal pair of black sweatpants and a blue shirt.

I open the door and look as one of Ellen's dogs, Valentino comes to my feet and looks at me happily. I chuckle and pick him up and hold him close as I walk back to the living room. I've known Ellen for 16 almost 17 years now and Valentino has been with her all through that. I knew how much Ellen liked him and I did too, he is a really cute dog, even though he's kinda old. I sit next to Ellen and watch the movie with her and Tal, and Valentino falls asleep slowly in my arms. I really felt like I was at home now..

1093 words! Yes there's going to be a part 2 to the sleepover and let's just take a moment for Valentino, I really loved him so much, fly high Tino 🕊💙. Hope you enjoyed and leave your thoughts if you want to ✌🏼❤️. Ellen and Tals outfits will be shown, and although not Patrick's. Just imagine the outfit he had on when Derek told Mer he got the job for DC 🙃. Btw, I didn't proofread this cuz it's late at night so sorry for any grammar or spelling mistakes.

Ellen's outfit:

Tal's outfit (before she changed):

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Tal's outfit (before she changed):

Tals outfit (after she changed, she changed when El and Patty were talking):

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Tals outfit (after she changed, she changed when El and Patty were talking):

Tals outfit (after she changed, she changed when El and Patty were talking):

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