Beach wedding

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Hey y'all, it's me your bestie 😌✌🏼. Ahhh I think you can already tell by the title of what is going to happen and I'm so excited to write this part! Obviously, I don't know how Ellen and Patrick actually felt when they filmed this because I'm not them but this is my interpretation of how it might have went. I hope you enjoy besties and leave your thoughts if you want to :)

Ellen's POV:

I wipe my tears away before they come out quickly after the director yells cut and I get up quickly with Patrick following me. "El.." He says finally catching up as I start running to the trailer and he's right behind me. I stop at the door and I open it quickly and walk inside. He tries to grab my hand but I walk quickly to my room and he follows me inside just before I close the door. I sigh softly as I sit on my bed, turning my face away from him so that he couldn't see my expressions. To be honest, I don't even know why I'm acting like this, the emotions just hit me all of a sudden like a wave.

A few minutes pass by as he slowly moves next to me and he whispers to me softly, "What's going on El? I'm here if you need to talk." I finally turn my head to look at him and I notice for the first time that his eyes are full of tears too. I wipe the tears away from his ocean like eyes with my sleeve. "I'm.. I'm sorry, I don't know what got into me. I shouldn't have acted like that." I say and he nods and rubs my shoulder gently. "You don't have to apologize El, it's ok. You've been going through a lot lately and I know I can't help as much as Justin, but I'm always here for you."

I open my mouth to say something but a crew member interrupts by yelling for us from outside the trailer to change into our beach wedding outfits. We yell back that we'll be ready in a few minutes and I give Patty a thankful look as he gives me a kiss on the cheek and walks to change in his room. I get my dress from the closet and I stare at it in awe. I've wore a lot of pretty dresses before but this one just seemed so simple and special and I've always been excited to wear it ever since I've gotten it. I take my previous clothes off and I put the white dress on. It fit like a glove and I look at myself in the full sized mirror and I really do look like I'm actually getting married.

I fix my hair and makeup a little and Patrick yells from his room, "Let's do a big reveal!" I chuckle to myself at his excitement and I yell "ok!" back as I move closer to my door. "Ok let's go out of our rooms in 3..2..." he says and we both say 1 in unison as we both step outside our rooms. We both look at each other in awe and take everything in about each other. He's wearing a light greyish beige suit which makes him look 10x times hotter than he already is, which is saying something. He comes closer to me smiling and I could just feel the stupid butterflies in my stomach as he looks into my eyes..

Patrick's POV:

Words to describe El in her beach wedding dress? Beautiful, gorgeous, stunning, most beautiful thing I've ever seen. It's a white spaghetti strapped dress that covers her petite body so perfectly and it really brought our her eyes and hair. I could feel the butterflies getting stronger and even though I don't want to admit it, all I wanted to do is kiss her until I run out of breath. I take a step closer to her and I look into her beautiful greenish blue eyes as she holds out her hand for me to take. I started to tear up a little, looking her up and down again and I can see that she is tearing up too. We walk out of the trailer together, hand in hand, wiping our tears away knowing we'll probably cry a little more later but putting it on a hold for now.

Everyone looks at us smiling as we walk closer to the beach and a few people even clap a little, wiping their own tears. I realized in that moment of really how much of an impact Ellen and I had made over the years as playing Meredith and Derek and otherwise known together as "Merder". El smiles softly and grabs her flower bouquet from the table and she stands in place as I stand in mine. The Director yells after a few seconds, "And Action!"

We go into character mode as we look down at ourselves and then each other.

Derek: You hate weddings.

Mer: I hate weddings! But I would give this to her if I could.

Mer: What do you want me to promise?

I wanted to say "to love me forever" but I decide to stick to the script.

Derek: To torture yourself less.

The scene cuts as we reposition ourselves where we're only a foot apart. I look at her eyes and then her lips, she's just so mesmerizing. As we go back into action, she looks into my eyes with so much love that I wanted to break character so bad.

Mer: I don't want to leave the kids

I could hear that this was Ellen really speaking as I see the look in her eyes as she looks down at my lips too.

Derek: I don't want you to leave the kids.

I lean a little closer to her and I could smell her lavender scented hair and her vanilla scented chapstick. And in that moment, as the camera zooms out of one of our last scenes together and I had to kiss her on the cheek instead of her lips because of Covid, I knew... I knew for certain that this woman is who I want to spend the rest of my life with.

1047 words! Ok I'm getting a little emotional writing this, I still haven't recovered from that episode (I probably never will) and writing this just made all those memories come back, including me balling my eyes out when I watched that scene. So, the plot is evolving! Mr. Patty has finally admitted his love for Ms. El and I can't wait to see what happens next. I hope you enjoyed besties and leave your thoughts if you want to :). I'll leave the beautiful outfits below even tho I think we all know which ones I'm talking about ✌🏼

 I'll leave the beautiful outfits below even tho I think we all know which ones I'm talking about ✌🏼

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