Stalker vibes

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Hey besties, it's me again 😂✌🏼. I am LOVING the title idea that popped into my head while writing this, but don't take it too seriously 😂. Anyways, y'all have been asking me for Dempeo sex for so long now so here we finally are. We have reached the day y'all 😂😭. ⚠️Mature warning⚠️ and I hope you enjoy besties ;)

Ellen's POV:


I look at Patrick in shock as I lower my lamp and open the window. He sits there smirking at me and then he jumps down onto my bedroom floor and looks at me with a look full of lust and love. "What the heck are you doing here?" I ask him trying to push away the butterflies that have now started to form in my stomach. "I never left, I know it looks creepy but I decided to climb on the tree to get to the window so that I wouldn't wake up the kids. Kind of an impulse decision." He closes the window and I finally get a good look of his sweaty body in the moonlight. He's wearing the same suit he wore to dinner but his shirt is very untucked and his hair is kinda messy, hot messy tho.

I try to clear my throat and sound as normal as possible as I say, "Well you stink Patty and you need to take a bath, I'm gonna get you a towel and some clothes." Just as I turn around and start to walk to my dresser, I feel him hug me from behind and I could feel myself sinking into his arms, I'm getting wetter and wetter just by the presence of him. "Ellie.. why don't you join me?" He says in a low whisper near my ear and I turn around and look straight into his ocean blue eyes that were now overtaken with lust. "Patty.." I said in a whisper as he looks from my eyes to my lips. This time he's the one that makes the move.

He leans in and kisses me soft and slow at first, and then it got very heated and we're attacking each other's lips. His lips felt so right. It felt like I didn't need air, I just needed to be with him.

He leans us against the wall and puts his hand on one side of me. He deepens the kiss and nudges his tongue to my bottom lip, asking for entrance and I let him. Our tongues dance together and I wrap my legs around his waist as he walks us into my bathroom.

Third person POV:

They both stumble into the bathroom, her trying to stifle a moan as they take each other's clothes off and him grunting as his bulge got bigger. They both stop kissing for a minute, catching their breaths and just admiring how the other one looks. Seeing her body made him feel like he was in the presence of a goddess, she looked so delicate and fragile with her slender figure and soft hands but she looked strong at the same time, with her toned abs adding the grace to her body. She looked in awe at him, she knew how hot he looked like under his usual clothes but she's never taken in this side of him. He looked striking, with his toned muscles and abs but he also had a touch of lightness to him, with his soft ocean blue eyes.

He started to leave a valley of kisses from her lips down to her neck, giving attention to every inch of her neck and finding the areas which made her moan. She buried her head in his neck and ran her fingers through his soft silky hair. He turned the steamy shower on and stepped inside, making his way from her neck down to her chest. She let out soft moans as the hot water hit them, making both of them wet and making his hair even hotter than she thought it could be. He starts to kiss each of her breasts starting from the right and moving to the left, giving both equal attention and she felt pleasure like never before in her life.

She noticed his bulge growing more and she smirked at him as she massaged his balls. He let out a grunt and a moan as she kept massaging his balls and he leaned them against the glass wall. "Make love to me Patty." Was all she needed to say as he entered his penis inside her. They both gasped a little as she adjusted to his size, it's been quite a while since they did this and the newness was exhilarating. She quickly adjusted to his size and he started going at a slow and steady pass inside of her. The pleasure that they both were feeling at that moment, was enough to last them for a lifetime. They didn't realize it then but they will soon, that they loved each other more than words could ever describe.

It wasn't only about the sex, of course the sex always made it ten times better. But it was the moment afterward, when all they needed in this universe was each other. As he gained a faster pace inside of her, she felt her walls tighten and they both screamed in pleasure as they climaxed at the same time. He pulled out of her and kissed her softly, holding her up now that her legs started to shake.

She finally got a better grip on herself but she still leaned on his chest and closed her eyes as the water hit both of them. He began washing her hair and her body while still leaving kisses on her cheeks. The moment afterward was what she loved the most, she just felt so safe. He made her feel safer than anyone has ever made her feel in her life and she craved that feeling so much. She knew in that moment that he is the one for her.

1005 words! I got to admit, it was so new and kinda weird at first but writing in third person made everything so much easier! As y'all know, this is the first time I've ever written sex, so if you guys have any suggestions, please tell me cuz I'm always trying to improve. I seriously got butterflies from that tho, they're everything I need in life. Hope you enjoyed besties and leave your thoughts if you want to :)

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