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Hey y'all, it's me your bestie 😌✌🏼. Ahh I honestly didn't expect y'all to have that much of good feedback and excitement last part, it was so exciting seeing y'all freaking out and more of that is coming very soon!! I honestly don't know how many parts this story will be but y'all will definitely have plenty of sex scenes before I end it 😂. Anyways, hope you enjoy this part besties :)

No ones POV:

They lay in each others arms on her bed, just listening to the other one breathe. After their shower together, Patrick had the energy to take care of both of them and picked out outfits for the two of them and now they are just laying on the bed in silence. It's a comfortable silence, where the air around them seems to be flowing just because of their presence and everything else didn't matter right now, as long as they were in each other's arms. Arguably speaking, as much as Ellen loved this moment so much, there was only one person who loved it more and it was Patrick.

He was waiting for this moment, this feeling ever since he met her. He wanted to cuddle and care for her like no one else could ever come close to. In his eyes, Jill stopped being the most beautiful person he's ever met when he first looked at Ellen. It was a sad thing, sad because he never wanted to hurt Jill. Jill and Patrick's love story was entirely different and cute on its own, but Ellen and Patrick? They are the greatest love story to ever exist.

Patrick smiled softly at Ellen as he felt her breath start to rise up and fall more slowly, which had meant that she had fallen asleep in his arms. She mesmerized him, even when she was naked and asleep in his arms. Especially when she's naked and asleep in his arms. Everything she did, every laugh, every word she spoke, every hug, they are the most interesting actions to him. He loved her more than love itself, one would say that Patrick's love for Ellen is the definition of love. He started to close his eyes too and he began to remember a memory that had happened a very long time ago..

Patrick's POV (TW Isiah Washington):

Start of Flashback

I get out of my car a little nervous. This was my final audition for the role of Derek Shepherd in Grey's Anatomy and if I passed the audition today with my maybe future co star and Shonda, I would get the role of Derek Shepherd. I take a few deep breathes before walking to the set where several other men were waiting. To be honest, I was quite nervous to meet my maybe future co star, I think her name is Ellen Pompeo. The name seems familiar but I can't seem to remember where I heard it. I was gonna search her up yesterday but I just thought I should wait to actually meet her in person. One by one, they start to call the men in front of me into the room.

I'm second to last and there's a man behind me and his name tag said Isiah Washington and he kept trying to push me. I was getting kinda mad and I was gonna push him back but they called me in and I took a few deep breathes before walking into the room. I'm hoping that if I do get the role, I'll never get to see that man again.

The first person I notice as I walk into the room is Shonda. We talked before several times during my previous auditions and she was really nice and is a great writer. I smile and stand in my place as she nods at me smiling. "Hey Patrick, just state your name and the roll you're auditioning for and two things about yourself." I smile at her nodding and I say, "Hi my name is Patrick Dempsey and I'm auditioning for the role of Derek Shepherd. Two things about myself is that I love racing in cars and that I really care about my hair." I earn a few chuckles from Shonda and everyone else in the room at my second fact and I smile along.

"Ok Patrick, we'll now be testing your compatibility with Ellen, who is playing the main character of Meredith Grey. You can come out now Ellen." And there she was. The most beautiful person I've ever seen in my life walked out from behind the curtains and I just couldn't take my eyes off her. She was in costume, light blue scrubs and a lab coat on, with her hair let down. She looked straight into my eyes and I could see a natural sparkle in her greenish blue eyes. "Hi I'm Ellen, it's nice to meet you." She says and the first thought I think of is home. She's one of the first people I've seen in LA that has an East coast accent like me. "I'm Patrick, nice to meet you too. Do you happen by chance live at the East coast in the past? I lived in Maine and I recognized the accent." She smiles warm and excitedly at me and nods.

"Yea I used to live in Massachusetts! It's so nice to see someone from there too." I smile at her, not being able to take my eyes off of her until Shonda starts talking to us. "You guys will be rehearsing the elevator scene, where Meredith and Derek exchange their first kiss." My heart starts to race as I let that sink in. I get to kiss her? I quickly shove the thoughts away as I think about Jill and Talula and I look at Ellen smiling. We smile and go into character as Shonda yells action.

Meredith: I'm not dating you. And I'm definitely not sleeping with you again. You're my boss.

Derek: I'm your boss's boss.

Meredith: You're my teacher. And my teacher's teacher. And you're my teacher.

Derek: I'm your sister, I'm your daughter.

Meredith: You're sexually harassing me.

Derek: I'm riding an elevator.

I could see a hint of mischief and smile in her eyes and I look at her with the same look as we continue.

Meredith: Look, I'm drawing a line. The line is drawn. There's a big line.

Derek: So, this line. Is it imaginary, or do I need to get you a marker?

She drops her folders very quickly and kisses me. It was kind of a shock, I knew that Meredith would kiss Derek quickly but I was expecting a tad bit slower. I'm not saying I'm complaining tho. That kiss was extraordinary. It wasn't like any of the kisses I've had in the past, this one was different. It felt like the right kiss. I kiss her back with the same energy and we start to get more comfortable with each other, forgetting that people were watching us. She pulls away as we hear the ding and everyone starts clapping for us as I try to process what just happened. And that's where it all began..

End of Flashback

1200 words! That was real fun to write. Did y'all see yesterday in Instagram about what Ellen commented on Patrick's post? I thought it was hilarious when I saw her comment, like miss gurl we know that you also find Patrick gorgeous along with his watch 😂 (I'll leave a screenshot of it). Anyways, hope you enjoyed besties and leave your thoughts if you want to ✌🏼💙

 Anyways, hope you enjoyed besties and leave your thoughts if you want to ✌🏼💙

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