Sneaky Link

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Hey besties, it's me again ✌🏼. I honestly love when I get random bursts of creativity and I get better at making titles 😂.  Anyways, the title is gonna speak all the words for you so just read on 😂😌. Hope you enjoy this part besties :)

Ellen's POV:

How do I feel?

I feel happy. I feel excited, this feels just like high school and I'm loving it. I get out of my car, more smiley and elated than I've been all year. It's been 4 days since that night. That night was easily the best night of my life. I'm not gonna say that I haven't had nights like that with him in the past.. but this one felt different. This one felt special.

I walk to the set of Greys anatomy in my dark red long sleeves dress and a comfortable pair of white shoes. Krista insisted on hosting a Christmas party, with all precautions taken of course, and I'm really excited to see everyone again. As I was walking to the entrance of the door which leads to the party area, someone hugs me behind and I almost jump back from fear but I relax as I see Patty's chin on my shoulder. "Ms. Pompeo, what pleasure do I have meeting you here?" He asks chuckling and I scoot us into the corner so that no one would noticed us. "Mhm, I could ask the same about you Mr. Dempsey." I smile turning around in his arms and he's wearing a navy blue suit with his hair in his usual Mcdreamy style.

"Well since it's such a coincidence, will you come with me to the party Ms. Pompeo?" He says holding his arm out and I chuckle shaking my head. "We're keeping this a secret for now Patty, I don't even know what we are and it's best to lay low for a few weeks." He pouts at my words and he comes really close to me, so much as where our faces are just a few centimeters away from each other's. "You don't know what we are?" He says smirking and he kisses my lips passionately and I kiss back, wrapping my arms around his neck. Oh my gosh this man is good. After a few seconds, he pulled away far too quickly as I would have liked and whispered into my ear. "This'll be fun El." He winks at me and walks to the door and opens it, gesturing for me to go inside. "After you Ms. Pompeo"

I look at him in shock for a second processing what just happened and I quickly regain myself and walk through the door before stopping for a second in front of him, "we'll see who loses control first." I chuckle to myself knowing that he got turned on by that and I look around the room. It was decorated pretty well, with a disco ball hanging from the ceiling, several stations with food, some pretty good music and mostly everyone staying in small groups and wearing their masks. I spot Camilla, Justin, Jessica, Kate, Kevin, Sandra and Jesse. I walk over to them and Milla looks at me and hugs me. "It's so good to finally see you El, now tell us everything that happened after you called." I hesitate a little since there was a lot more people than I would like but I trusted them all and told them what happened (minus all the intimate details-)

At the end, they all looked at me in shock and just as Kate was about to say something, the Christmas music started and that was my chance to escape. "I'll go get a drink, I'll talk to you guys later." I quickly walk away as fast as my feet could take me to the bar. "Just champagne for me please." I say and I smile sitting down. A very familiar voice comes behind me and says, "Hmm I thought the Ellen I knew would order tequila at a party like this."

I turn around surprised and there he was. Chris O' Donnell himself smiling at me and holding his arms out. I smile and hug him quickly as I take in that he's actually here. "Oh my goodness, it's been so long Chris! When did you get here?" He smiles and looks at me while taking a sip of his glass of champagne. "I just got here a few minutes ago, Krista invited me just for fun and here I am! It's so good to see you again, how's everything been going?" As I continue to talk to him, I could see from the corner of my eye that Patty was staring at us and I could tell by the way he was adjusting his hair every five seconds that he was getting jealous. Jackpot.

I can't say that I loved it... but I kinda did. Jealous Patty is exactly what I needed for payback from earlier. I look at Chris as the slow music starts and smiles. "Wanna dance?" He smiles nodding and I walk over to the dance floor with him, clinging on to his arm more than I needed to. We start to slow dance just like we did 15 years ago for the prom episode and I could see Patty walking up to us, making such direct eye contact with me that it made my heart flutter a little. He looks at Chris putting on his Mcdreamy smile quickly and says, "I'm gonna have to steal her for a sec Chris, it's so nice to see you here." I try to look at Chris and make him say no but he hands my hand to Patty and smiles nodding.

"Yea of course Patrick, it's good seeing you too." I smile looking at Chris go and I look at Patty who's smirking at me again. I roll my eyes playfully as I put my hands around his neck and he puts his arms around my waist and it felt like they belonged there. We start dancing to the slow music, basking in each other's presence and just staring into each other's eyes like it's our lifelines. He smiles his Mcdreamy smile at me as he says the three words that made me feel like the most special girl in the world. "I love you."

1060 words! I love you doesn't mean as much to me as other people, it's kinda like three words I say every day to my friends and family but I know it means a lot to a lot of people so yea. Anyways ahh this is adorable, Imma continue the Christmas theme for one or two more parts and then we'll finally be in 2021 😂. Hope you enjoyed besties and leave your thoughts if you want to :). Here are the outfits ✌🏼❤️

Ellen's outfit:

Patrick's outfit:

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Patrick's outfit:

Patrick's outfit:

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