Justin Chambers everyone 👏🏼👏🏼

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Hey besties, it's me again and I'm back with another part. Obviously last part was kinda intense to say the least and yea. My top two favorite greys actors other than Ellen and Patrick are Justin and Camilla so that's why I'm including them a bit more than the others (probably going to include Kate a little more too cuz you can't really get enough of her 😂😌). Hope you enjoy this part besties :)

Justin's POV:

Um what's up everyone? It's me Justin Chambers, you know the one you haven't seen since I quit Greys last year and have basically disappeared off of Planet Earth? Yup that's me. I sigh as I look in the mirror of my car as I go over what I could say to everyone. Basically what happened is that I quit Greys after 16 years to focus on my mental health and here I am now, mental health slightly better but not enough but also enough to go see what's up with my best friend.

Patrick texted me a few days ago about how something was going on with El but he said that he'll explain when I come to her trailer. Now if you really know El and I and have done your research or what not, you would know that Ellen and I have been friends for a LONG time. I mean we were already friends for 8 years before we joined Greys so that means.. I don't know my brain doesn't really wanna do the math but it's been a while if you get the point. I've seen her fall in love, become very famous, have kids and basically I've been there for her for practically a huge part of her life.

And we do talk sometimes but it gets harder sometimes with my mental health and her being really busy. It's not that our friendship has gone any lesser or something because it hasn't, it's just that we both have stuff we need to deal with first. But it absolutely hurt me when I heard that somethings wrong and I am not the first one who knows about it cuz I always used to be. I respect Patrick and all but I think I'd rather hear what happened from my best friend herself than him.

I sigh softly as I reach the set, putting on my mask and cap and everything else that I need to wear to hide myself from people so that they would carry on thinking that I have still disappeared. I get out of my car quickly and into the set. Everyone that needs to know about me coming knows so no one bothers to look at me or stop me which is really helpful. I take a deep breath as I see El's familiar beige trailer and I take my steps towards the door. I hesitate a minute before knocking on the door slowly.

I wait for a minute as Patrick opens the door. "She's in her bedroom." He says whispering as he lets me in quietly and I look around. Nothing had changed except it looks more like when Patrick and Ellen shared a trailer at first in the earlier seasons. The thing is that El doesn't know that I'm here so it's kinda like a good surprise but hopefully she thinks it's good too. I walk to her room slowly and quietly, taking off my mask and cap and setting it on the table. I open the door slightly and I take a glance at her. She looks the same, a little skinner I think but she's lost her radiant glow that's always surrounding her.

It's hard to explain but basically she has this kind of glow around her when she speaks or does anything which really makes people happy and warm, including myself. "Hey Pompeo, long time no see." I say opening the door more and she looks over at me in shock and surprise. She gets off the bed quickly and throws her arms around me and I could feel a few tears drop from her eyes, which makes me kinda sad too. I hug her back tightly and I let out a sigh of relief as she cries softly into my arms. "It's ok El, I'm here. I'm sorry I couldn't be here before, but you know me. Your Justin will always be here for his Ellen." I say rubbing her back and the waterworks really start, which makes me shed a few tears too.

I really did miss her you know? Like maybe I felt like distancing myself from her would be good or something but now that I've seen her again, it feels like a part of me is back. She's kinda like um.. you know how Alex and Meredith were? That probably kinda defines our friendship. Except her Alex has come back and he's not leaving anytime soon.

As the waterworks lessen a little back, El whispers softly with her voice cracking a little "I really did miss you Justin.." she says and I really try to hold back the tears now. As our joy and sadness die down a little, I sit on the bed next to her and I rub her tears away. "Now can you tell me what happened?" I say softly and she looks away but nods quietly. She starts off the whole situation with a softer voice but she slowly but surely, gains a little more comfort and tells me what happened with a clearer voice. I stare at her in shock and silence as she finishes off telling me the whole situation, without meeting my eyes.

Personally I want to go and kill him right then and there. I can't say that I hated him when she married him because he's an "ok" dude even with his kinda creepy background, but mostly because if Ellen liked him, I needed to like him too. But I can say that he always gave off weird vibes and this just proves it. I take a few breaths trying to calm myself so that I won't come off with a rude comment on him and accidentally hurt her even more. "What should we do next?"

1038 words! Honestly I love writing Justin's POV, he's amazing to say the least. I updated kinda late but the important part is that I updated right 😙? What do you think is going to happen next with Justin and Ellen? What's going to happen with Ellen and Chris? Welp leave your thoughts if you want to and I hope you enjoyed besties :)

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