Grief and all its friends

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Hey y'all it's me, your bestie ✌🏼. Welp let's just say that one of our besties didn't take the last part well 🥲✋🏼. So kinda inspired off of her stages of grief that happened in the comment section, here we are with another part 🥲✌🏼. I hope you enjoy besties :)

Justin's POV:

It hurt. It really hurt watching Tino get put down and it's even sadder watching El so sad and it's even worse that she's silent. I've known Tino since El first adopted him and she loved that little one so much and I did too. There were countless days when Tino slept next to me in my trailer after a long night of filming and he always used to wait for us to come back from the set. He was basically my dog too if you get what I mean.

Kate has taken over driving and I'm sitting in the back seat with El. She hasn't spoken since she said her last words to Tino and she had this look on her face that is kind hard to describe. It kinda looked sad but also a little relieved? I knew that Tino meant so much to her and she only ever wanted him to be the happiest wherever he was. And I'm kinda relieved too. Relieved that he's in a place where it doesn't hurt anymore, where he can live his little dog days happily and he's probably watching over us right now. He'd want us to always be happy, and to always find the best in things.

Kate finally reached Ellen's house and we all got out of the car after she parked it in the garage. Kate and I walk beside Ellen and El stops at the door. She takes a deep breath before looking at both of us and she opens the door as her other two dogs, Gigi and Lily, come running to the door. They look up at her expectantly, as if to ask where their brother was. She didn't say anything and she just picked them both up and cuddled them as we walk into the living room. Stella, Sienna and Eli were on the couch looking at Ellen trying to read her expressions but she had a very straight face on.

She let the dogs go on the ground gently as she sat with all of them. "I'm... our Valentino.." she looked away wiping a stray tear and they all began to tear up. Ellen, Kate and I hugged the kids as a few of our own tears escaped our eyes. The pups came to us and started whimpering a little, like they understood what was happening. I missed him so much already..

Ellen's POV:

He can't be gone. He's not gone. He's just... not here for now. He'll be back. This is all a dream. When I wake up, all of this will go away and my little Tino will be right next to me. I open my eyes as I pull away slightly from the group hug. He's not here... this is actually real. And actually happening. I could feel my heartbeat rising but I decide to ignore it. The kids wiped their tears and they all go upstairs to Stella's room, taking Gigi and Lily with them. I look at Kate and Justin as I try to blink away the tears. I could barely make out both of them with my vision fuzzy from the tears.

"Thanks for coming you two. You can go now, I'll be fine." I could make out both of them giving each other a sort of hesitant look but they nodded and got up. They both gave me a hug before leaving to go to Kate's car outside. I kinda felt numb. Lifeless. I watched as the door closed and I just stand there for a moment and the world around me stops. Tino is gone. Gone.

I walk to my bedroom slowly, mustering all the energy I have left. It felt like the world around me started crashing down as I closed the door behind me. I feel myself slide down the door and I could really feel the tears coming out now. All these emotions are just coming up at once and I couldn't do anything to stop them... just as I couldn't save him. I just sit there, letting everything and everyone sink in around me. My beautiful Tino.. I loved him so much.

Third Person POV:

She sits there in what felt like her empty bedroom. The afternoon sun is up like always. The birds are singing their songs outside and everything was fine outside that room. But inside the room is a whole different story. Inside the room is despair and sadness and so much more. She didn't just lose her dog, she lost her lifelong companion. She lost the one part of her that she thought was stable.. the one part that she thought that nothing would ever go wrong with. And this is where she had entered the first stage of her grief... Denial.

The fact that her dog died wasn't present yet. In her mind, she'll wake up and everything will be ok. In her mind... her best friend didn't die. Her yellow was still there, waiting for her to open the door any second so that he could jump on her and cuddle her with kisses and licks. And then they would watch a movie together and he'd be her little teddy bear..

But that isn't the case here. And she knew it. She just couldn't accept it yet. The pain.. would it ever go away? Probably not. At that moment in time, she felt like this pain would go on forever and forever. Like it would just stab her over and over again. But she knew there was only one person who she could do this with. There was one her person that could be her rock.. who would understand her pain and he would share it with her. He would be there for her. Patrick.

1010 words! Welp sorry for the late update yall. I know that Gigi and Lily are her other dogs names but please correct me if I'm wrong or if El has more dogs 😅. This was my first time writing in third person and it was actually kinda fun so I may do it again but leave your thoughts about it if you want to. I know it's kinda gloomy rn but the happy parts will come soon, I hope you enjoyed besties :)

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