After Dinner

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Hey y'all it's me, your bestie 😌✌🏼. I know I've said I would update more frequently but apparently my lazy ass isn't cooperating so I'm sorry for the kinda late updates 🥲. Also my cousins are coming over soon and they'll be staying for a month so idk how often I'll update. Anyways, hope you enjoy this part besties :)

Ellen's POV:

I just did that. I just kissed Patrick Galen Dempsey. I look around me in alarm to see if my kids noticed but thankfully they all went to bed and the nanny Holly looks like she just finished cleaning up. "Hey Ms. Ellen, how did your date go?" She says smiling at me and I do my best to act normal. "It went good Holly, thanks for taking care of the kids." She smiles politely and nods in response and gathers her stuff to leave. I wave goodbye to her and I go to my bedroom upstairs after taking my shoes off.

I let out a big exhale as I close the door to my room and I walk into my bathroom. My hair is a little messy so I start to comb it as I look at my phone which is blowing up with messages from Camilla and Jess. I smile as I read through them and I decide to call them and Justin. I start to comb my hair more as they all answer the phone.

Camilla: What Happened?! Your hair is messy! Wait did you guys make out? Well I don't think you brought him inside if you're calling us- or he could be waiting in the bedroom and you guys might be about to have se-

Justin: Camilla let's slow down for a second and let her explain what happened.

I laugh softly and smile gratefully at Justin as I begin to tell them about what happened just a few minutes ago. Thankfully, no one interrupts me this time but all of their eyes widen so much it looked like they were about to pop out as I tell them the last part. "And then I kissed him." There is a moment of silence before they all start to bombard me with questions and after a minute, they all start to calm down and Jess is the first one to speak up.

Jessica: Well first of all, I knew this was gonna happen! I'm so glad you finally made the move but I have to say I'm not surprised that you did it first.

I chuckle in response as I pick out my night clothes while they continue talking together about the kiss. I couldn't stop thinking about the kiss since it happened.. how badly I wanted it. How amazingly smooth his lips are. How right that kiss felt..

My thoughts are interrupted as I hear a baby crying and Camilla looks at us waving quickly. I wave goodbye and tell her to say hi to baby Lucas for me as I cut the call. I decide to wear a comfy grey long sleeve crewneck shirt with a butterfly on it with a matching pair of shorts. After I put those on, I do my usual skin care and hygiene and I walk out of the bathroom, ready to go to bed. Just as I was about to hop onto the bed, I hear a few knocks on the door and I hear Sienna's voice, "I'm coming in mommy." Sienna has been working hard on trying to be respectful to people's privacy and she's been making great progress on that. I sit on the edge of my bed as she comes in the room with her pjs on and sits beside me.

"I missed you so much when you were gone mommy and Eli and I got so worried so I decided to stay awake until you came back." I smile at her words and I hug her and stroke her hair as she scoots closer to me. My kids sure are the most precious people to me in the world, it's amazing how much you can love three human beings with that much of your heart and soul. "You don't have to worry about me Sienna, I'm the one who's always worrying about you guys. I promise I'll spend more time at home with you guys and we can go to so many places together." She closes her eyes as she puts her head on my lap and I rub her hand gently. "That sounds so good mommy, I can't wait.." She says those last words in a yawn and I stroke her hand a little more until she falls asleep.

I carefully carry her back to her bedroom and I tuck her in after I lay her on the bed gently. "Sweet dreams my little girl, mom loves you." I kiss her on the forehead and I walk back to my room. As I reach my room, the first thing I spot is a light coming from the window but I shrug it off and walk to my bed. I can't stop thinking about him. I keep wondering if this has been moving too fast since we just got our own divorces a couple weeks ago but then I remember that we've been in love longer than I realized. Patty knew first, he gets this kind of stuff and he's been showered with enough love where he knew what true love felt like. And I.. took a little more time, I think I kept denying that I loved him until the end of season 2.

As I continue to think about Patty, I start to notice the light again that is flashing on and off from outside the main window. Fear and panic start to form as I grab my lamp to protect myself, in case of someone trying to break in. I already have a really good security system anyway so it's surprising to see that the person even made it to the window if it's not someone who I gave my house code to. As I walk closer to the window, I see a familiar figure sitting on the edge of the window and smirking at me. "Patty?"

1035 words! First of all, my cousins already came and stuff so yea but again, I'll try my very hardest to update. Second, I did NOT expect to write that, honestly my brain is very random at midnight but that's why y'all love me.. right 😂🥲? Anyways, leave your thoughts if you want to and I hope you enjoyed besties :). Here's Ellen's outfit ✌🏼❤️

Ellen's outfit:

Ellen's outfit:

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