On Set

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This is probably horribly late by the time I publish this but enjoy✌🏼

Ellen's POV:

I close the door to my trailer and put my stuff on the couch as I sit down. This is going to be way harder than I thought it would be. He's right here on set, all 5 feet 10 inches of him. It's just so hard to resist. I get up and pace back and forth in my room, trying to push the thoughts away. I'm married, I have three beautiful kids and I have a beautiful life. I need to stop thinking about him. I give myself a small nod and go to the bathroom to fix my hair before I go to the table read.

I'm wearing a long sleeved white buttoned shirt, with the top button unbuttoned and loosely untucked with a comfortable pair of high waisted grey pants. I smoothed my hair out before taking one last look at myself in the bathroom mirror and going back to the main area to grab my stuff. I grab my script, my phone, my mask and my keys and I make my way out of the trailer. I lock the door behind me as I step outside.

It's a bright sunny day and the warm air blows against my cheeks. I walk confidently to the table read room, greeting the crew as I pass. I open the door to the table read room and see a few familiar faces. I see Camilla, Debbie, Anthony, Caterina, Kim,  Kelly, Greg, Chris, Richard, Chandra, James, Kevin, Giacomo, Jesse and Krista. We all had to take seats farther than we usually do but we got used to it pretty quickly. I walk to my usual seat and see Kevin and Caterina talking to each other and I give a little wave and they wave back. My seat was right between Camilla and Giacomo so I started talking to milla, waiting for Krista to start the table read.

"For this part, I need some of you guys to leave the room." Krista says looking up from her script and mostly everyone except me, Krista, Debbie, James, Kevin and Chandra leave the room. I realize that Krista is finally going to announce Patrick's coming back and it needs to be kept secret. I glance at the door for a second and then at Krista and she gives me a small nod and I nod back.

"One of our old cast members has agreed to come back today." She says and James and Chandra look at each other with shock, while Kevin glances at me and gives a quick smile . "We have to keep this top secret so I am trusting that you guys won't tell this to anyone." They all nod quickly and I glance at the door again. "Come in." Krista says and Patrick walks in.

There's a moment of silence, so quiet that I could hear my own heartbeat. Me looking at James and Chandra who are surprised, James and Chandra looking at Patrick in shock, Krista and Debbie exchanging looks seeing the reactions, Kevin looking at Patty smiling. And I could feel Patty staring at me.

"Hey guys, it's good to be back. I would hug everyone right now but obviously we can't so let's just start on the table read." Patty says breaking the silence and sitting on Giacomo's chair right next to mine. We exchange a smile and we start the table read for the scenes that Patty's in. He doesn't have too many lines but it's more acting the part, and he's doing a great job as always at it.

After the table read, I get up and start walking toward my trailer and Patty catches up with me. "Hey, that was a great table read. Also can I ask you something?" He says looking at me, definitely smiling under his black mask. I smile back and nod. "Yea sure, what is it Patty?" I say unlocking the door to my trailer. He hesitates a little before saying the words out quickly, like he would change his mind if he said it too slow.

"Can we share a trailer, like old times? I know I have my own trailer and all but this one seems more... comforting." He says and waits as I look at him in shock. "Patty I would love to but we're in the middle of a pandemic and we can't." I say going into my trailer, him following right behind me. He thinks for a second and then he says, "How about sharing the rooms? There's two rooms in this trailer and we can share and maintain distance and safety." He sits down on the couch waiting for me to answer, staring at me with his piercing blue eyes. I think for a moment, looking back at him before I answer.

"Fine, we can do that." I say trying not to let the joy creep into my tone and I watch as his face lights up. "You won't regret it Ellie, I promise." He says, looking as happy as a little kid who got what he wanted and he quickly walked out of my trailer to go get his stuff. I chuckle softly as I see him go and I sit down on the couch looking around. As much as safety and distance is one of the main things about him sharing this trailer with me, I can't let him know the other reason...

I look at the rooms once again and start taking some of my stuff out of Patrick's old room. I didn't really change anything in there except store a few of my clothes so it was pretty easy. Patty came back with his stuff in a box and he started unpacking everything. I insisted on helping but he said he got it so I just sat on the couch, watching his every move. It's going to be great sharing a trailer with him again, I just don't know how much more I could resist...

1010 words! Sorry again, this was horribly late. Leave any song suggestions to add to the parts or any suggestions to make this better. I'm thinking next part will be more of a look into the past 👀. Anyway hope you enjoyed and here's Ellen's outfit ❤️

 Anyway hope you enjoyed and here's Ellen's outfit ❤️

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