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Here I am.. Again because I know y'all love me. Kinda 😗✌🏼. I would love to say that this will be going the way you want me it to... but it won't cuz I'm evil 🙃. Anyway enjoy and don't feel discouraged because I won't end this story without having Patty and Ellie make out 😂❤️. Happy Easter btw, I don't really celebrate Easter but Happy Easter to those who do 🤍

Ellen's POV:

We stood there, at the back of my trailer. We're kissing each other passionately, like we're each other's life force. My legs are wrapped around Patty's hip and Patty is leaning against the trailer, kissing me and I let out soft moans as he starts to kiss my neck. And then we hear talking.

"Dad is taking a while, let's go see where he is at." Darby says after we hear the sound of the trailer door opening and we quickly stop kissing each other and I get off him. I smooth my hair and adjust my shirt a little and Patty smooths his hair too and adjusts his shirt and pants. I could see a bulge in his pants and I shoot him a teasing smile and he shoots me a teasing glare back. And then it hits me. What the heck did I just do?! I'm married, I have kids! What does this mean?! I find myself asking the same question Meredith asked Derek at the end of the prom scene. I look at Patty with a "we'll talk about this later look" and he nods a little and we both make our way to the front of the trailer.

Darby looks at us confused. "Uh, why did you guys come from there? Isn't the film place over there? He says pointing at the set and I was about to tell him an excuse but Patty thought of one faster. "We just finished the scene and we were just taking a walk around the trailers." He says, flashing a Mcdreamy smile at his son and I smile too. Darby looked confused again but then he nods. "Ok but Mrs. Ellen, did you get hurt or something? That seems like a nasty bruise." He says pointing to my neck and it was my turn to look at him confused. "What bruise?" I say as Darby hands me his phone with the camera on for me to take a closer look and sure enough, there's a reddish purple "bruise" on my neck.

I glare at Patty as he tries not to laugh and I look back at Darby. "Yea, just hit a branch. I didn't notice it left a bruise tho, thanks for telling me." I smile and Darby smiles back, less confused and he has a more softened expression. "Oh ok, be careful next time Mrs. Ellen. I'm having a great time with Sienna and Eli, they're really fun by the way." He says as we all walk back into the trailer. I smile and nod as Darby goes back to playing with the kids and their legos and I look at Patty with a "we're going to talk about this" look and I start to walk into my bedroom.

As I open the door slowly, I could see Stel and Sully holding hands and they both were staring at the ceiling, talking softly. They were kinda cute I had to admit but my mom instincts really really wanted me to go in between them and take Stella's hand away from his. I sigh softly. As much as I want to protect her, she needs to make memories too, good and bad and I can't stop her from that. And it was just a handhold, friends do that all the time. I close the door slowly so that my overthinking brain wouldn't think of other scenarios and I walk towards Patty's bedroom, with him following right behind me.

I sit on the edge of his bed and he sits next to me after closing the door behind him. There's a moment of awkward silence before I speak up. "What does this mean Patrick...? We can't just do that. We're both married and we have three beautiful kids each. I thought we left these feelings in the past..." I say and he speaks up right as I hesitate. "I know El.. I know that we are both married and I know that we both have children of our own. I'm sorry for doing that... but I would be lying if I said I regret it." He says staring right into my eyes and I stare back in shock.

A flood of emotions and thoughts race across my mind. What. Did. He. Just. Say. I was trying to look for any teasing in his eyes but he looked pretty serious. As I was still collecting and dealing with the rush of emotions, Patty's phone rang. He picks up and says a few words like "Uh huh", "sure", "I'll do it" and "ok see you later" and then he hangs up. He looks at me and sighs softly.

He gives me a kiss on the cheek. "I'll see you later ok? Jill needs me to go pick up some groceries. I'll leave the kids here if that's ok, they seem to be enjoying their time here and if it gets past 7:00 pm then take em back to your house and I'll pick them up tomorrow morning." He flashes me another Mcdreamy smile and he stopped at the at the doorway to the living area, saying one last thing before he left. "And make sure you cover the bruise Pompeo, it looks pretty dark." He says laughing and going out of the room.

After I spend another moment processing what just happened, I snap out of my thoughts and I quickly go out of his room and to the kitchen to grab a whisk and I made my way to the bathroom, locking the door behind me. I felt like a teenage girl again, trying to get rid of my hickey from some boy with a teenage trick that I saw on TikTok. The bruise started to fade slightly as I twisted the whisk on it repeatedly and as it faded a little more, I quickly covered it with makeup.

I look at it one more time, satisfied that it was fully covered and I made my way out of the bathroom and I put the whisk in the sink. I look at Darby playing with Sienna and Eli and I smile softly. And then I started to wonder if this might happen again...

1103 words! Ok imma put this as mature after I publish this, so by the time you see this, this will probably be rated as mature 😗✌🏼. Sksksksks Dempsey, wow man some of those lines were smooth af 😂😌. Hope you enjoyed the story and leave your thoughts if you want to ✌🏼

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