At the Farm

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Hey besties, it's me your bestie 😂😌✌🏼. I'm listening to Breathe Deep while writing this so I feel at peace a little. Anyways let's see what happens with everyone! I think there's going to be more than just Ellen and Patrick's POV this time but we'll see :)

Talula's POV:

I walk into the little room that Iona uses as a hideout room type of thing. She makes pretty cool clay pots that I find really creative and her latest one is a flower one. She looks at me as she sits on her seat and I smile, feeling my cheeks heat up a little. "Wanna watch me make a clay pot?" She says smiling softly and I nod smiling at how amazing she looks. She's wearing a flowerly pink tank top shirt with a pair of jeans and pink fingerless gloves. She starts shaping the clay after she puts it on the sculpting table and I watch in awe as she shapes it into a bowl and then a cup. She finishes shaping it and puts it into the kiln carefully with gloves and staying safe.

"That was so impressive." I say as we walk together outside of the room and to the garden. "I have something for you Talula." Iona says as we reach the tree overlooking the hill. "What is it?" I look at her, sitting on the soft grass next to her. She hesitates a little as she stares into my eyes and then she pulls out a black box. I look at it puzzled and I stare in awe and shock as she opens it. It is a necklace with our initials on it and it's a rose gold color.

"Talula, from the moment we became friends, I've always known that there was something different and amazing about you. The way your laugh can light up a whole room or how mesmerizing your eyes are when you smile really big. I just want to make you mine, so will you be my girlfriend." She holds out the necklace in her hand and smile at me nervously as I continue to process what happened. After what seemed like an hour of looking into each other's eyes even tho it was only a minute, I managed to say "yes." She put the necklace around my neck and showed that she had the same one but silver and I kissed her passionately. It felt so right and I felt happier than I've ever felt in my life.

Darby's POV:

You know how awkward it is to be the third wheel? It's even grosser when the people you third wheel say they're "just friends". Yea right mates, I've heard that saying one too many times, this is just like Adrien and Marinette in MLB. Plus how does Sully think he can hide his love for Stella, first of all I'm his freaking twin. Second of all, the amount of blush on his cheeks whenever she's around looks like he did a whole makeup look.

All of these thoughts go through my mind as I sit there looking at the two lovebirds giggle and laugh together about some funny thing that I had no care about whatsoever. Sully dressed pretty nice today, probably since he's hanging out with Stella. Stella is wearing a white buttoned up shirt tied up at the hem of her shirt and a pair of light blue denim shorts paired with brown sandals. I get up from the room and walk out turning to see if they notice but they're too immersed in their conversation. I roll my eyes and walk around the barn, exploring the surroundings. I see a girl with auburn hair in the far distance and I start to walk to her waving my arms to see if she notices me. She looks right into my eyes and I could tell even then that she had the most piercing hazel eyes.

She waves back smiling and I breathe a sigh in relief as I walk to her, glad that she didn't get scared off or something. She waits for me to walk to her and then there's a woman's voice calling something and she gives me a "we'll see each other but bye for now" look and ran off to her house. I thought about following her but I think that would be an invasion of privacy since we just looked at each other so I sighed and walked back to the farm. If only I could meet her...

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