New Years!

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Hey y'all, it's me your bestie 😌✌🏼. Imma stir up some drama- I feel feisty today and we gonna have a rollercoaster of emotions. I feel like Shonda rn- jk no ones dying 💀✋🏼. Anyways um, hope you enjoy reading besties ;)

Patrick's POV:

My first New Years with El by my side.

It feels like a dream. I did celebrate New Years with her a couple times before but we were both married to different people and.. we couldn't share the first kiss of the year together. I do admit that it wasn't the best watching her kiss another man at the beginning of a new year. That was supposed to be me. But this time, I finally get to share the first kiss of 2021 with the love of my life.

Ellie threw a Christmas party at her house this year, well it's more like a small gathering of friends. It's mostly everyone from the Greys cast, new and old, and it's always fun to see everyone. So far it's 11:00 and Caterina, Jessica, Camilla, Justin, Kevin, James, Eric, Sandra, Sarah, Anthony, Kelly, Katherine, T.R., Richard, Jaicy and Debbie have all arrived. Greg, Alex, Kim, Jason, Jesse, Jake, Chris, Chyler and Chandra couldn't make it since they had different plans of their own.

I go over to El who looks gorgeous as always. She's in a black long sleeved dress with a few sequins on the sleeves. She looks around with a stressed look and I just walk up to her and give her a hug. I could feel her relax in my arms as she hugs back and after a few seconds, I pull away and look at her who now looks way more relaxed. "Thank you, I really needed that." She says smiling softly and I smile rubbing her cheek gently. "Tell me when you need another one, I can give all the hugs in the world." She smiles at me gratefully and just as I start walking to go talk to James, T.R. and Eric, the doorbell rings.

El goes and opens the door and hugs the person at the door who showed up holding a bottle of wine. Giacomo. She hugs him for 5 seconds, 5 more than I'd like it to be. I have nothing against him.. except that he's been El's longest romantic interest after me and something about how close they are doesn't sit right with me. He looks at her smiling and hands her the bottle of wine. "It's so good to see you El, thanks for inviting me amore." Amore. Anyone else probably wouldn't understand that but I for one knew what that word meant. Love.

She doesn't look like she minded as much as me tho, she lets him into the house and he stays by her. Everywhere she goes, to talk, to grab food, to sit down, he's right behind her. Like an annoying little fly that you just can't get rid of. "Go get your girl Dempsey." Eric whispers to me as he catches me staring at El and Giacomo. I excuse myself from the conversation as I walk over to El and Giacomo, who are talking to each other. I make sure to stand as close to El as I can and I look at both of them, plastering my best Mcdreamy smile on my face.

"I don't believe we've met. I'm Patrick Dempsey." I say interrupting their conversation and looking at Giacomo. He stands up and looks at me and then at El. "I'm Giacomo, Ellie's love interest." Ellie. I don't really like that he can call her that. Only I can call her that.. and Justin too of course. "Oh Ellie and I have known each other for 17 years now, we're very close." I wink at Ellie and she smiles back softly. Giacomo looks at me and Ellie and I could see that he was trying to hold back some stuff, his smile didn't show it but his eyes do.

El must have sensed the tension between us as she stood up and takes my hand. "Oh look, it's 11:40 Patty and I need to um... go refill drinks! I'll see you later Giacamo." She walks away dragging me along before he got to answer and I turn back smirking at him as he looks at us confused and a little surprised. After we reach the kitchen, where mostly no one is now except the dogs, she turns around and gives me her "what the heck were you thinking" look. I smile back innocently and cross my arms as I stand in front of her. "What?! Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Oh you know why Patty, what the hell was that?! I can't have a fight or argument happen at New Years, you're supposed to be helping me not making things worse." Now it was her turn to cross her arms and I look at her sheepishly. "I know, I know I'll try to be more friendly." She finally stop staring at me with her stern look and smiles a little. "Thank you, now come on, it's almost time for the new year to start." I look at the time and it's 11:55.

I walk with El and everyone else to the backyard as the timer shows up for two more minutes and some people sit down on chairs as everyone else stands. I wrap my arms around Ellie to keep her warm and we stand there, snuggling with each other as the timer goes down to one more minute. I could see from the corner of my eye as Giacomo watches us, with a frustrated look and I kiss Ellie's neck just to add effect. Ok I know I sound bad but it's just so fun when you just know that she's mine and not anyone's else's. I watch with El as the timer ticks down to ten seconds. "You know I love you right?" El says softly to me and I smile looking at her and I kiss her cheek as the clock goes down to 5 seconds. "I love you Ellen Kathleen Pompeo, I always have and I always will." And just like that, the clock goes to zero and I kissed her passionately. It was my first kiss of the year and it was with the right person this time.

1064 words! First off, I mean no disrespect to Giacamo, he's a great dude. I love his personality and he has a beautiful wife and they're a really cute couple. Second, that was so fun to write. People being jealous is so fun to write especially Patrick being jealous 😂. Hope you enjoyed besties and that's a wrap to the parts of 2020, can't wait to write 2021 :). Here's Ellen and Patrick's outfits ✌🏼❤️.

Ellen's outfit:

Patrick's outfit:

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Patrick's outfit:

Patrick's outfit:

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