Merry Christmas!

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Hey y'all, it's me your bestie 😌✌🏼. I'm really sorry for the late update y'all, I kept putting it off and I got really busy (not really, just lazy 💀). Anyways, this is gonna be more at home than at the party so yea! I hope you enjoy besties :)

Ellen's POV:

I love you.

Three simple words really, I say it all the time. But this time it's different. Patty and I tell each other "I love you" all the time but this time just seemed.. different. More romantic.

Right now, Patty is driving us back to my house. It's been a fun night of dancing and talking but now I'm exhausted and he offered to drive me home and obviously I couldn't not take the offer. I can't keep my eyes off of him tho. I don't know how he manages it (probably a lot of hair product), but he looked just as handsome as he did at the beginning of the night when I first saw him. Or maybe it's just because he's Patrick Dempsey.

I keep staring at him for a few minutes and I quickly look away as he catches my eye. I could see him smiling at the corner of my eye as he slowly puts his hand on my leg. His touch sends shivers down my spine and I tried to control my breathing as I put my hand on top of his. Neither of us had to talk, it's like we understand each other without having to say one word and I really love that about Patty and I. We finally reach my house after a few minutes and he was about to park his car in front of my house but I look right into his eyes and say, "How about you sleepover for the night?"

He looked at me a little surprised and he nods smiling and drives into my garage as I open it with my phone. "I'd love that, no one else I'd rather spend the night before Christmas with." His words sent a little warmth through my body as we both get out of the car and we walk inside the house through the door. We both take off our shoes as Stella, Sienna and Eli run to me, all three of them wearing Christmas pjs. They hug me and they notice Patrick and go to hug him too. "It's so nice to see you Uncle Patrick, I missed you a lot." Sienna said and Patty and I exchanged a soft smile.

"I missed you guys too, I promise I'll visit more if your mom lets me." He gives me a mischievous smirk as the kids come over to me, asking if he could visit more. "I don't see a problem with it, Uncle Patrick can visit as much as he wants to." The kids smile happily and so does Patrick as we all walk into the living room. "It's almost time for bed, let's go get you guys tucked in." I say to the kids as we all walk upstairs and I go to each of their rooms, tucking them in and saying good night. After I finished tucking Eli in, I finally walk into my bedroom to change with Patrick following me.

"What do you think you're doing?" I say as he follows me into my room and lays down on my bed. "Well, I don't have any clothes to change to and your bed is comfy." He says looking up at me and smirking as I go into my closet to pick out some Christmasy clothes and he follows me inside. "Wanna go again?" He says hugging me from behind as I pick out matching grey Christmas Plaid printed pjs and I look at him, a little shocked, and hit him softly with my shirt. "Patrick Galen Dempsey, it's Christmas Eve and I'm not going to spend the night like that. Tonight, we're gonna watch Christmas movies and stay up until midnight together." He smiles at me softly as I turn around to face him and kisses me softly. "I'd love that Ellie but can I please have something to change to because this suit is kinda not going to match well with the mood you know?"

I chuckle softly and kiss him back gently as I get one of my oversized t shirts out and one of his old sweat pants that he left over a while ago.. and that's another long story. "How do you have one of my pant-" I interrupt him by kissing him again and pulling away just as he tries to deepen the kiss. "I never reveal my secrets, now I need to go change." I say and he looks at me with another little smirk. "We've seen each other naked plenty of times, I have no problem with us just changing in your closet." I look at him for a sec trying to see if this is a good idea or not but the glint in his eyes just made me give in. I started changing into my clothes as he changed into his and I could just feel him staring at me the whole time.

"Quit staring Mr." I say finally catching his eye after I finish changing and he quickly looks away, turning a light shade of red. "It's not my fault that you look that beautiful." I roll my eyes and laugh softly at his cute excuse and he finishes changing quickly. We both head out of the room together and down the stairs as I go into the kitchen and Patty gets comfy on the couch, playing with my dogs, Gigi and Lily.

I make us some hot chocolate as he puts the movie Holidate on. I settle into the spot beside him after I give him his cup of hot chocolate and I smile at his choice of movie. "I love that movie and Jess's character was definitely my favorite." I say chucking and he smiles and nods along as we both sip on our hot chocolate and the movie starts. I could feel that somehow, as the movie continued to play, I got closer and closer to him and by the time we were half way into the movie, I'm cuddling with him. In that moment in time, I needed nothing else except being with him. We've known each other for so long but this feels new... and just so so right. There's no one else I'd rather spend my Christmas with.

1089 words! Again so very sorry for the late update, I'm lazy af 🥲. This will maybe be the last part to the Christmasy stuff and I'm pretty sure next part will be New Years (or maybe I'll continue this for one more part 🤷🏻‍♀️). Anyways, hope you enjoyed besties and here's Ellen's outfit because I didn't really describe Patty's outfit and I think we can all just imagine him in his checkered pants and blue shirt 😂.

Ellen's outfit:

Ellen's outfit:

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