Hanging out?

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So I'm writing this before I start to actually write this and I have no idea what is going to happen and I'm the author 😂😭. Anyways, enjoy the story? 😂😂✌🏼

Patrick's POV:

After I wake up and go through my morning routine, I call Ellen. It rings a few times before she picks up the phone.

Ellen: Hey Patty, what's up?

She says with her soothing Boston accent, which sends a wave of warmth across my body.

Patrick: Hey El, I was wondering if you could put Stella on video call. I know it's kinda weird to ask but Sullivan has been feeling really left out from school and I was hoping that maybe Stella and him would have something in common.

There's a long pause and I wait for her to respond, with thoughts racing across my head. What if she's upset about this. Did I push too far? We only just came in contact after years. And Stella probably doesn't even remember me! I fiddle a little with my pens on my desk in my office room as I wait for her to answer.

Ellen: Yea sure, I'll put her on FaceTime when he's ready to talk to her.

I breathe a small internal sigh of relief and go to Sully's room. His room is pretty big, just a little bit bigger than my office room. He cleaned up his room yesterday so everything is where it should be. There's a mahogany bookshelf in the right side, with a few cupboards to put his stuff across the room. He also had a tv in his room facing his bed and his walls are painted grey, while the ceiling is blue. I come up to him as he's sitting on the bed, looking at the tv.

"I got Stella on the line, you ready?" I say and he looks at me, switching off the tv. He straightens his shirt a little and his hair, which he does every time he is on call with someone.

Patrick: He's ready

I say, switching on the FaceTime button and handing over the phone to Sully, who looks a little nervous. A bright, clear voice speaks after a few seconds.

Stella: Hey it's me Stella, it's nice finally talking to you again Sullivan.

I smile at how much her voice has matured since the last time I've heard it and I go out of the room and close the door and I hear a few laughs from his room, which I take as a good sign. I make my way down the stairs again and to my office room. I sit on the chair in front of my desk and I fiddle with my pens a little, feeling a bit bored. Then an idea pops in my brain. I open my MacBook and start a Google meeting with Ellen. I really hope she picks up, it's a wild idea and I haven't even told her about it. I wait for a minute before I see Ellen pop up on the screen with her signature smile that sends a few butterflies in my stomach.

She looks like she's wearing a casual white jumpsuit and a necklace and light makeup on. I smile and wave at her and she waves back.

Patrick: Hey El, how are you? You look beautiful today!

Ellen: Hey Patty, I'm great thank you. How are you and what are you up to?

Patrick: oh nothing much, just a boring day today and I still need to eat lunch

Ellen: oh me too. If you're up to it, wanna get lunch together?

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