Part 1 - High School

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A/N (on May 16th, 2023)- I really appreciate any and all of the new reads! This was my first story, and it was published over 2 years ago! Damn, crazy to think about it. If you want to check out my other stories, please feel free as well, or just this one! <3

Edit (about 6 months later)- my apologies that this story does not have room to comment after certain sections, only the end of the chapters. This was my first story, didn't really know what I was doing! So I am sorry for that.

I felt like I was going to throw up. Like two seconds away from having to run into one of the bathroom stalls and get rid of my lunch- pleasant, I know.
You can do this, Blake. I said to myself. I knew how to play soccer. I just had to do exactly what my body knew how to do.
I walked up to one of the mirrors and looked at myself, in my loose black t-shirt and workout shorts. I pulled my golden blonde hair out of its scrunchie and bent over to put it back into another high ponytail. The other one wasn't quite right.
I paced around for a moment. It was really quiet in the locker room. I enjoyed the peace. But wait...why the was there no one else in here? I really felt like I was going to throw up now. I looked up at the clock, dreading what time it was.
3:30. Fuck. I had to be out on that field at 3:20. I was so damn nervous I didn't even notice everyone else exiting the locker room and into the gym.
Should I just skip? No. I couldn't skip. My mom would absolutely kill me. I took a deep breath, and told myself I had to do this. Word would get back to her if I didn't show up for the Varsity team tryouts.
I walked out from the locker room, hands shaking, and a moment later I was at the gym entrance. The spacious gym I had been having my Physical Education classes in for the past almost 2 years of high school. But it was different today. I was trying out to benefit my future.
The group of girls trying out were sitting on the ground, all in their t-shirts or tank tops and shorts.
Standing up at the front was Taylor Carter, soccer team captain, who was graduating, and a taller, toned girl with light blonde hair. She was talking- I guess she was going to be the new captain.
I stood at the entrance of the gym, frozen for a moment.
The blonde girl was saying something about how she was going to miss Taylor, when she met my eyes. They narrowed a bit, and she said, "Are you here for tryouts?"
I swallowed. I was hoping I could just slip into the gym unnoticed. "Um, yes."
"You're late." She said, crossing her toned arms. She just kept looking at me.
"I know. I'm sorry." I said. My heart was pounding, it felt like it might pound out of my chest any second. My throat was dry. Why couldn't this girl just have said nothing to me?
"And you expect me to let you tryout? Punctuality is very important." She kept going on.
"I-I am so sorry." was all I could muster out.
She just kept looking at me. Finally, Taylor Carter spoke up.
"It's okay." Taylor said, glancing at the blonde bitch and then me, "Just try to not be late next time."
"If there is a next time." The blonde girl said, "Take a seat. What's your name?"
"Blake." I said.
She simply nodded. I walked into the gym and sat down, feeling humiliated. I could feel tears springing to my eyes. But I blinked them back. Hopefully the worst of it was over.
Nerves somehow work in my favor. During the tryouts I did well with shooting, ball handling, sprints, and scrimmage. I kept looking over to the blonde girl, who I noticed looking back at me. She probably hated that I wasn't failing miserably at tryouts like some of the other girls, who I genuinely felt bad for.
Tryouts lasted 45 minutes, and there was another round of them in a few days for whoever made the first cut.
"Alright, newbies. That's the end." said the blonde girl loudly, signaling the end of tryouts.
"That was brutal." the girl standing next to me muttered. She was covered in sweat, as was I. I needed a drink of water.
"We will be posting the results of who made it to the final tryout round tomorrow." Taylor said, "Nice work, girls."
I walked off, accepting that I did the very best I could do. I headed toward the vending machines to get a bottle of water, I made sure to bring a dollar bill with me and keep it folded in my shorts pocket.
I had stuck my dollar bill in the vending machine and pressed the button for a bottle of Dasani water when I heard a voice behind me say,
"You actually impressed me out there."
I knew who it was. I turned around. It was her, the blonde girl who humiliated me earlier. I looked at her up close and not at the distance from where we were at before.
Her light blonde hair was a little past her shoulders and was slightly wavy. She had big light brown eyes that added a look of innocence to her. Her nose was slightly rounded at the end and her cheeks were flushed. But...her body. I knew I was looking a second too long. She only had on a sports bra and hoodie with her shorts, and I could see her toned stomach. Her legs were muscular and toned, and she was taller than me by a few inches.
I wondered how I should respond. Should I match her bitchiness? Let it roll off my back?
I decided on the second option. Best to not piss off the new team captain.
"Thanks. Hopefully it made up for me showing up late."
"I guess we will just have to see, won't we Blake?" she responded mischievously. The sound her saying my name did something to me- and I wasn't quite sure what.
"What is your name, I didn't catch it." I said.
"Brianna Wren."
"Okay, Brianna. Hopefully I'll be seeing more of you. You know- because I made the team."
She looked directly at me. "I think you definitely will be, newbie."
We met eyes for a moment. And in that moment, I knew I had trouble on my hands.

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