Part 17- High School

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Before I knew it, April rolled around and Brianna's last soccer season had started. It made me oddly sad, knowing that this was the last season she would be playing. I think also because I knew she wouldn't be playing after she graduated. It felt like the end of an era. It felt really nostalgic the day we started to hold tryouts for next year and Brianna "passed on" team captain title to Ellen Howell.
May rolled around and prom was on everyone's mind. I was not sure if Brianna and I would be going that would even work at all.
One day when we were hanging out in her room we talked about it.
"So...prom." She said, I was laying on her chest and her arm was around me.
"What about it?"
"I want you to go with me." She said, and kissed my forehead.
"I would love to. How would that work though exactly?"
"You know I wouldn't give a fuck about showing the whole world you're my date. But I know it's a little harder for you." She started.
"I'm sorry...if it bothers you that I'm still very much in the closet."
"I promise you, it doesn't." She reassured me, "One day you'll have to be out- but we will deal with it when the time comes. But anyway, I will find you a cover up date. One of my guy friends. And then you will be at our group pictures, and we can still be together the whole night."
"I think that sounds amazing. We will have to go dress shopping." I said, kissing her on the cheek.
My mom and Ryan were throwing a gender reveal party when she was a little over 5 months along in May, on a Saturday afternoon. She made me take off work.
"I'm going to grab some beers, be back." Ryan said, and gave my mom a kiss on the cheek. He was sweet to her while she was pregnant, I'll admit, though he still was always at the casino.
I was helping my mom ice cupcakes blue and pink.
"Honey, I want to ask you something." She said. She was wearing a pink sundress- she was convinced the baby was a girl.
My stomach dropped. In that moment, I thought she knew about Brianna.
"Um, what is it?" I asked her. I was in a light blue t-shirt and black leggings. I thought I would be having a brother.
"Are you dating someone?"
My blood ran cold. I guess she paid a little more attention than I thought.
"Um, why do you ask?" I stammered.
"I just had a feeling. You seem happier. When a mom knows she knows. Am I right?" She looked at me.
I sighed, knowing I would have to think of something quick. Unless she knew it was Brianna, I would have to make up a fake boyfriend. But I don't think she knew it was Brianna. She wouldn't be so nice. "Yes, you're right."
She laughed, "Knew it, baby. He better be good to you." Don't ask his name.
"What's his name? Fuck. Think fast. I can't use Oliver, she knows he is gay. Unless...
"It's Justin. Justin Paul." I lied quickly on my feet. Oliver's older brother who was a senior- I didn't talk to him much, but I knew Oliver could persuade him to go along with this.
She looked at me, "Your best friends older brother?"
"Yes. We um...realized we liked each other. And we've been dating for a little bit."
"Good. So you've been spending a lot of time at the Paul house? Not with Oliver though since, you know..."
He's gay? You can say it.
"I'm happy for you. Just don't get pregnant." She chuckled.
"Oh, you definitely don't have to worry about that." I said back.
I went outside for a walk and called Oliver. "Um, I might have done a thing." I said.
"Bitch, what did you do?"
"I may have told my mom I'm dating Justin..."
"What?" he practically shouted, and then laughed, realizing what was going on. "You're using my brother as your cover up? That's hilarious. Wait. Why didn't you use Christian? He's the best looking."
Oliver has three brothers- Christian, Justin, and Gavin.
"I don't know, maybe because he's 21 years old." I said, referencing Oliver's oldest brother. "Do you think Justin will go along with this?"
"Sure. He wishes you were straight. He thinks you're hot."
"Great." I said, relieved.
Brianna and I figured out our prom situation. She was going to go with her friend Andre Daniels and Justin agreed to go with me, so Brianna and I could wind up together at prom. And take a few pictures together in secret.
Maureen offered to take us dress shopping, and my mom weirdly insisted on coming with. Brianna seemed slightly startled when I told her my mom was insisting on helping choose a dress. But Maureen reassured us it would be okay- we would act really well and pretending the two of us were just good friends.
My mom drove me and her to the prom dress store, Glimmer, to meet Brianna and Maureen.
"That's so nice that you became best friends with your team captain." My mom said as we pulled up.
"Yeah, she's cool. That's nice of you that you wanted to come with."
"I didn't want to miss your prom dress shopping. And I'm so excited I'll be able to do it all over again in about 17 years." She put her hand on her stomach. I was going to be having a little sister in September.
It was odd having to pretend my girlfriend of 8 months was my friend. Maureen and I kept sharing knowing glances as Brianna and I looked for dresses.
"I want something really simple. I'm not really into glitter or anything."Brianna said as we looked together on the racks.
"I would've never guessed." I laughed.
My mom and Maureen actually got along quite well. Maureen put on a friendly, happy face. I couldn't help but feel a bit guilty that they had to do this for me. I told Brianna that quietly as we looked.
"Please, it's fine. Not everyone is with the times. Plus, we'd do anything for you." she said back. I looked into her pretty brown eyes and smiled.
My mom kept taking a picture of me in every single dress I tried on. She acts like she cares when she wants to.
"Can you stop?" I asked her, standing there in a shiny red dress.
"Aw, sweetie no. You look so beautiful." My mom said.
"Red does look nice on you." Brianna looked at me.
"I can see it now, a red dress, old Hollywood glam. I'll do your hair and makeup." My mom said.
"A woman with a vision." Maureen laughed.
"I'm try to find something red, but not this sparkly." I said.
I settled on a wine colored dress that had spaghetti straps, a corset like top part, and flowy skirt. I'm not really one for dresses, but this was comfortable and I saw Brianna looking at me like she wanted to rip it off me.
Brianna settled on a royal blue dress that was strapless and also had a corset like top and flowing skirt. She looked stunning. The deep blue looked amazing with her light blonde hair and already tanned skin. Damn. I wanted to rip that dress off her and-
"Girl, you have an amazing body!" my mom said, "Teach me some of your workout secrets. After I have the baby of course."
"I'd be happy too."Brianna chuckled.
"Honey, your friend has an amazing body doesn't she?" my mom turned to me. I could tell she was actually impressed by Brianna's toned physique.
"Of course she does." I couldn't help but laugh a little.
Oh, she most definitely did. I saw Maureen trying to hold back laughter too.
"Brianna honey, do you have a boyfriend?" my mom asked her.
"Oh, no. I don't." Brianna said.
"That's a shame. You'll find someone one day. I'm so happy for Blake here, dating her best friends brother. Do you know Justin Paul?"
"Nice guy." Brianna said and then looked at me, "Hope you are very happy with him."
I grinned at her, "I definitely am."

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