Part 13- High School

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"As insulted as I am that you're not going to come to my house for Thanksgiving, yes, I will help you choose a nice outfit for tonight." Oliver said to me over FaceTime.
I was in my room, clothes strewn about trying to figure out what to wear for Thanksgiving at Brianna's. I knew it wasn't going to be anything fancy, but I wanted to look cute.
"Well thank you, I appreciate it. And you know I am sorry, right?" I said to Oliver.
"Please, it's fine. I am so happy for you that you have a girlfriend." He said. He looked really cute in his red button down.
Girlfriend. I still could hardly believe it. "Next on the list is for you to get a boyfriend."
Oliver rolled his eyes, "Please. I don't want one. Men suck."
"Agreed." I laughed.
Oliver and I settled on a cranberry red sweater that was slightly off the shoulder and black jeans. I decided to straighten my hair to perfection.
Brianna texted me that she would pick me up at 4:30, her mom wanted to start dinner at 5. Even though she did inform me that her grandma would be cooking the food, her mom could not cook whatsoever. But apparently her grandma was a phenomenal cook.
And she was. She made turkey, gravy, cornbread stuffing, green bean casserole, candied sweet potatoes, smashed potatoes, and homemade cranberry sauce.
"Wow. This is absolutely delicious, Vivian. Thank you so much." I said. Brianna and I were sitting next to each other, across from Maureen and Vivian.
Brianna smiled at me. She had told me it would mean a lot if I complimented her grandmothers cooking.
"We are so glad you could join us, sweetie." Vivian smiled at me.
"I'm sorry you didn't feel comfortable eating with your family." Maureen gave me a sympathetic look.
"It's okay. And the only one that is my family out of all of them is my mom, so it's not any loss to me." I said.
"Well, you are more than welcome here at any time, Blake." Maureen smiled at me.
We started talking a bit about soccer. Maureen told me Brianna had been playing since she was a little girl, and even ran upstairs to grab a picture of 7 year old Brianna is a soccer uniform. She looked adorable.
"Have you been playing since you were a little girl?" Vivian asked me.
"Since I was 10. My mom put me in a league for it, and I liked playing. But right now, I'm using it as means to get scholarship for college." I said.
"Do you know where you want to go?" Maureen asked me.
"Not sure yet. I'd like to stay in Pennsylvania or even New Jersey. But that's the only way I can really get into a University, if I get a sports scholarship." I said, taking a bite of mashed potatoes.
"I'm sure you will." Brianna put her hand on mine under the table.
"Thanks." I smiled at her, and I saw Maureen look between us and smile too.
"If only Miss Brianna here would consider college." Vivian said, and I was intrigued. I hadn't found the right time to ask Brianna about college.
"Grandma." Brianna said in a warning tone.
"I'm allowed to say it, Brianna. You're a smart girl. And you'd be able to get a sports scholarship in a second. I wish you'd consider it." Vivian said.
Brianna sighed, "Please just accept it's not for me."
Maureen looked at me, "Has Brianna told you her plans yet for after she graduates?"
"Oh, um, no. She hasn't." I said, and looked over at Brianna. She looked really pretty tonight in a black button down shirt. Her hair was in loose waves.
"Brianna wants to either join the Army or become a State Trooper." Maureen said, "Two things that might give me a premature heart attack."
The Army?
"I-I am sorry that is what I feel is right for me." Brianna said, and for the first time I was seeing some of her confidence waver.
"No need to apologize honey." Maureen said, but I could tell she wasn't happy about it.
Brianna turned to me. "My plan is to work for a year after high school and then figure it all out. I'm going to get my personal training certificate after high school and then take it from there."
That made me feel a bit more reassured. But it was still slightly bothering me that she was considering the military. I have full respect for those who serve, but that means...she would leave. I gave her a sweet smile to show her that I was okay with it.
"What do you want to study in college, dear?" Vivian asked me.
"I'd like to study Nursing. I just really want to help people." I said.
"Heart of gold, you have." Maureen winked at me.
It was amazing how much more comfortable I felt with Brianna's family than my own.
"That she does." Brianna said, and I felt butterflies form in my stomach, as they always did when I was around her.
We laid down on her bed after dinner. I was full, and so was she.
"I need to change into sweatpants." She got up and opened up her bottom dresser drawer.
I laughed, "Do you have another pair I can wear as well? I can't take being in these jeans for another second."
"Oliver definitely gave you some great fashion advice, you look very nice. But not the best if you're going to stuff your face." Brianna chuckled and tossed me a pair of gray sweatpants, and a t-shirt as well.
I changed into the t-shirt first, and then the sweatpants. "Don't look at me, I'm so bloated." I said as Brianna eyed me up while I changed.
"No you're not. You look beautiful as always" she said, and then sat down next to me on her bed. She had on blue sweatpants and a white tee.
"So do you. I don't know how I landed you." I said, looking into her eyes.
She tucked a lock of hair behind my ear. "Nah, I'm the lucky one. You're the prettiest girl I've seen. And I'm a sucker for your green eyes."
I blushed, "You're the best, Brianna."
"I try." She winked at me, "But I wanted to ask you how you felt about what my mom said. About my plans after high school."
I took a deep breath, "I don't want you to ever think I won't support you. But the thought of you going away to the Army scares me. We wouldn't be able to talk while you're in training. I just...I would miss you terribly."
Brianna nodded, "I understand that. Being with you kind of changes my perspective on that a bit."
"How so?" I asked.
"I don't want to leave you. Ever. Blake, I know we haven't been together super long, but I have never felt this strongly about anyone. You're everything." She said.
I love you. I thought, and then was slightly startled by my own realization. I loved Brianna.
"I feel the exact same about you." I said. I didn't want to tell her yet that I loved her. I honestly wanted to wait until she said it first, if she ever did.
She leaned over and pulled me into a passionate kiss. One that I never wanted to end. I was so glad that I spent Thanksgiving with Brianna instead of going to Ryan's parents house. Or even Oliver's.
Brianna then pulled away. "Look, as much as I want you Blake, I honestly don't think I can fuck tonight. I am way too full."
I laughed, "I am so glad you said that, because I feel the exact same." I honestly did. I felt bloated and not the hottest, and did not want to fuck tonight.
She smiled at me. "How about we just watch some Shameless. You're staying over, right?"
I nodded, "Absolutely. Any night I can sleep next to you, I want to."
She kissed my forehead and we laid down next to each other, her arm around me.
I love you, Brianna.

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