Part 34- Present Day

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"I'm moving in with Brianna." I broke the news to Savannah the day after Brianna popped the moving in question.
We decided to have a girls day and we were getting drinks at a bar a couple towns over. I had been nervous to tell her all day, I wasn't sure how she would react.
"When?" Savannah asked me.
"May. That's when her lease is done. We are going to find a place together. I'm sorry...I don't want to leave you with no roommate."
Savannah grinned at me, "Don't worry about that. Things are great with Jack...we've been talking about moving in together.
"I'm so happy for you." I said to Savannah and she lifted up her glass of wine and clinked it to mine. "Cheers." She said.
Brianna and I looked around at apartments. We wanted something with a lot of natural light and a second bedroom she could put some of her workout gear in. And of course, pet friendly. We wanted to stay in the same town so we could be close by to work.
I had been thinking about applying to graduate school for Social Work. I liked my job, but I wanted to be able to do more. Make more money. Brianna encouraged me to do it, and I started applying to different programs.
In the beginning of May we found something we really liked. It was a newer place, that had 2 bedrooms and 1 and a half baths. It was in a nice complex that Brianna and I felt safe in. It wasn't too big either, under 10 units with apartments.
We decided to throw a small get together for moving in, a week after we did. Mine and Brianna's family, Savannah, Casey, a couple of the Physical Therapists and assistants that Brianna was friends with.
Living together felt natural. We had already basically lived together at some points, but it was so nice having our own space together and getting into a routine. We enjoyed cooking together, playing with Miles, and of course being able to fuck with no interruptions. It felt like we were starting our life together.
I was surprised at how happy my mom looked at the party. She looked thrilled- she was chatting up a storm with Maureen too, who looked equally as immersed in the conversation.
"You look really happy." I said to her, taking a sip of my Açaí Blueberry Truly.
"I'm just really happy for you. And feeling happier in life- not being controlled by Ryan anymore. I'm ready to just move on to someone new. You know, I look at yours and Brianna's relationship and it inspires me. I hope I find something like that one day." My mom smiled at me.
There was just one person who was missing of course- Oliver. I wished he was here. He was the life of the party, always.
Brianna and I had a balcony outside of our bedroom, which was really nice. The only thing we had there right now was a plant- but we wanted to add some kind of chair as well. I decided to sneak out there to the balcony and get a moment to myself.
I sipped on another Truly, this time a raspberry lime one, and felt the slight breeze on myself. Though it was a warm May afternoon, there was a nice coolness as well.
A few minutes later I heard the balcony door slide open. I turned around to see Brianna- in a gray v-neck t-shirt and jean shorts.
"Hey." She said, "Mind having some company?"
"Not at all." I said to her, and she learned against the balcony next to me.
"What are you thinking about?" She tucked a piece of my hair behind my ear.
"How did you know I was out here thinking?" I chuckled.
"Because I know you. And I know you're probably thinking about Oliver right now."
I sighed, "I just wish he was here, you know? I still always get angry and how short his life was cut off. He deserved all of the good times we are having now."
Brianna nodded and then said, "You know I'm not a spiritual person, at all really. But I truly believe that Oliver is with us. All the time. I believe he is watching over us."
"He was probably losing his mind at all the back and forth we had this past year." I chuckled.
"I can just picture him up there yelling 'Fucking finally!'". Brianna laughed.
"You know, the whole time I had a feeling it would end up like this- me and you." I leaned my head on her shoulder.
"So did I. Even at the times when I thought I would be getting married, my mind kept drifting back to you. And I'm so glad we are here now, in our own place." Brianna kissed the top of my head.
My dad moved to Maryland with his wife, Emily- right near Ocean City. He invited Brianna and I to come down for a few days and celebrate my 23rd birthday.
I really liked my stepmom. Odd to call her that when she was 8 years older than me. My dad was 39, and she was 32. She was a Physician's Assistant- she was super smart, yet very laid back like him and went with the flow.
She also was able to cook very well. They moved into a cute townhome by the bay in Maryland, with a nice upgraded kitchen. On the night of my birthday, June 5th, she cooked up a bunch of King Crab Legs, shrimp, mussels, clams, you name it. And of course since it was local catch, it was even more delicious.
"I love a good seafood boil." Brianna said, digging in. "Oh hell yeah. This is delicious."
Emily laughed, "I'm glad you are enjoying."
"It's so good, thank you, Emily." I said.
My dad said to Brianna and I, "After dinner you two should take a drive down to the beach and go for a walk. It's so peaceful there at night, and you're allowed to walk on the sand."
Brianna turned to me, "I think that's a great idea."
"I think it is too." Emily said in agreement.
"Let's do it." I said.
At around 8, after dinner, it was still light out when Brianna drove to down to the beach. It was only about a 10 minute drive from my dads house. We walked on the boardwalk for a bit, and sat down at a bar on the boardwalk and got a drink.
"I think I could live here for sure." Brianna said to me, taking a sip of her Margarita.
I laughed, "Tell me again how you feel in the dead of winter."
It was getting to be dusk by the time we finished our drinks and walked on the beach. We took off our sandals and let our toes sink in the sand. It was a Tuesday night, Brianna and I had both taken off of work from Saturday-Thursday to stay down here. The beach was pretty empty since there wasn't a lot of visitors during the week.
Brianna and I walked on the beach and she held my hand. I thought about how back when we were in high school I wouldn't dare to hold her hand in public. Now I didn't care.
"Look, a hot air balloon!" Brianna said, pointing up to the sky.
A hot air balloon? It was getting dark. I turned my head to the direction of the sky she pointed at and literally saw nothing.
"Brianna, what are you-" I turned to look at her, and then immediately stopped.
When I turned around, I saw her down on one knee in front of me. With a small black box that had a delicate diamond ring in hand.
"Blake Nicole Gemmell. I knew you were going to be someone special to me since the moment I humiliated you in soccer tryouts." Brianna said, and I laughed, "But I never imagined you would be come the most special person in my life. I love you more than anything. You are my home. Marry me?"
"Of course. I love you so much." I nodded, feeling tears come to my eyes. Brianna stood up and gave me a hug. I could feel her shaking.
"Were you nervous?" I laughed.
"God, I was so fucking nervous. This whole trip I have been." Brianna said, giving me a kiss on the forehead.
"Like I would say anything other than yes." I said, and kissed her deeply.
When Brianna pulled away she took the diamond ring out of the box she was holding and slipped in on my ring finger. "I hope you like the ring."
"I absolutely love it." I said, looking down at the band with the small, delicate round diamond. Exactly what I wanted- simple, yet beautiful. Not too flashy.
"Your mom helped me pick it." Brianna said. "I was debating on a couple of them."
My mom has come a long way. "Well, she did a great job. You both did."
"As my grandmother spilled to you, I was planning on doing this a few years ago. But I'm glad we are in the place we're at now. It just feels right." Brianna said.
"I agree. Guess we have a wedding to plan." I smiled at her.

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