Part 14- Present Day

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I thought my night with Ellen would be a one time thing, but I was wrong. She kept asking me to hangout, and I was agreeing. It had been a few weeks of us hanging out- I would make my way down to the city, and twice she came up and stayed at my apartment.
We got along well- much better than high school. And we made each other feel good. Brianna was still always on my mind. I was stuck in between letting her go and still holding out some kind of hope in my mind.
One Wednesday night in late August I was down in Philly and Ellen and I were having drinks at an outside roof top bar.
"I hope you don't mind me asking- when did you and Brianna break up?" She took a sip of her beer.
I felt myself catch my breath.I really didn't want to talk about it, but I didn't want to be rude to Ellen.
"End of my freshman year of college." I said, my hands fiddling on my martini glass.
"Sorry to hear that." Ellen said sympathetically. I didn't want her to press more about it, and I think she knew.
"Are you really now? We wouldn't be sitting here right now if me and her were still together." I looked at Ellen.
She had a playful hint in her light blue eyes. "I mean, you're right about that. And especially after how much we didn't get along in high school. I'm probably just as surprised as you that we are here right now."
"Why didn't you like me?" I asked her.
"That's the thing- I did like you. Like...I had a crush on you." Ellen's cheeks flushed slightly.
"Oh wow. I had no idea. I mean honestly, I thought you were gay. But I had no clue you were into me."
"I was so far in the closet in high school. But in college I came out and became my true self."
"That's really great, Ellen." I gave her a sweet smile. She gave me one back, and then leaned in and gave me a light kiss.
We went back to Ellen's apartment that night and did what we had gotten accustomed to doing- fucking. And she already seemed to know my body quite well.
" god. Fuck." I moaned as she increased pressure on me by using her mouth, and I felt myself reach to the point of release. I had my hands in her hair.
In that moment, after we were done I couldn't help but think about what it would be like to be with Brianna again. God...I wished I could find out. But I couldn't. She was someone else's. If she fucked with the same passion she kissed me with in the gym, I would be in trouble.
I stayed over Ellen's and got up extra early to make it to work at 10.
Casey and I went to Saladworks on our lunch break, and when the cashier rung me up for my salad, I realized I didn't have my wallet as I dug around in my bag.
"Dammit. I must've left it at Ellen's." I said.
"I've got you, no worries at all." Casey said, and took out her card.
"Thank you so much, I'll pay you back."
"Don't even worry about it, Blake." Casey smiled at me.
I hadn't checked my phone for a couple of hours, and when I looked at it I saw I had a text from Ellen, that I left my wallet on her nightstand. I had been carrying it separately from my purse in my slightly drunk state. She asked me if when she was done class at 2 I wanted her to drop the wallet off at my work.
I felt bad asking her to bring the wallet to my work, but she didn't mind at all and I was going to need it. She said she would be there by 3:15.
I worked with some patients throughout the afternoon and then saw a text from Ellen at 3:11 that she was in the parking lot. I told her I would just go out and grab it from her. I wasn't quite sure why, but I didn't feel like having to introduce her to anyone. I mean, what was she to me? Not my girlfriend...right?
"Hey, thank you so much for coming." I said as I walked up to her in the beating sun of late August.
"Not a problem at all, can't have you being without your wallet." She said. She was leaning against the back of her car, a small back Honda.
I took my wallet from her and put it in my bag. "I owe you one."
"How about this weekend we go out?" She asked me.
"That sounds great to me, does Saturday work?"
"Of course. And how about you bring your scrubs, you look really sexy in them. I wouldn't mind a little nurse role play." She said, with a chuckle.
"I'll think about it." I laughed, "But you really do think I look hot in my scrubs?" I took a step closer to her. She was still leaning against the back of her car.
"I really, really do." She said softly, and then put her hand on the back of my neck and pulled me in for a kiss. I kissed her back, figuring no one was watching. I was wrong.
"Looks like we've got an audience. You didn't tell me Brianna worked here." Ellen pulled away. Her voice had a twinge of annoyance.
I whipped around to see Brianna, at her car, which was parked across from Ellen's toward the front of the lot. She was standing by her drivers side door, just staring us down. I could see hurt in her eyes from quite a few feet away.
"Um, yeah. I don't really see her much." I said in a low voice, turning back to look at Ellen.
She looked at me blankly. "I'm going to head back home. I'll text you." She said, and then gave me a quick kiss on the cheek. I'm sure she was hurt. I stepped away from her car as she pulled off, out of the lot.
I turned back around to see Brianna rummaging around her car, door open. I stood there, still in the spot where Ellen had been, not even sure how to react. I was feeling anxious, and everything that I had been burying for Brianna with distracting myself with Ellen was starting to come to the surface.
I heard a car door slam, and Brianna was then fully outside again. She looked at me, and we were standing there about 10 feet away in the parking lot just staring at each other.
She then started to walk up to me, which is what I was not expecting.
"So you're dating Ellen Howell?" She said. And she sounded pissed.
What was she so pissed for? She was engaged. Fucking engaged. "I wouldn't call it dating exactly. More so just fucking." I almost couldn't believe those words came out of my mouth.
Brianna was now standing right in front of me. Her expression darkened. Was she jealous? "Please tell me you weren't fucking her back in high school when she was captain of the soccer team."
Was she serious? "No, I wasn't fucking her. You've got to be kidding me." I shook my head.
"So how did you guys get together?" She crossed her arms.
"At a club a few weeks ago. Why does it matter, Brianna?"
"It doesn't."
"Okay. Sure. If it didn't matter you wouldn't be asking." I said.
"Sorry I was just curious. I'm sure you'd like to know how I got together with Sydney."
"I'm not playing this little game, Brianna." I warned.
"Looks like someone has gotten a backbone since high school. It was about time." Brianna said.
That was enough. "Why are you being so fucking rude to me?"
She stopped for a moment, and I could see a flicker of guilt in her eyes. But then said just looked at me. "All I'm going to say is, I could fuck you way better than Ellen can." She practically growled. And then she shook her head and walked away, leaving me in disbelief.

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