Part 33- Present Day

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I was feeling nervous before Thanksgiving dinner at Maureen's house. Brianna told me it would be her mom, Vivian, Todd- Maureen's husband, and his son, Adam, along with Adam's wife, Courtney.
Brianna kept reassuring me it would all be fine, that it would be a great surprise for her mom to see me. But I was concerned that it was going to not be the best surprise. That Maureen secretly hated me or something. Or would hate how Brianna ditched her wedding.
Brianna said she would pick me up at 4:30 and we would head to her moms house, which was now about an hour away.
I changed into a pair of black velvet leggings and a dark wine colored blouse. I put some lose curls in my hair and then waited for Brianna.
She arrived at my apartment complex, and kissed me when I got in the car.
"Don't be nervous." she said, before I even said anything.
"Trying to not be." I exhaled the breath I didn't even know I was holding.
"My family will be so happy to see you. It'll be a nice surprise, I promise." She squeezed my knee reassuringly.
My heart was racing as we walked up to Maureen's house. The place that was once basically my home. It felt so weird going back.
After Brianna unlocked the door to her house, I heard Maureen's voice call out from the kitchen, "Brianna! Is that you?"
"Yeah! And I brought a guest!" Brianna called back.
"The more the merrier!" I heard Vivian say.
It was so nice to hear their voices again.
"Let's go." Brianna said softly and held my hand. We walked into the kitchen where everyone was. They were all standing around the kitchen counter eating crackers and dip.
Maureen was the first to see me when she looked up. She gasped. "Blake! Oh my god!" And to my relief, she ran over to me and enveloped me in a giant hug. "Oh sweetie, it is so amazing to see you." she said. Next, Vivian gave me a hug and kiss on the cheek, a big smile on her face. Scott, Adam, and Courtney- who I never met greeted me as well.
"So...this is the reason why I never got married." Brianna said, smiling at me.
Maureen, who was always an emotional person, had tears in her eyes. "When did this happen?" She asked.
I knew Brianna wouldn't go into detail of our affair, but she said, "I realized I was still in love with Blake when we started working together."
"And of course, I feel the exact same." I smiled at Brianna.
Vivian clapped in delight.
"I am so happy!" Maureen cheered.
I was elated at how happy Brianna's family was. She had reassured me that they would be, and I wanted to believe her. But I was anxious. And now I knew I had no reason to be.
We all sat at the table and ate together, and it felt like being back at home. Words can't even describe how glad I was to be back with Brianna's family.
"So, girls. If you don't mind me poking in your business a little- are you two officially back together?" Maureen asked and then ate a bite of turkey.
I looked at Brianna. She then said, "Of course we have a lot to discuss. But if Blake is so willing to be my girlfriend again...then I would be more than happy." she smiled at me.
I smiled back, "Of course I am."
Vivian smiled, "And I really hope this time around when you are planning to propose to Blake, it all falls into place."
This time around?
I looked at Brianna in question. She was burning holes into her grandmothers head with the look she was giving her. Everyone was looking at her, wondering what she meant- except Maureen, who was shaking her head.
"Mom, really?" she asked.
"I'm sorry! I must've spilled something I wasn't supposed to." Vivian said, taking a sip of her red wine.
Brianna turned to me and sighed, "I was planning on asking you to marry me. The night we broke up I was going to somehow sneakily get your ring size. I wanted to do it after you were finished your freshman year."
I had always wondered why Brianna asked Sydney to marry her so fast, and not me. I knew we were so young. But our bond was incredibly strong.
I leaned over and gave Brianna a kiss on the cheek. "Guess one day you'll have to see if you can sneakily check that ring size again."
I just knew it. I knew this would be it. I had a good feeling about it.
Christmas rolled around, and my mom asked me if I wanted to come over. It was just going to be her and Jade, who was 5 now. I hadn't seen her since she was almost 2. And I hadn't seen my mom since we met for coffee. To my surprise, she asked if Brianna wanted to come as well.
Brianna and I were grabbing a drink after work at O'Donnell's, the place that Sydney shows up at, when I told her. I was glad I didn't have to leave my job and go somewhere else.
"She wants me to come?" Brianna looked at me, not buying it.
"Yes. She's trying to be better and more accepting. She actually seemed glad we were back together. Excited even- it was weird."
Brianna chuckled, "Definitely weird. Let's do this- I'll stop by a an hour or two into your Christmas. So you and your mom can have some time together and I can see my family."
"Deal." I nodded.
"What's your moms favorite dessert?" Brianna asked me.
"She's a sucker for lemon meringue pie." I said.
"I'll be sure to bring one."
She brought two pies, actually. My mom, who still had cherry red hair and was wearing an ugly Christmas sweater, thanked Brianna when she handed her the pies.
"My favorite!" She said, "Thank you, Brianna."
"A little birdie named Blake told me you loved them." Brianna said. I could tell she seemed a bit apprehensive.
"Well, she's right." My mom said, and then my little sister, who had curly blonde hair and was adorable, ran up to Brianna.
"Hello!" she said to her "I'm Jade. Who are you?"
Before Brianna could answer, my mom said, "This is Brianna, sweetie. Your sister's girlfriend." 
Jade looked at us and cocked her head a little. "Like you're dating?" She asked.
"Yes, honey. They're dating." My mom said, and then kneeled down so she was at Jade's height. "Sometimes two girls date or two boys date. Just like how a boy and a girl may date. It's perfectly normal."
"Oh. Cool!" Jade said, and then said to Brianna, "Do you want to see the gifts I got?"
Brianna nodded. "Of course I do. What do you like the best?"
"I got an American Girl Doll." Jade said, "I'll show you." And then she led Brianna into the living room, talking to her the whole way.
"Looks like Jade has a new best friend." My mom laughed.
I turned to her, "Thank you, mom. For trying to be so accepting."
"I want you in my life. And I want Brianna there too if she's going to be with you." my mom said.
The months went on, and Brianna and I were going strong. The new year passed, and then January and February did as well.
March 5th, Brianna's 24th birthday rolled around. She told me the past few years she hadn't done anything really special for it. I told her this year I wanted to take her out to a really nice dinner.
We went to a gourmet Mexican restaurant that I booked a week in advance in Philly.
"This is so fucking good." Brianna said, taking a bite out of her Carnitas taco.
"I'm glad you like it, birthday girl." I said.
"I love it. Thank you so much for taking me here."
"And I hope you like the hotel I have booked for us to stay at even more."
Brianna paused and looked at me. "Oh, I'm sure I will."
"I also really hope you like your gifts this year." I said. I had gotten her a few Adidas hoodies and a pair of running sneakers she really wanted.
"Don't worry about if I'm going to like my gifts or not." Brianna took a sip of her margarita, "Besides, there is only one thing I really want."
"Oh yeah, what's that?"
"I want you to move in with me." Brianna said. Just straight up, no context for preface it.
"You want to live together?" I'd be lying if I said I hadn't thought about it. A lot. Though Brianna and I had only been back together for a few months, it felt like we had picked up right where we left off. We felt stronger though. Like we were the relationship now that we could never be when we were younger.
"More than anything." Brianna looked sincere. "But I want us to find our own place...together. If you'd be up for that. So it can give Savannah time to find a new roommate. Or move out. I want it to be our space. For us to decorate it how we want...something we choose together."
I smiled, "I think that sounds great."
Another step moving forward. That's all I wanted.

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