Part 9- High School

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The morning of the day I was going to hang out with Brianna I was beyond jittery and excited. I got up extra early to shower and shave everything. I had to make sure I was smooth. I know I shouldn't have to feel that way, but I wanted to feel nice...just in case anything happened.
My mom took me to get Starbucks before dropping me off for work, which was nice. I had made sure to pack my bag with some extra clothes and a toothbrush- just in case I was staying over by some chance.
"You don't have to pick me up from work today." I said to my mom, sipping my caramel macchiato. "I'm hanging out with some of the girls from the team after work."
"Okay, I'm glad you've become so close with them. Are you said your last game is soon?"
"I am. I hope we all still hangout afterwards." I hope Brianna and I still hangout afterwards.
"I'm sure you will." My mom said.
I could hardly concentrate at work that day. I was texting back and forth with Oliver about the fact that I was going over Brianna's after work. He was excited for me.
It's a funny story with Oliver- we are best friends, lost our virginity's to each other...and both turned out to be gay. We joke that we turned each other gay- even though of course, we know it doesn't work that way at all.
In the midst of sneakily texting Oliver, I saw I had a text from Brianna.
"Excited to see you :)" it said. I replied that I was excited as well, and then as it got closer to 4 PM, she asked me for the address to the nursing home.
I changed out of my work clothes into a pair of black leggings, comfortable red and blue flannel, and boots. I wanted to be casual but cute to hangout with Brianna. I put on a little bit of tinted chapstick and then got a text from Brianna that she had arrived.
"Hey." I said when I got into her car, "Thanks for picking me up."
"Would've been awfully rude to make you walk in the cold to my house." She said.
"Well, I am grateful you didn't." I smiled at her. And she smiled back at me.
"Hi." She said. And then she pulled me in for a kiss. And it was just as good as the other times. I wanted to keep doing this more and more.
We pulled up to her house about 15 minutes later. She lived in a neighborhood with a bunch of mid size single houses, hers was brown with red shutters.
"So, I live with my mom and my grandma. They are both here right now."
"Do they think I am...just a friend? Or do they know...?" I got a little nervous.
"No, they know I'm gay. And that I like you. I'm really open with them." She looked at me, "Does your mom not know...?"
"No. And it has to stay that way."
Brianna looked at me for a moment and then nodded. "Let's go in."
We walked into Brianna's house, and heard voices coming from kitchen.
"Come on. I'll introduce you." She said, and grabbed my hand. I felt butterflies in my stomach.
We walked into the kitchen and her mom and grandmother were at the table. They were both blonde, like Brianna. At first I had trouble seeing which was her mom and which was her grandmother because they both looked quite young.
"Mom, grandma. This is Blake." Brianna said. I noticed she looked slightly nervous.
"It's so nice to meet you, honey. I'm Brianna's mom, just call me Maureen." Brianna's mom stood up. She was tall, and a little bit on the bigger side. I saw where Brianna got her pretty brown eyes from. To my surprise she gave me a hug. And it felt like home when she hugged me, oddly.
"It's so nice to meet you," I hugged back. I didn't  even remember the last time I hugged my mom.
"And I'm Vivian, Brianna's grandma. That doesn't look much older than her mom." Vivian chuckled and gave me a hug too. She smelled nice and floral. She was a bit shorter and more petite than Maureen, and she had her dark blonde hair in a long bob.
"You really don't at all." I said, "I had a hard time being able to tell who was who at first."
"Brianna, this one is a keeper." Vivian winked, and then said to me, "I had Brianna's mother when I was 18, so I get that."
"Bri tells us your mom had you when she was young as well."
I saw Brianna blush slightly.
"Yes, she had me when she was 17. My mom is 33." I said.
"Do I wish I was 33 again!" Maureen laughed. "Being over 40 sucks."
"You're barely over 40, you're 41!" Brianna said back, and we laughed.
We chatted for a bit more. Maureen and Vivian made me feel so welcome in their house. Maureen was loud and vivacious and Vivian was quieter, but witty. Brianna was like a mix of the both of them. We then went up to Brianna's room.
Her room was quite spacious, much more than mine. Her light was off, but she had blue LED lights strung across her whole room which looked really cool. Her bed was in one corner, and there was a dresser with a TV across from it. She had a lot of trophies in her room, from soccer I assumed, and team pictures. There were some clothes strewn on the floor, and I noticed a LGBTQ pride flag on top of her mirror. Out and proud.
She sat down on her bad and patted the spot next to her indicating, for me to sit down.
"Your mom and grandma are awesome." I said to her.
"They can be a bit much sometimes but I love them. I hope you don't mind that my mom mentioned to you about your mom having you when you were young."
"No, I don't mind. I'm not ashamed of it. Plus that just means you've been talking about me." I grinned at her.
"Of course I have been." She smiled back, and then her smile faded a bit, "Why can't your mom know you're gay?"
"I don't know how she will react. While we don't live in Kentucky anymore, she still is quite traditional and conservative, like my grandparents who still live there. I've heard her and my stepdad make some homophobic comments in passing before. Ryan says 'faggot' like it's going out of style." I said.
Brianna frowned. "What a dickhead. And for some reason I guess I assumed because your mom was young she would be more accepting."
"I don't think she will be, honestly. Why I didn't confide in her at all when I was confused about this growing up."
"Who did you confide in?" Brianna asked me.
"No one. I had to figure it out myself."
She put her hand on mine. "I wish I could've helped you even back when you were younger. I feel lucky to have been able to talk to my mom and grandma. Even though they're the only family I have basically."
"It's just them two? No aunts or uncles or cousins?"
"Well, my mom has a younger brother, my Uncle Chris. But he is quite the Bachelor. And lives in California." Brianna explained. I nodded. Then asked her a question I've been wanting to ask.
"Did something happen to your dad?" I said and then quickly added, "You don't have to talk about it."
Brianna paused for a second. "It's okay. My dad died when I was 7. He was an alcoholic. He crashed his car when he was drunk. I don't remember him a whole lot. But he was abusive to my mom."
My heart sunk for her. "I'm so sorry." Was all I could say.
"I've had 10 years to process it all." She sighed. "But it still hurts."
"Well, I am here if you ever want to talk."
"I appreciate that a lot, Blake. Now...what about your dad? Like your biological one. Not Ryan."
I chucked, "Definitely not Ryan. Let's see, my dad. I've met him a handful of times. He got my mom pregnant when they were 16. Wanted nothing to do with me. Still pretty much doesn't. I barely think about him."
"Looks like we've both got fucked up dad situations." She shook her head, slightly chuckling.
We talked for hours and kissed until we got slightly hungry. So Brianna ordered us a pizza from Domino's at around 9 and it came a half hour later.
"Domino's pizza is my guilty pleasure." She said, biting into a slice.
"Honestly same. Out of all the bad pizza, it's the best. I love it."
She looked at me, "Do you want to stay over? Don't feel obligated to say yes."
"Of course I do. I'll just have to let my mom know." I said, reaching for my phone. That's when I saw I had a missed call from her I hadn't heard. It was from 26 minutes before. I called her back.
"Hey. Just wanted to know if you were staying out." She picked up.
"Yes, I am. We are at my teammate Brianna's house."
"Okay. Good. Will you need a ride home? Ryan and I are going to the casino tonight."
I rolled my eyes. "No. I won't. Have fun."
"Goodnight, Blake. You too." My mom said, then hung up.
"She has quite the Southern accent." Brianna laughed, "I always wondered where you got that bit of a twang from. When did you move up here?"
"When I was 5. I still have a little bit of my accent." I said.
Brianna gave me a pair of comfy plaid pajama shorts and a black loose t-shirt to change into. I noticed she didn't look when I got changed. I had made sure to wear a cute black bra and lace cheeky underwear. Just in case.
And for a good reason. A half hour later we were in her bed, laying down. Shameless playing on the TV in the background. The only light in the room was coming from her TV and the LED lights that were dimmed so there was a blue hue to the room. We started making out, and then one thing started to lead to another, and she had her hand back where it was in the locker room. She was on top of me. I never realized how strong she was until she was holding herself over me with no effort. We both had stripped down to our bras and underwear. She had on a sports bra that made her B cup boobs look perfect.
"Want me to use my mouth?" She asked me. I nodded, already breathless.
I was a bit nervous. No one had ever gone down on me before. Yes, I've had someone inside me, but never do that to me before. And I hadn't done that to a girl before. I wondered if she wanted me to do anything to her.
I decided to try to ask her, "Will you want-"
She cut me off, "Let me just take care of you." She said, and then started to lower herself between my legs, and kiss inside my thighs.
She started to move her mouth exactly to where it needed to be and used her tongue lightly on me.
A few minutes later I had my hands in her hair, and was attempting to not moan. This felt amazing. And a few minutes after that, I reached my peak.
When I finished, she came back up. "You're so hot" she said, and then kissed me.
We stayed up for a bit more, and by midnight she was starting to doze off.
I laid there, awake. This was amazing. I wanted this all the time with Brianna, I realized. I felt comfortable with her, and genuinely wanted to be around her, and I hoped she felt the same. I could feel her starting to become a very important part of my life. I didn't realize just how important she would become.

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