Part 7- High School

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After the Halloween party and the kiss with Brianna, we didn't do anything else for a week. But I was buzzing from that kiss. It was my first kiss with a girl- and it absolutely solidified that I liked girls.
It wasn't my first kiss though. And Brianna wouldn't be my first time having sex- if we got there.
My first time was with my best friend- Oliver Paul. My first everything really, except for oral. It was at the end of my freshman year, when I was 15. I wanted to just make sure I felt nothing toward guys. I know I shouldn't have felt that way, that I needed to have sex to know. But I was still slightly confused and insecure.
Oliver has been my best friend since seventh grade when we met. He is quirky, funny, and very smart. He is cute too- with his shaggy red hair, blue eyes, and glasses. But I just don't feel that attraction to him. Or any guy, really. And that was solidified when I decided to sleep with him. And it solidified it for him too that he didn't like girls. The whole time I just kept wondering what it was like with a girl.
Brianna and I would give each other flirty looks during practice the week after the party. At the actual party we acted like nothing really happened though- but she kept smiling at me. I still wasn't sure about Molly- and if they were still together, then I would feel guilty honestly. And even guiltier for having such a crush on Brianna.
The Friday after the party I was getting changed after practice. Ryan was going to pick me up, supposedly. We were in the last couple weeks of the season. I was going to really miss soccer, and the team.
I had just changed into back yoga pants and a light blush colored pull over hoodie and was grabbing my bag out of my locker when I heard a voice behind me, "Hey."
I felt my stomach doing flip flops as I turned around. "Hi."
"You did a good job in practice today." Brianna smiled at me.
I didn't want to have any small talk. I knew what I wanted. "What's going on with us?" I asked.
Brianna looked smugly taken aback. "I like the confidence, Gemmell. You should do it more."
Well, there was no better time than now. Especially because no one was in the locker room. Brianna's eyes widened as she realized what I was doing.
Our lips met again. She cupped her hand around my jaw and we sunk into a deep kiss.
I pulled away though after a moment. "You're still not with Molly, I hope."
"No. And I wasn't when I kissed you the first time as well. We broke up a week before that."
"Oh. I'm sorry about that."
"No you're not." Brianna smirked, and then kissed me again.
"Why did you kiss me on Halloween?" I asked her.
"I like you, Blake. It's like I always knew it in the back of my mind. But I didn't act on it of course."
"And I'm not just a rebound from Molly?"
"No. 100% no. I started to get a crush on you the first time I met you."
"Oh, when you humiliated me in front of everyone?"
Brianna laughed, "Sorry. I thought you were cute when you walked into the gym. But it was when you were at the vending machine after, and I looked into those pretty green eyes of yours. I knew I was kind of screwed."
"I might've had a bit of a crush on you as well." I giggled.
"Might've? Come on. I saw how you looked at me during practice. And when my girlfriend came to a game. I could tell you were jealous."
"I don't know if you're just trying to call my bluff or not but it is true. I was jealous. I wanted to be the one kissing you after a game."
"Now you can be." Brianna said, and moved in again. She put her hand behind my neck and pulled me in. I knew that soon enough I was going to need to do more than kiss this girl.
We kept kissing, each kiss getting more and more intense. Like this was something we had both been longing for. My hands were on her waist and her hand was still behind my neck. After a few more kisses she started to trail her mouth down my neck. Giving me light kisses that were making me melt.
"" I moaned slightly. I felt her smile. She then moved her other hand, the one that wasn't on my neck down to the waistband of my pants and started playing with it lightly.
"Is this okay?" She asked me. I nodded in return. I wanted more of her. Needed more. I could felt myself getting excited down below as she trailed her hand on my waist band. Then she started to slip in her hand down my pants, over my underwear. She started to rub lightly and my breathing got heavier. Oh wow. This felt good. Better than when I did it. And admittedly, I'd thought about her a few times.
She then moved her fingers and they started to linger inside my underwear.
"You want me, don't you?" She chuckled.
"What made you think that?" I said, as she started to work magic with her fingers. She had definitely done this before.
After a little bit I was started to feel like I was reaching the point I needed to. I knew I was digging my nails slightly into her shoulders, gripping on to her, but something told me she would like that.
"Oh...fuck." I said as I felt a release.
She pulled back and smiled at me. "I think you'll let it even better when I use my mouth."
"I'll have to give mine a try on you." I said. Hoping I didn't sound entirely nervous when that came out of my mouth.
"Why don't you come over tomorrow night to my house? I'll pick you up after work. We can just hangout, without the team."
"I would really like that." I said.
"I know right here we just know. But I want this to be about more than the sexual things, Blake." She said.
I still couldn't quite believe this was happening.

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