Part 19- High School

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Prom rolled around before I knew it, and Brianna and I had come up with a plan for what we would do exactly the day of prom. We were going to be getting our pictures taken at Mia's house with a group of people and then would be taking a party bus to the venue where our prom was at. Justin was going to come to Mia's house to take pictures. Luckily for him, he was friends with some of the guys taking my soccer teammates to prom.
My mom did my hair and makeup. Perks of having a mom who is a cosmetologist- I didn't have to pay for prom hair and makeup, which was expensive. And every last bit of money I was saving for a car- which I would be able to get this summer I figured.
"Oh, sweetie. I'm so excited to see you get prom pictures taken. You're going to have a wonderful time with Justin. And I'll be able to meet him." my mom said, curling my hair. My hair had gotten pretty long, and she gave me some fresh highlights. My mom was 6 months along, and she was showing in the pink t shirt she was wearing.
"Oh, right. Yes, you will." I said. I was just thinking about Brianna, and how beautiful I knew she was going to look.
My mom finished up my old Hollywood glam hair and makeup. My hair was long and in loose curls, and she did a very classic makeup look with a nude lip and very long lashes. I sent Brianna a picture of my makeup and she sent me back a bunch of heart eye emojis.
I had only spoken to Justin a few times since he agreed to be my fake boyfriend. And he played the part well when my mom and I pulled up to Mia's house, which my mom wouldn't stop gawking over. He was very fake affectionate, and my mom absolutely believed it. Justin looked a lot like Oliver- with red hair and blue eyes. He was nice looking guy. Oliver showed up to prom pictures. He bounded over to me when he saw me.
"Blake! You look absolutely gorgeous. Let's take a selfie." Oliver said, whipping out his phone, "Justin, get your ass in here! I have to take a picture with the happy couple."
"Shut the fuck up." I giggled.
"Where is Brianna?" Justin asked me after Oliver snapped a few photos.
"She should be here in a couple minutes. Her and a couple of the other girls were getting ready at a salon." I said, "But thank you, Justin. For being my fake date."
He smiled down at me, "Of course. I just really hope for your sake one day you don't have to pretend to have a boyfriend. You shouldn't have to."
He was right. I shouldn't have to.
I almost had to catch my breath when I saw Brianna. She looked stunning. She always was beautiful. But tonight she just was glowing. It was weird seeing her with makeup on, and her hair down and straight. For a second I pictured our wedding- if that happened- in my head. Her walking down the aisle to me, looking just...stunning. Like she did now. I wanted to kiss her. I wanted to kiss her so bad, but my mom was still here.
So I gave her a hug. "You look absolutely beautiful, babe." I whispered.
"So do you." She hugged me back.
After my mom left, Maureen and Vivian took us aside and took photos of Brianna and I. It was really special to me. Of course Oliver had to jump in for a few. I also didn't realize in the not so far future how special it would be for me to have those photos with him. Those memories that would always stick with me.
"I love you girls." Maureen laughed, "And you too, Oliver."
Prom was surprisingly fun. Brianna and I stuck together the whole night with our dates and friends. Mia was going to be having a huge after party. And I knew exactly what I wanted to do with- and do my girlfriend.
There was about 15 of us at Mia's, and we all hung out and drank beers and Twisted Tea in her basement, which had a bar. I finally felt relaxed, like I could act natural with Brianna. I didn't have to put any kind of act on like she was my girlfriend.
My dress was starting to get uncomfortable. I had brought a bag with me that had shorts and a Red Hot Chili Peppers t-shirt my dad sent me a couple years ago. Spoke to him maybe twice a year, but at least he knew what bands I liked.
"I'm going to go change." I said, getting up.
"You can go change in one of the 8 bedrooms." Mia laughed, "Just not the one with the double doors at the end of the hall, my parents are sleeping in that one."
"I'm going to come with you. I want to get out of my dress too." Brianna said, and we went up the stairs. We both knew what we wanted to do.
A few minutes later we were in one of the beautiful, luxurious bedrooms in Mia's house, in our bra and underwear, kissing in the dark.
"Did you say you wanted to change on purpose?" Brianna chuckled between kisses.
"Somewhat. I was hoping you'd say you would come change too."
"You looked insanely beautiful tonight. If I didn't tell you enough already." Brianna said, in between kissing my neck. We were sitting down on the plush mattress with a silk duvet.
" do you." I said, savoring the neck kisses, and then she aggressively pinned me down on the bed before I knew it, holding my arms down.
She cozied up to my right ear and whispered, "I'm going to use my tongue on you, arms still pinned down. And remember, you have to be quiet."
Damn. And let me tell you, it was beyond hard to be quiet. Beyond.
A week later, Brianna graduated. I sat with Maureen and Vivian in the stands and cheered when our Principal, Mr. Simpson called our, "Brianna Rose Wren. Congratulations, please come accept your diploma.
Brianna looked thrilled to be finished with high school, and I couldn't wait until I was there with her.
Brianna and I went back into the building together so she could get the last of the things in her locker. She took down some photos, I smiled when I saw three of them were of the two of us. She had recently placed one of the two of us at prom on her rearview mirror- where the picture of Molly used to be. We really had come far this year- together.
She leaned in to give me a kiss. I was slightly hesitant, but then she said, "No one is here. It's okay."
She gave me a gentle kiss, her palm on the side of my face. "You know I am so patient with you, Blake." She said gently, "But one day you're going to have to face being out. You know that, right?" She was looking right into my eyes.
"I know." I whispered back. I knew the day was getting closer. I leaned in and gave her a kiss.
Then I froze when I heard a voice say in a mocking tone, "Aww cute."
Brianna and I looked at who the voice belonged to.
Sydney Schaefer. Popular, mean girl. It was like she didn't have a nice bone in her body, this one. I saw Brianna roll her eyes.
Sydney was standing about 6 feet in front of us in a little plaid skirt with a black tank top tucked into it. Her long, dark hair was in a low ponytail. She was tall, slim, and tan.
"What do you want?" Brianna said to Sydney.
"Just wanted to let you guys know how cute you are." Sydney said, in a sarcastic tone. She was making fun of us.
Anger flashed in Brianna's eyes. She stepped up to Sydney, "And who the fuck are you?"
"Whoa, don't get too close. You might kiss me too, who knows." Sydney mocked.
"Listen here, bitch. Say another word and I'll make you regret everything you just said." Brianna practically growled. I was standing behind her.
I saw fear encapsulate Sydney's blue eyes. She stepped back a bit. Then looked at me, "Didn't think you liked girls, Blake."
I didn't know what to say to her. My heart was racing. But Brianna knew what to say.
"Say another word to her I will punch you. I'm not afraid. And if you dare say anything to her this coming year about being gay, like I said before- you will regret it." Brianna seethed.
Sydney, who still looked slightly nervous, smirked, and then walked off.
I let out the breath I realized I had sucked in. "Thank you." I said to Brianna, "I love you."
"I love you more. I'll never let anyone hurt you." Brianna grabbed my hand.
I held onto it, realizing things were going to change after this year. And I really hoped it was for the better.

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