Part 31- Present Day

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"Can I come in?" Brianna asked me, her voice shaky.
"Oh, yeah. Come in." I said, in a complete daze. Why was she at my doorstep in her fucking wedding gown?
We stood in my living room just staring at each other for a moment. Her, in her gorgeous dress. Me in my black joggers and gray hoodie.
"I couldn't do it." She said, and then broke down crying in front of me. The only time I ever saw her break down like this was when we broke up 3 years ago.
And before I knew it I was hugging her. She was wrapped in my arms, crying into my shoulder. "It's okay." I repeatedly said, stroking her hair.
After what felt like a long time- she pulled away. "I couldn't go through with the wedding. As you can see." She gestured to the dress.
"You look beautiful." I said back to her, meaning it.
"I look like a fucking mess." She said, but gave me a small smile.
"Do you want to shower or anything?" I asked her.
"I really want to lay down. Today has been fucking crazy."
"I can see. Let's go lay down in my bedroom." I said, and led her to my room, which was slight mess with clothes strewn on the floor.
I was in a daze. I was confused. I didn't know what was going on. But I felt an odd sense of peace seeing her at my doorstep, despite the crazy fact that she obviously ran away from her wedding.
We laid down on my bed and instinctively I laid my head on her chest and she put her arm around me. It felt like coming back home.
"Is Savannah here?" Brianna asked me.
"You're in luck, she's at her new boyfriends house for the night." I said. Savannah had started dating a fellow nurse, Jack, a couple months ago.
"Good." Brianna let down a breath she had been holding in.
We laid there in silence for a moment. Finally I asked, "So...what happened?"
"Sydney and I decided to not see each other in our dresses until right before the wedding. So we each came out of our dressing rooms into the hallway of where we were getting married. She made us stand, our backs facing each other, and then we turned around. When we turned around, is when I realized- if the person is not you that I am seeing across from
me in a wedding dress- I can't marry them." Brianna said.
I felt my heart start to beat faster, "Then what happened?"
"It felt so just...wrong standing there looking at Sydney. I kept imagining you standing there in a dress. And then I felt like I was going to throw up because I knew I couldn't go through with the wedding."
"How did you tell Sydney?"
"Well, I started crying. Because I felt awful. And I told her I couldn't get married to her. She asked me if it was because of you. I said yes." I heard Brianna's voice waiver.
"How did she react?"
"She was pissed, of course. Told me she never wanted to see me again. And after that, I just ran out to my car and drove here. I didn't tell anyone where I was going. I just knew I needed to see you."
I lifted my head up and shifted on my side to face Brianna. She turned to face me.
"I can't believe this is happening honestly." was all I could think of to say.
"I just want you to know I love you." Brianna looked into my eyes deeply.
"I love you too, Brianna." I said, and then she kissed me. Aggressively. Like she had been starving for me. And then before I knew it she was on top of me, pinning my arms down. It was like all of our times that we had been hooking up in secret were leading to this.
She almost tore off my shirt and my bra. As well as my pants. We needed each other. Nothing else mattered in that moment. She kissed my neck and trailed her way down my bare chest and then my stomach. She teased me, lightly biting at my underwear, and rubbing with her fingers over it.
"Please, just fuck me." I said, not being able to hold back. I was in ecstasy.
She pulled off my underwear and didn't even wait to start off slow, she went right in with her mouth.
Goddamn. Did this feel good. She grabbed at my thighs as I moaned her name. She had always been really great at going down, but this was a whole other level.
I started to feel like I was reaching a climax and I moaned that I was close. She grabbed my left hand as my right one was in her hair.
And I came. Hard. She kept on going for a bit after until I tapped on her head to let her know I couldn't take anymore. When she came up, she kissed me, not even bothering to wipe her mouth off. I didn't care either. I noticed she was still in her wedding dress. This was not how I thought this day would go.
I put on an old big t-shirt of hers I still had and a new pair of underwear.
She looked at me, "You still have that old t-shirt from the gym I used to work at?"
"I still have quite a few of your t-shirts." I said. "Is that weird?"
She smiled at me, "Please. I just left my own fucking wedding because of you. I don't think you keeping some of my old shirts is any weirder."
I walked over to where she was sitting on my bed, "Do you want to put one on? Get out of that dress of yours."
She nodded and I grabbed her an old t-shirt from our soccer days. She took off her dress, revealing a pretty white bra and underwear underneath and put on the shirt.
We laid down together in my bed. I looked at my phone, it was after 9 PM. For split second I thought about how much I would love to tell Oliver about this.
"Is everything okay? You're just staring at your phone." Brianna said.
"I'm okay. I just honestly wish I could text Oliver right now about this." I said. Knowing she would be one of the only people that understood that.
"I actually thought that was why you were looking a bit lost in thought. Come lay down next to me."
I laid down and she wrapped her arms around me. Nothing felt more right than this.
"I know we are going to have to discuss everything tomorrow, like in depth." She said, "But for tonight can we just lay here together?"
I nodded and gave her a kiss on the cheek. That was all I wanted.

A/N: I know this was a shorter chapter, but I intentionally wanted it to be, just to spotlight their reunion after the wedding. More to come :) thank you so much for reading. It means the world to me.

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