Part 8- Present Day

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*Edit- this part was already published, and I have no idea what happened to it! I am re-writing it.

Savannah gave me a hug as I cried in her arms after Casey's 4th of July party. I left immediately after Brianna and I had our confrontation.
"Sweetie, I know how hard this is, having to see her. And especially see her with her fucking fiancé. But you need to find a way to move past it. Let go." Savannah said, playing with my hair.
"I know you're right." I cried, "It just hurt so much seeing her with Sydney."
"I know it did. And I literally want to kill her for getting engaged. But this is your message- it's time to move on. You haven't in 3 years."
All I could do was nod. And I had no idea if I was even ready to move on for good.
I had texted Casey apologizing for leaving her party early, and she told me to not even worry about it at all. But back in person at work on Tuesday, I apologized again as we filled out paperwork and ate lunch in the social work office.
"Please stop apologizing. I really understand." She said reassuringly, taking a bite of her Mac and cheese she brought with.
"Okay. I really do feel awful." I said, and then we heard a knock at the door.
"Come in!" Casey said.
The door opened. And of course it had to be Brianna, standing there in back Capri leggings and a gray Floral Meadows t-shirt with a hoodie tied at her waist. "Can I talk to Blake?" She asked.
Casey gave me a "Is this okay?" look.
"Okay." I said to Brianna, and Casey quietly slipped out.
"She knows about us, doesn't she?" Brianna asked me.
"Yes. What did you want to talk about?" I asked her.
"Straight to the point, huh? I'm getting a drink at O'Donnell's right after work. Will you meet me there?"
Why? "Um, okay. Do you finish at 5 too?"
"Yep. See you then." Brianna said, and then left quickly.
What the fuck?
I was antsy at work the rest of the day. And also wished I had brought something else to change into. For what though? Wasn't like I had to impress Brianna. Even though I wanted to.
I drove to O'Donnell's after work. It was an Irish pub a few minutes away. I noticed Brianna's car, the same one she had since the last time I saw her in college already parked.
I looked in my car mirror. I looked tired, I had bags under my eyes. I took out my high ponytail and let my hair hang loose and slightly wavy. And I made my way into O'Donnell's.
It was a dimly lit place with a bunch of Irish themed posters and a huge bar in the middle of the restaurant. I saw Brianna drinking a Blue Moon. I walked up to her. "This seat taken?" I said, hoping to lighten the already tense mood I could feel from her.
She snickered, "Be my guest."
The bartender, who looked to be in his 20's asked me, "What would you like to drink, Miss?"
"I'll have a Stella, thank you." I said.
"Your taste in beer hasn't changed." Brianna said to me.
"Neither has yours." I pointed to her Blue Moon.
She gave me a small smile. "Look, I'm sure you're wondering why I asked you to get a drink with me."
"Definitely wondering why." I responded.
"I-I don't even know exactly why I asked you. I don't like how we left off at Casey's party." She looked down.
"I'm sorry about that. It was just...really hard, Brianna. Really hard for me to see you with her." I said. I could feel myself getting upset. Hold it together, Blake.
"I always thought it would be me seeing you with someone else." Brianna stared off at nothing in particular, blankly.
"What? Why?"
"I always wondered if that was part of why you broke up with me. That you met someone at college who was better than me. Smarter than me." Brianna was showing her vulnerable side. One that I didn't see too often.
"Brianna...that was not the case. You know why I...I ended things." It was hard for me to say those words.
"I know your homophobic mom played a part. How would she feel that you're with me right now?" Brianna said with a slight edge to her voice.
"Who knows. Who cares. I haven't spoken to her in close to two years."
Brianna looked at me, wide eyed. "Are you serious?"
"Yep." I nodded.
"Why did you stop talking to her?"
"As you just said. She's homophobic." I shrugged.
"I-I didn't expect that, Blake." Brianna took a deep breath, "Another thing I wish I didn't know when I was engaged." She mumbled.
Why did she say that? "I'm sorry. And I'm sorry that you also thought I met someone else who you believed was smarter than you, or better. I promise you- there is was no one  who is either of those things.
Brianna looked me straight in the eyes. "Same goes for you. Or...went for you. I know Nursing had been your original plan. But I can see how great you are at social work."
"And I can see how great you are with physical therapy. The patients love you, Brianna. I can see why." That last part of the statement I made I just kind of blurted out. Without thinking.
Brianna looked slightly taken aback. But then she said, "I'm really proud of you, Blake." And to my surprise, she put her right hand on mine. I looked at her, and it felt like time had paused as I looked into her pale brown eyes.
"Ah, those green eyes. They get me every time." She said. Her hand was still on mine.
Then the moment was quickly over when I heard someone clear their throat behind us. I turned to see who it was. Sydney.
What in the actual fuck?
"Are you two done?" She said, and I could tell she was seething. She had on scrubs- I forgot she was a Nurse. Her hair was up in a messy bun.
"Sydney, what are you doing here?" Brianna said, staring at her fiancé. She seemed pissed off as well.
"I was concerned. And it looks like I was right to be."
"Sydney, nothing is-" Brianna started, but was cut off.
"Like I believe you." She narrowed her eyes, and then turned to me. Wow, she was finally acknowledging me, "You think you can just steal my fiancé from me, Blake?"
"Sydney, please stop." Brianna said.
"Nothing is happening here, believe whatever you want to fucking believe though." I said, and Brianna looked at me wide eyed again. I had gotten a bit more of a backbone since we were together.
"Okay. If that's true, then tell Blake to leave and let me take her place at the bar. And buy me a drink." Sydney said.
"What?" Brianna said, speaking my very thought to life. She sounded like she couldn't believe what she just heard.
"You heard me. Tell Blake to go home." Sydney crossed her arms.
"How about you go home." Brianna looked Sydney in the eyes, "I mean it, Sydney."
I saw Sydney's blue eyes well up with tears. I almost felt bad for moment. "Fuck you both." She said, and then stomped away.
How the fuck did I get caught up in this mess?

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