Part 4- Present Day

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I wound up getting the job at Floral Meadows. Janelle had called me 3 days after the interview to offer me the job, and I accepted. It paid 22 dollars an hour- I hoped to make more one day, but for now I needed to pay my bills.
My roommate, Savannah, had agreed to help me pay my rent until I got a job. She already had a job lined up right after graduation as a Nurse and was making $65,000 a year. Savannah Heller was my roommate in college all 4 years. We met first day freshman year, and clicked immediately, which I find to be quite lucky.
My first day, the Monday after I accepted the job on a Friday, I woke up an hour before I needed to and I had been tossing and turning all night before. I knew it was partially because I was just nervous about starting a new job, but also because I would be seeing Brianna.
When I told Savannah that Brianna worked at Floral Meadow her jaw dropped. She was the main person that had been there for me during the college portion of my relationship with her, and also thought I would probably never see her again.
"No fucking way." Savannah said to me, "Did you talk to her?"
"Barely. She definitely wasn't the kindest."
"Try to not let her get to you. You will be there for a job. Try to act like she doesn't exist."
I knew that wouldn't be easy. But I made that my mindset- to be there strictly for the job at hand. To help people in the retirement community.
I had on my dark blue scrubs, which was my social worker uniform, and a tumbler full of cold brew in hand. I was ready to go. Savannah was already gone for the day- she starts her shifts at 7 AM, and I had to be at the nursing home at 9.
I was grateful it was short drive because I was freaking out. I wished for a single moment that I could send my mom a text and she could reassure me everything would be fine. But I can't exactly do that if I haven't spoken to her in almost 2 years.
I walked into the building, which had a bunch of colorful flowers planted in front of it. Floral Meadows wasn't a big nursing home, but I was extremely nice. Looked almost like a hotel on the inside.
"Hi, how can I help you?" The younger receptionist with curly red hair asked me with a smile.
"Hi, my name is Blake Gemmell. It's my first day here, I am a social worker."
"Welcome! I will call up Janelle to come get you." She said, "My name is Jennifer."
"Nice to meet you." I said to her.
She pressed a button on the phone in front of her and said, "Hi Janelle. Blake is here. Okay, great."
She turned to me, "Janelle will be down in one moment."
I wondered where Brianna was in the building. If she was even here yet. She hates early mornings. Or at least she did.
Janelle greeted me, "Hi Blake! I am so happy you are here. We will start the day in my office and then you will be working with a few of the other case workers."
When we got to Janelle's office she gave me some paper work to sign and then a name tag. She told me that the social worker I would be shadowing was Casey.
"I think you'll do great." Janelle said to me.
"I sure hope so." I smiled at her, "Thank you."
She introduced me to Casey Schultz, who was 24 years old and was short, curvy, and had long curly brown hair with some lighter highlights throughout. I could immediately tell I would get along with her. She had a very bright, bubbly energy that I appreciated.
We did rounds that morning to different residents that needed attention and she introduced me to them. I hadn't worked a ton with the elderly population, and I was a little nervous. It's not like I had grandparents that were over the age of 50 to interact with when I was growing up.
We stopped by a 90 year old woman, Anne Jenkins room, and she was a pistol. 90 years old and still had a lot of wit and jokes in her.
"I have physical therapy in 10 minutes. Is there any way you girls can walk me to it?" She asked, grabbing her cane. She was still walking well too.
Physical therapy. Brianna's wheelhouse apparently. I secretly hoped Casey would say yes.
"Of course, Anne! We would be happy to." She said
"Wonderful, thank you. Let me just grab my purse."
"You got a hot date or something after this?" Casey joked with her.
"Oh, I sure wish I did." Anne winked. "You two girls take advantage of your beauty now. It doesn't last forever!"
Casey and I walked slowly with Anne from her apartment down the hall to the Physical/Occupational therapy gym, which was a spacious room filled with all different kinds of equipment.
"Who is your therapist, Anne?" Casey asked her.
"On Monday's I work with Brianna, the physical therapy assistant. She's wonderful, makes me work hard." Anne said.
Fuck. Me. Of course it was Brianna. And of course she was wonderful. I felt a pang in my stomach.
I spotted Brianna out, she was balanced on an exercise ball with her laptop on her thighs and she was typing. She had her usual summer tan, and her hair was down and straight today. She looked beautiful, of course.
"Brianna! We've got Anne here for you." Casey called from across the gym.
Brianna shut her laptop and jumped up, "Hey, Ms. Jenkins!" She started bounding over to us, and then noticed me. She still kept her pace, but I saw her swallow and get slightly flushed.
"Brianna, it's good to see you." Anne said when Brianna reached us at the front of the gym.
"Ready to work hard today?" Brianna looked down at Anne. She was much taller than the small lady.
"Do I have any other option?" Anne asked, and we laughed.
"Brianna, this is Blake. She just started as a social worker here today." Casey introduced me to someone who I already knew. Very well.
"So you got the job." Brianna said to me. I saw Casey turn her head to me, looking slightly surprised.
"Well, I'm here." I said, looking her right in her light brown eyes.
She smirked slightly. "Congrats, Blake." Just hearing her say my name, even in her icy tone, sent a shiver down my spine. She turned to Casey, "Can you walk Anne over to the exercise ball I was just on?"
"Of course." Casey said, linking arms with Anne. "Let's go."
What did she want?
She took a step closer to me. "You know you have some nerve taking a job where I work." She practically growled. I was taken aback.
"What did you want me to do? Not accept the job? I have bills to pay, you know."
She took a deep breath. "I know. It's just a shock to see you."
"And you don't think I'm shocked to see you? I thought you would be in the Army somewhere." I said, looking at her. I was really surprised we were talking right now.
"That didn't quite work out." She looked off to the side.
"Clearly. Looks like we've missed a few chapters on each other's lives."
"And whose fault is that?" She scowled at me. Ouch. I deserved it.
"You know how sorry I am, Brianna."
She looked at me with hurt in her eyes. "You know what, it's okay. It was for a reason."
"And what would that reason be?" I asked. There was tension between us as we stood close. You could cut it with a knife. And I wasn't sure if there was any sexual tension there as well. Possibly.
"It lead me to the love of my life." She held up her left hand. My eyes darted to a delicate silver band with a small Diamond on it.
"You're engaged?" I asked. For some reason immense sadness and jealousy filled me up inside.
"Yep. And I'm happy." She said.
"Well, then I am happy for you." I blatantly lied. I wanted that with her. More than anything.
She stared at me for a moment, almost looking like she was going to cry. "I'll see you around." She said, and turned abruptly.
I sighed. Looked like my one that got away found someone else.

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