Part 23- High School (Senior Year)

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The month after coming out to my mom was stressful. Yes, I had some relief that she knew now, but it added a whole other level of anxiety as well. Now she knew. Knew that I was with Brianna.
Not that my mom and I speak a ton, but she really didn't talk to me that much after she found out. Ryan, who she must've told, also lessened how much he spoke to me. I could care less about him though. My little sister was 3 months old and he was already constantly back at the casino.
I thought my mom would've let go of her parents traditional values after she moved up North from Kentucky. I mean, she god pregnant with me when she was 16- she wasn't exactly going to heaven too then if this is what it was all about. I knew Ryan influenced her as well. He was your typical uneducated, ignorant guy.
I had Thanksgiving with Brianna's family again. I was really happy especially for Maureen- she started dating someone in September- his name was Todd, he was ten years older than her, and had been divorced. He had a son who was in his 30's. He worked as a CPA, and he seemed like a really nice guy. Maureen looked happy.
I knew I was more irritable toward Brianna as of late because of everything going on with my family- but she seemed to understand.
One Thursday in December, right before Christmas break, I went to go pick her up from work. She was getting her car inspected, and wouldn't have it for a couple days.
I texted her I was out front, but didn't get an answer for a few minutes. Weird. I decided to just park and go inside. Maybe she was a taking a few more minutes with a client.
I walked into the gym and then immediately saw her- and she was not working with a client. She was standing there in a sports bra and workout shorts laughing with that girl Stephanie- who was dressed even more scantily clad. Stephanie laughed hard at something Brianna said and touched her arm. I could feel my blood start to boil. I knew it was irrational, but I couldn't help but get angry.
I walked up to where Brianna and Stephanie were laughing. I saw Stephanie's eyes trail toward me. "Looks like you have a visitor." She said to Brianna.
"Hey, why did you come in?" Brianna said to me.
"I texted you I was outside and tried to call, I just figured I would come in." I said, plastering a fake smile.
Brianna looked at me, "Oh, I'm sorry. I must've not heard my phone. Let's go." Then she turned to Stephanie, "See you tomorrow."
As we walked out I didn't say anything to Brianna, as well as when we got in my car.
"What's wrong?" Brianna asked me after I turned the car on.
"Come on, Blake."
"Stephanie totally likes you."
I saw Brianna roll her eyes, "Seriously? I'm sorry I didn't come out when you got here. But she doesn't like me."
"Sure she doesn't." I sneered. I knew I was being jealous. And immature. But I couldn't help myself.
"She doesn't. And even if she did, why would it matter? I'm with you."
"I'm sure I'm not the most fun person to be with right now."
"You just have a lot going on right now."
"So I'm not good to be around right now?" I knew I was letting pure frustration and emotion get the best of me.
"Don't twist my words, Blake." I could hear an edge of annoyance in Brianna's voice.
"I'm not. I'm sorry I'm just like this right now."
"You are though. And cut it out. You don't think I understand that you're going through a tough time right now? I'm here for you. Just let me be here." Brianna looked at me.
"I'm sorry." I said, feeling my eyes well up. Tears started to roll down my face and Brianna gave me a hug. "I'm always going to be here for you. I love you" she said.
Christmas and New Years came and went, and I spent Christmas with Brianna and New Years with Brianna, Oliver, and some of the girls from soccer last year that were home on winter break.
Our classes were going to be switched come January for the new semester, and I was glad to find out I still had pretty much all of them with Oliver. I also knew since I was accepted to college, I didn't have to try as hard. 
I had a Greek mythology class right after lunch with Oliver. And to my dismay, I saw I had it with Sydney Schaefer as well- who made fun of Brianna and I at graduation. I thought she would leave me alone, but I thought wrong.
As Oliver and I were packing up when the bell rang, she came right up to us.
"Two gay best friends, how cute." She sneered.
I saw Oliver look up at her from putting his books in his bag. His eyes were slightly red I noticed. "Fuck off, Sydney."
"That's rude." She said, "And Blake, what are you going to do without your big bad girlfriend here to protect you?"
Oliver stepped in front of me, and right up to Sydney. At 5'10, he was taller than her. "She doesn't need her here right now. She has me. Now Sydney, if you know what's good for you, you'll leave us alone. Not just today, but for the whole semester."
Sydney backed off and walked away. "What a bitch." Oliver muttered, and hoisted up his bag, which he forgot to fully zip. The movement of the bag caused a small plastic bag to fall out.
I reached down to see what fell on the classroom tiled floor, but Oliver immediately grabbed at it first. But not before I saw white powder in it.
"What's in the bag, Oliver?" I asked him.
"Confectioners sugar."
"Shut up. What's in the bag?"
Oliver looked down, "It's cocaine. This guy Juan gave it to me."
I held out my palm, "Give it to me."
"I'm going to flush it."
"Come on Blake, live a little."
"No, I mean it."
Oliver rolled his eyes, but handed me the bag. "Fine."
The rest of senior year rolled by. Soccer in the Spring season was better than the Fall, but I still wasn't 100% in it. I wondered if I would feel the same way in college. I was looking forward to college more and more, I just wanted to get out of my house. Brianna turned 19, and in April, Maureen and Todd got engaged. Brianna was happy about it- she liked Todd a lot, and she just wanted Maureen to be loved and happy after all she had been through.
My 18th birthday, June 5th, was senior prom night. I chose to not go. I wanted to avoid the awkwardness about going with Brianna from my mom. Instead, Brianna said she had something special planned for us. She told me to wear something cute, but comfortable and she would pick me up at 4 PM. She also told me to pack an overnight bag.
When she was on her way, my phone rang. I looked down at called ID. My dad. Even though we barely spoke, I still had his number saved. I picked it up, "Hi dad."
"Hey honey. Just wanted to wish you a happy 18th birthday. Can't believe you're an adult now." His Southern drawl came through.
"Me neither. Thanks, dad." It always felt like I was talking to stranger.
He asked me about my college plans and sounded genuinely proud when I told him about my scholarship and school. We hung up as Brianna texted me she was outside.
She whistled when she saw me. I had on a short black sundress. "Damn, birthday girl. You look amazing."
"Thank you." I smiled at her, we got in her car.
"Are you okay? You look a little off."
"My dad just called me. I always feel kind of...empty after talking to him."
Brianna held my hand, "I'm sorry, babe. But I am going to help make you feel better, I promise."
And that she did. She drove us a little over an hour until we reached the Jersey shore. She had picnic baskets and a blanket in her car, and a bottle of champagne. She set up a picnic on the beach, and we watched the sunset together.
"Hopefully this beats prom." She said, filling me another glass of champagne.
"By a hundred thousand miles. This is amazing." I said.
"You'll be saying that later too once I get you in the hotel room." She smirked.
"Oh is that so?" I flirted back to her.
"Absolutely. I brought with a couple of toys. You'll be pleased."
I blushed at the thought, then said, "We are officially two adults in a relationship."
"And before we know it we will be celebrating my 21st birthday, then yours. And so on." She smiled at me.
That was all I wanted. Little did I know, I would be spending my 19th birthday all alone.

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