Part 24- High School (Senior Year)

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Graduation was going to be awkward, I figured. I had 4 tickets to give out, and I was going to give them to my mom, Maureen, Vivian, and of course-Brianna. My mom had warmed up to me a little bit, but things were still a bit awkward. But I was just biding my time until I moved out.
The night before graduation, when I came home from practice, my mom said to me in the kitchen, "Honey, I'm not going to be able to make it to your graduation tomorrow."
I turned to my mom, "What...why?"
"I have to fill in for Karen at work. She is sick."
Are you serious. "You couldn't have told her that tomorrow is your daughters graduation?"
"I figured it would be alright with you."
I chuckled, "Yeah, sure. Just fine."
At least Brianna, Vivian, and Maureen would be there. The people that felt like my actual family.
It was surreal to me that I was graduating high school. I walked up as Principal Simpson said, "Blake Nicole Gemmell. Congratulations, come get your diploma."
I looked over to see Brianna, Maureen, and Vivian cheering for me. I smiled. I felt an emptiness inside me knowing my mom wasn't there. But sometimes you have to create your own family, I realized.
I started to back with Brianna from the football stadium where graduation was to the school building so I could clean out my locker. I was officially free.
At the front of the football stadium there were a few security guards handling letting people in and out. As Brianna and I approached the front I heard a man, with a thick Southern accent say, "Hi, I'm trying to find my daughter. She just graduated, can you help me locate her?"
"Sir, I'm going to need more information and identification. You understand I can't let just anyone in here." The security guard said back.
"Of course, ma'am. I understand. I'd be happy to provide ID."
I looked over to see where the voice was coming from. I hadn't seen my dad in 9 years, since I was 11. But right when I heard that voice, I knew it was him. And when I saw his tall, slim but muscular figure, wavy, sandy blonde hair, and Nirvana t-shirt- yep. That confirmed it.
I paused while walking.
"Babe, what's wrong?" Brianna asked me.
"That's my dad." I said.
"Wait, what? Who!"
I sneakily pointed over to him.
"Wow, he looks so young." Brianna said.
"I mean, he is only 35 years old."
"True. So, what do you want to do? Go see him or completely avoid?"
"I can't avoid him. Let's go over."
Brianna grabbed my hand and gave it a squeeze. We walked over to my dad- he was handing his ID to the security guard.
"Dad...what are you doing at my graduation?" I said.
He looked down at me, and his dark blue eyes widened, "Blake! I can't believe how much you've grown."
The security guard looked at me, "This is your dad? And you're okay with him being here?"
"Yes." I said.
My dad walked a few steps up and gave me a hug. And I let him. I couldn't believe he was here- how he even knew where I went to high school, that my graduation was today.
"Congratulations, sweetie. I'm proud of you." He said.
I hadn't seen my dad in forever. He never did anything "wrong" or "bad"- he just wasn't in my life. He was 17 when I was born, and he lived nowhere near me. I felt an odd sense of happiness that he had shown up.
"Thank you, dad." Then I realized, Brianna was standing next to me. And I was going to have to introduce her to him as my girlfriend. I had zero idea how he felt about the LGBTQ+ community. I was about to find out.
He looked at Brianna, "Hi, my name is Sean. I'm Blake's father."
"Dad, this is Brianna. My...girlfriend." I said.
I saw his eyes widen and then they seem to light up. Was he okay with this? "Oh, it's so nice to meet you!" He said, sticking his hand out to shake Brianna's.
And his reaction seemed genuine.
"It's nice to meet you too." Brianna smiled at him.
My dad walked with us into the school building to clean out my locker. Brianna excused herself to use the restroom, leaving my dad and I.
"I'm really happy for you." He said as I cleaned out my locker.
"For graduating?"
"Well, yes. But your girlfriend. That's really great." He said.
I could feel my heart bursting with joy. "You really mean that?"
"Of course I do! Why wouldn't I? I want you to be happy. And Brianna seems like a great girl."
"My mom isn't happy about it." I said, quietly.
"I'm not surprised. She's much more...traditional. I know because I'm a good ol boy from the South you might've though differently. But love is love." My dad said, and I felt like I could cry hearing those words.
Brianna came back, and my dad offered to take us out to lunch, Maureen and Vivian included. I happily obliged. We went to a restaurant called Solstice and got some food. My dad got along great with everyone. He told us that he was working down in Kentucky as a MRI Tech and was engaged to a woman named Emily. It was weird- he was so funny, nice, easy to get along with at lunch. But he still felt like a stranger to me- but I didn't want him to be one anymore. He told us he was staying until tomorrow morning, and asked me if I wanted to get breakfast the next day-Brianna included.
I didn't even go home graduation night, I stayed at Brianna's. My mom texted me congratulating me, and I responded with a simple "Thanks." The next morning Brianna and I met my dad at a place called Pat's Kitchen that served brunch.
We got our food, I treated myself to French Toast, and I asked my dad, "How did you know my graduation was yesterday?"
"Well, I knew what high school you went to. I'm able to see that information on the child support papers. I looked up the graduation date and time." He said, taking a bite of his omelette.
"What made you decide to come?"
"I wanted to see you. I wanted to be there for you on your big day. I decided when we talked on your birthday that I was going to drive up. Blake, I want to be there for you. I know I have a hell of a lot of lost time to make up for. But I want to be part of your life. Be there for your other big days." my dad said.
Brianna grabbed my hand from under the table in support.
"I'd really like that." I said.
In July Maureen and Todd got married. They knew it was quick, they'd only been together for 10 months. But they didn't want to waste time- and I thought that was beautiful. Of course Brianna was one of her bridesmaids, and I was surprised when she asked me to be one as well.
They had a small wedding- only about 40 people. It was at a beautiful venue outside, and Maureen looked amazing in her white dress. She looked so genuinely happy. Brianna and I matched in lavender dresses that were flowy and a little below the knees. We laughed at how much it wasn't our style. Maureen's friend from when she was little, Katie, was also a bridesmaid. Todd's son, Aaron- Brianna's new stepbrother was his best man.
They had a band play, and it was starting to turn to dusk as everyone danced.
The band started playing "Dont Wanna Miss a Thing" by Aerosmith, and Brianna and I attempted to slow dance.
"It's like you have two left feet." She laughed as I tripped over her.
"I'm sorry!" I laughed too, "You find it charming though, I hope."
"Of course I do." She said, looking at me. "I love you, Blake."
"And I love you too."
"I hope that's us one day." She said, nodded toward where Maureen and Todd were dancing.
I looked at my beautiful girlfriend and nodded, "It will be us one day. I know it."
Brianna kissed me in response. I wanted to stay in that moment forever,

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