Part 35- Present Day

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Brianna and I decided to have our wedding in April- 9 months after we got engaged. We knew we wanted something small- honestly no more than 40 people. Brianna and I didn't have a whole lot of friends to invite, just some. And we both didn't have big families. I realized this would be the first time my mom and dad would be in the same room since I was very young too.
Savannah's house- the one I stayed at almost every summer of college- was huge. Her backyard was massive, and she lived on acres of land.
One day in July when Savannah and I were talking about the wedding, she asked me if Brianna and I had chosen a venue yet.
"No, it's pretty hard honestly to find a place that will take the small amount of people we want to have. It's only going to be around 40. A lot of places won't book less than a 100." I said to her. We were at her new apartment with Jack.
She nodded, and I could tell she was thinking. Then her eyes lit up, "My parents house!"
"What about your parents house?" I asked her.
"Get married there! In April it should be nice enough to have it outside. You can get married in the backyard, there is plenty of room. And if by some chance it rains, get married in the living room. Still plenty of space." Savannah said.
In that moment, I couldn't be more thankful for my best friend. "Are you sure your parents will be okay with that?" I asked her.
"They will be more than okay. Are you kidding me? My mom loves a party." Savannah said, "I'll text her now."
"Just make sure your cousin Alyx doesn't show up unannounced." I chuckled.
Brianna laughed, "No need to worry, she's married now anyway. I'm sure her wife loves hearing her dote on herself."
Dana and Jim, Savannah's parents said they would be more than thrilled to host our wedding. That saved us quite a bit of money- weddings were not cheap, and we decided to pay ourselves. Though Maureen generously offered to pay for not just Brianna's- but my wedding dress too. My mom wanted to help, but she simply just couldn't afford it, which I understood. My dad kept offering to pay for something, anything. But I kept saying no. All Brianna and I had to really figure out was the food and invitations. We were going to keep it super simple and as stress free as possible.
Maureen and Vivian took Brianna shopping for her wedding dress, and then a week later, in September, they took me. My mom came with as well.
It only took me a few dresses to land on the one I wanted. I knew right when I looked in the mirror after I put it on that it would be the one.
I walked out of the dressing room to face Maureen, Vivian, and my mom.
"Oh honey, that's beautiful on you." Maureen said. I saw my mom tear up- she had been doing that with every dress I tried on so far though.
"What do you think about it?" Vivian asked me.
I looked at myself in the full length mirror. The champagne colored dress was simple yet beautiful. It had spaghetti straps and a sweetheart neckline. The dress flowed out elegantly from where my waist started. "I absolutely love it." I said, "This is the one."
Though Brianna and I were living our day to day life together, it still felt exciting knowing we would be getting married soon enough.
One other exciting thing that happened was I got into graduate school for my Master's in Social Work in November. It was a year and a half long program- mostly online, with some clinical rotations as well.
"This calls for a celebration." Brianna said after I opened the acceptance email up. "We are going out tonight."
It was a Friday, so we decided to doll ourselves up and go out. And my fiancé looked hot as fuck in skinny jeans with a tight black sweater. She paired it with some white Vans. "I might be taking those damn clothes off you before we even go out." I said to her.
We decided to go to Doylestown, a couple towns over with a lively nightlife- the Main Street was lined with restaurants and bars. We decided to get food at an Irish pub and then bar crawl. I liked going out with Brianna because even though she was my fiancé, it was also like I was going out with my very best friend.
Brianna and I each got a beer and were eating some appetizers when I swore I felt eyes blazing in our direction. We were seated at a booth on one side of the restaurant, and I when I looked to my right, I saw where the eyes were coming from.
Sydney. She was sitting at a booth, in a black mini dress and red coat, with two girls I recognized from high school. And she was staring down Brianna and I.
"Are you listening to me? Hello? Earth to Blake." Brianna waved a hand in front of my face.
"Sydney is here." I said to her.
I saw her face slightly drop, "Where?"
I nodded my head slightly in the direction of her booth. I was trying to avoid eye contact. Brianna glanced over and rolled her eyes. "She's looking at us."
"I know. I felt her eyes blazing into the back of my head, how I noticed she was here."
"She can stare all she wants. Let her come over here. See what happens." Brianna shrugged.
Brianna and I decided that we would just stick to drinks and appetizers, we didn't want to spoil our night by having Sydney be here.
Of course part of it was guilt. I did feel bad that Brianna and I had an affair going. And that she left her wedding to Sydney for me. From what she told me, Sydney was no angel. Brianna caught her texting other girls when they were together. But I know that's no excuse.
Brianna and I paid, and we started to get up and put our coats on when I heard heels clacking our way. And before I knew it, Sydney was standing in front of us.
"Do you need something?" Brianna asked her. She didn't look amused.
"What a way to greet your ex fiancé." Sydney said with sarcasm dripping from her voice.
"Can you leave us alone? I'm sorry things didn't work out but Blake and I are trying to leave." Brianna said to Sydney.
I saw Sydney glance down at my hand. My engagement ring. "Oh, don't tell me you two are getting married." She laughed, also sarcastically.
"It's none of your business." Brianna narrowed her eyes.
Sydney turned to me. "Just make sure she doesn't leave you at the altar, sweetie."
She was still hurt. "Sydney- I am sorry things didn't work out for you and Brianna. But you don't have to come over here and get on our case. I hope you find someone. Brianna and I found our way back to each other- it is what it is. You'll find someone too." I said, firmly, but with a gentle tone.
Sydney looked slightly taken aback. She was expecting more of a confrontation, but I wasn't going to give it to her. "You two are leaving now?" was all she asked.
"If you'll leave us alone." Brianna said.
"Good. I don't want to see you guys." Sydney turned on her heel, and walked away.
Brianna and I walked outside into the cold November air and stood in front of the pub.
"You handled her really well." Brianna said, "I'm sorry about that."
"It's okay. I'm guessing she is still hurt."
"I still feel bad. I do hope she moves on. But Blake...the confidence you have developed since I met you in high school, it's pretty admirable." Brianna turned to me.
"Look...after we broke up, and after my mom and I stopped talking for a few years, I basically had no one. Sure, I had Savannah. And my dad- but he was down in Kentucky. I had to be there for myself. And advocate for myself. I had no choice but to become strong." I explained.
Brianna stepped up to me, put her slightly cold hand on my neck, and gave me a kiss. "I love you. And I'm sorry you felt alone. I'm going to make sure you don't feel that way ever again."

A/N: Thank you so much for the reads. I can't even begin to express how much I appreciate it- and the votes and comments.
Unless I do write an epilogue, next part will be the last. That is how I have it planned out in my head.
Though right after this story is finished, I have two others I am going to start publishing right away, Please watch out for it :)

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