Part 37- Epilogue

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Here is the Epilogue to What We Could Never Be!
                     5 Years After the Wedding                    Casey and I sat out on my front porch, watching the kids play in the grass on the yard. It was a warm June day, a little over 5 years since I got married to Brianna. And a lot has happened since then.
"Oliver, stop hitting your sister!" I called out to my 3 and a half year old son, who was smacking his twin sister, my daughter Annie's arm.
He didn't stop. He thought she was playing along with him, but she looked like tears were going to burst out of her brown eyes.
"Oliver, if you don't stop in 3-2-1-" I started, and then he stopped and looked at me with his big brown eyes. He looked so confused and innocent I almost had to laugh.
Casey laughed for me. "He's adorable."
"You can have him." I chuckled, "He is a terror, a lovable terror. Just like who he was named after."
"I wish I could've met Oliver, you know." Casey said.
"He would've loved you. I just know he would've been obsessed with your curls." I said, running my hand through my best friends ringlets.
Casey sighed, "The world is scary. Anything can happen- why I'm nervous to bring this little one into the world in a few weeks." Casey put her hands on her stomach.
Casey was 9 months pregnant with her first child- a girl.
"Little Emma will be so loved. And she will have two built in cousins automatically." I said, looking at my kids.
A year and a half after Brianna and I got married we decided we wanted kids. We had to go over our options though. After a lot of research, we decided on a sperm donor. I carried the twins and had an emergency c-section with them at 35 weeks. It was a scary situation, the cord was wrapped around Annie's neck and she had to stay in the NICU for a bit. She was a trooper though and is now such a happy and healthy little girl. It is crazy how the twins seem to have mine and Brianna's personalities. Oliver is bold and outgoing like Brianna and Annie is a little more meek and shy like me.
It was a complete surprise that we were having twins. We thought we would just be having one- I was nervous and Brianna was absolutely thrilled. I remembered her telling me the first time she drove me home from soccer practice that she loved kids. And she was truly made for it. She was the absolute best mom and it made me love her even more, if that was possible.
"Blake, want to help me with the salads?" I heard Brianna's voice call from the house. "I'm sorry to tear you away from your actual soulmate out there." she joked.
Casey laughed. "You go help. I'll see you later tonight."
Casey got up, said bye to Oliver and Annie and then walked across the street to her house. Casey was my neighbor. Brianna and I moved into our house- a single 3 bedroom, 3 bathroom home in Casey's neighborhood. Us being neighbors made us that much closer. Casey was truly my best friend. And Brianna's as well.
My other best friend- Savannah- was now across the country in California. Her husband, Jack, decided that he wanted to go from being a Nurse to a Doctor. He got accepted to medical school at UCLA and Savannah moved out there to be with him. We have visited a few times and FaceTime as well. But I do miss her a lot.
I went into the house and toward the kitchen to help out Brianna. Tonight was special- we were hosting a dinner party for none other than the bride herself- Vivian.
That's right. Brianna's grandmother, at the age of 75, got married a week ago to a wonderful gentleman named Stan. We were all thrilled, and this was going to be the "reception".
We were going to have a full house. Me, Brianna, the kids, Casey and her husband Sean, and my mom and her husband Juan as well as Jade and Harley, Maureen and her husband, Scott, as well as his son, Adam, his wife Courtney, and their 5 year old daughter, Kayla. And then my dad and his wife, Emily. This was going to be the second time my parents have been in the same room together besides my wedding- in my 29 years of existence.
Things have been crazy for my mom. She got married 2 years ago to Juan- who I love. He is 50- 4 years older than her, and he is wonderful. He has the best sense of humor. He doesn't have any kids and adores Jade and Harley and being their dad.
A month after my wedding, my mom got full custody of Ryan- her ex-husbands daughter, Harley. Ryan was still messing around with Harley's mom, Jessica, who was an alcoholic. He wound up getting much worse in his alcohol and gambling addictions. One night they left the casino, trashed. Jessica was driving- and they wound up swerving and hitting a tree. They both died on impact. No one wanted to take Harley in from either of their families. So, my mom legally adopted her. That was when she was 12. She is 17 now, and for everything she has been through, she is a very sweet, well-behaved girl. Jade is 11 now and she is a trip. And still loves Brianna the most.
After helping Brianna with the food, we got Oliver and Annie dressed in their fancy little outfits. Of course Oliver didn't want to wear his shoes, and threw a fit. Brianna calmed him down.
Soon enough everyone started arriving to our house. Our two cats, Miles and Lilly, were so excited greeting everyone.
All of us, crowded into the house, whooped and cheered when Vivian and Stan walked in, hand in hand.
"Woooo!" Maureen cheered the loudest. Maureen, and my mom as well, were the best grandparents to Oliver and Annie. And the two of them became friends as well besides in laws. Maureen and Vivian have been a part of Harley and Jade's lives. My dad was holding Oliver, who was clapping as well. Annie was sitting in her chair clapping politely. She was too cute.
"Thank you, everyone. We love you all." Vivian said. She looked thrilled. So did Stan, who gave her hand a kiss.
Brianna, who was still as gorgeous and fit as ever, turned to me. "Do you think we will still be that in love at 75?"
"I know it." I winked at her, and she leaned down and gave me a kiss on the cheek.
We all sat down, crowded at the table, to eat. Conversation flowed and we were all having a great time celebrating.
"I am so jealous of you drinking wine."'Casey said to me.
"Only a few more weeks and you'll be able to." Brianna grinned at her.
Juan turned to me. "Blake, are you excited to start your new job in a couple weeks?"
"Definitely." I said. When I was pregnant I wound up getting my Master's degree in Social Work. I left Floral Meadows after I had the twins, which was weird to not work with Brianna and Casey anymore. After watching the twins and not working for a year, I got a job that was higher paying at a large hospital- and I did not like it. It caused me a lot of anxiety and stress. I worked there for a little over a year, and finally had enough. It was making me sick to my stomach, I had a terrible boss, and didn't like the hospital setting.
My new job, however, I was very excited for. I was going to be a social worker/counselor at a center for LGBT teens and young adults. It was very fitting and I was really looking forward to it.
"She's going to do an amazing job." Brianna gave my shoulder a squeeze.
I smiled at my wife. Sometimes I still couldn't believe this life we built for ourselves. Our family, friends, children, the love we have for each other. I wouldn't trade a damn thing for the world. And to think- all of it started just because I showed up to soccer practice late when I was 16.

A/N: thank you so much for reading the epilogue I hope you enjoyed! After I finish my two books I am writing now, Finding April and Not a Sin, I will be writing a story about Harley. So this won't be the last you see of Blake and Brianna!

EDIT from 10/10/21- The spin off to this story, Without You, has been completed. It is Harley's story. And I hope you all really like it ❤️

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