Part 21- High School (Senior Year)

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A/N: Hi! Just wanted to let you know, for the story to flow a little better at this point the next few parts will be written when Blake is in her senior year of high school/college, so you can really get a good idea of what happened with her and Brianna. After that, there will be chapters solely in the present day. Thank you so much for reading. Any comments, feedback, votes, reads mean the world to me! I love writing this story.

The summer before my senior year I spent it all with Brianna. My mom was so wrapped up with her pregnancy she barely even asked me about Justin. I spent a lot of time with Annabelle before she left to go to Florida for college, and of course Oliver and I spent a lot of the days together. Brianna, Oliver, and I took a few day trips together to the beach.
I also worked extra hours and finally bought a car in August. It was an old silver Honda Civic from 2003, but it was mine. And now I had the freedom I had been craving.
My mom went into labor a little early, at the end of August on the 28th. I was being texted updates from Ryan of all people from the hospital- on what happened to be my first day of soccer practice. I knew I shouldn't have been, but any chance I got I was looking at my messages. He told me my mom was 8 cm dilated. She was getting close.
"Gemmell, the phone. Come on." Ellen said to me. The new team captain- not Brianna anymore.
I looked up at her, "Sorry. My mom is just in labor, my stepdad is texting me updates."
She rolled her eyes, "Okay. Keep it to a minimum though."
3 hours later my mom had a baby girl, my little sister Jade Alyssa Elvin. I went to the hospital later on to see her, and my little stepsister Harley was there as well.
"My three girls." My mom said, smiling down at my little sister. She had big brown eyes like Ryan. In the hospital room though, as I sat with my mom, Ryan, Harley, now my new little sister Jade, I realized they didn't feel like my family. Brianna did.
School felt weird without Brianna in it and most of the team from last year. But I at least had Oliver- he was in pretty much all my classes. And my fake boyfriend Justin- it still was working because he wound up commuting from home to Temple University down in the city.
Oliver, who had just turned 18 at the end of September, was starting to show up to school exhausted. And I knew why.
We sat together in the cafeteria eating lunch one Wednesday in early October.
"Oli, are you alright? You look like you're going to fall asleep. And you literally did fall asleep in Chem class."
He looked at me, "You ever have a night with Brianna where you just fuck for hours?"
"Um, sometimes. But what does that have to do with you?"
"So that happened to me last night. I fucked this guy I met online for like 6 hours. And we also took some Molly so I'm having a comedown from that." Oliver rubbed his temples.
"How old was the guy?"
"In his 30's. I love being legal now." Oliver chuckled.
This had been a pattern since the summer- Oliver was going on a bunch of dating apps and websites, and meeting up with guys who were significantly older than him, hooking up, and doing drugs. I told him each time to message me which address he was at. Sometimes he did, sometimes he didn't. Last night he did not.
The next day I went to Brianna's house after soccer practice. She was getting home from work at 5- she got a job at a gym as a personal trainer- so I hung out with Maureen for an hour.
When she got home we went up to her room and laid down on her bed.
"I'm concerned about Oliver." I said, looking up at her white ceiling.
"What did he do last night?" She asked me. I could tell she was tired from the day.
"Fucked some dude in his 30's and took Molly. He was still coming down today at school."
"He's just a horny dude. He will be okay." Brianna said to me. One difference between Brianna and I that I had come to notice was that I took situations more seriously than her. Sometimes it was good in the sense that she calmed me down, but other times I felt like she could be a bit too easy going.
"I don't know. I'm just concerned. He's been taking pills, ecstasy, shrooms, snorting coke. I'm worried he is going to get into worse."
"Just know it is pretty normal that he is trying all that out. I know you're worried, babe. But as smart as he is, he is a stupid guy." Brianna's arm was around me.
"I know. But I don't know what I would do if something happened to him."
Brianna looked at me, "He will be okay. I promise. And if we feel like it gets to a point where it gets to be too much, we will handle it. I don't want you to worry too much." She kissed my forehead.
And that's why I loved her. She always wound up reassuring me- making me feel better.
Soccer scouts were starting to recruit us seniors in the Fall season- and I had my sights set on a smaller college about 45 minutes from my house called Arcadia University. It was right outside of Philadelphia, and it was a gorgeous campus with a Nursing program. I didn't want to be too far from Brianna- plus it had a great soccer team. I knew my personality wouldn't fit well at a bigger college, so I chose a smaller school. The only problem was- it was expensive. I would need a scholarship.
I was waiting on an acceptance- or denial letter. The week before Halloween I came home to find a big envelope from the University. What from I had heard, that means you were accepted. But I wanted to know about the scholarship.
My grades weren't bad- I had a 3.5 GPA. I struggled a bit in math, but was feeling confident that I at least got some scholarship. But was it enough?
I texted Brianna that I got an envelope from Arcadia University and she told me to come over- that we would open it together.
Vivian was there- Maureen was still at work, so Brianna, Vivian, and I sat at their kitchen table.
"Sweetie, I know you will get in." Vivian put her hand on mine and smiled.
"Tear the envelope open, come on!" Brianna said.
So I did that. And I pulled out a letter and in big letters it says, "Congratulations!" At the top.
"I got in!" I exclaimed.
Brianna and Vivian whooped and cheered. "And what about the scholarship?" Vivian asked me.
I peered into the envelope to pull out another paper with the scholarship information. I skimmed over it. For the full year it would be over 40 grand to live there and go to school. Damn.
And I looked at the scholarship award. The Master's scholarship- rewarded athletes with a 3.5 or higher GPA. 36,000 a year awarded.
When I tell you my eyes almost bugged out of my head, I mean it.
"Is everything okay?" Brianna asked nervously.
"Oh my god. Almost a full scholarship!" I said, not believing what I had saw.
"That's my girl!" Brianna cheered and then came over to me and gave me a kiss. Vivian was clapping happily and then gave me a hug.
"I'm so proud of you." Brianna said to me, "My girl is going to college, almost a full ride."
I couldn't ask for someone more supportive than her. And her family. I hoped that when I went to school things wouldn't change too much. And then there was the fact looming over that Brianna might join the Army at some point. Or go to the academy to become a State Trooper. As happy as I was in that moment, I also had slight fear. Fear for the future- what could possibly change.

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