Part 36- Present Day

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April rolled around before I knew it, and I couldn't believe then that it would be almost 2 years since I had Brianna back in my life.
She celebrated her 25th birthday, and I felt beyond lucky that I had not only celebrated her 18th birthday with her- but now her 25th. And I planned on celebrating every single birthday she had with her after that as well.
Savannah planned a combined Bachelorette party for us. It was going to be a small group of 6 of us. Savannah, Casey, me, Brianna, and two of her good friends she had made through work- Jamie, a physical therapist, and Kelly- an Occupational Therapy Assistant, who had gone out for us for drinks after work the one time I wound up going back to Brianna's.
Savannah planned for us to go to a gay club down in Philly and dance the night away. The wedding was in two days, and I wanted to just have this night of pure fun before getting married.
While I knew Brianna was what I wanted for the rest of my life, it truly felt like I was going to be a full-out grown up after this. And I wanted to feel free for a night. Even though being with Brianna made me feel free.
The 6 of us got together at mine and Brianna's place. We decided to get dressed up in our hottest outfits- I put on a black miniskirt and I white button down that I tied at the waist. Brianna looked at me like she wanted to tear it off me right then and there. If only we were alone. I felt the same exact way about her- she had on a simple black dress that was short and tight. I wasn't used to her wearing dresses, especially ones that showed off her toned figure so much.
Savannah had gone all out- she rented a party bus for the 6 of us to take us down to the city and back. I was beyond grateful for her and all she had done for this special time.
When the 6 of us arrived to the gay bar, music was blaring. I hadn't been back to the gay bars a lot since I would go with Oliver. I felt a pang in my chest as I thought about how he should be here with us tonight. Brianna's words resonated with me though- that he was here. He was dancing along with us- just not physically.
"Blake! No fucking way!" I heard someone exclaim from behind me.
I whipped around in the middle of dancing. Brianna and Jamie had gone off to get us more drinks, and it was just me, Savannah, Kelly, and Casey dancing together.
I immediately recognized the bouncy blonde curls. Annabelle.
I had lost touch with my good friend from the soccer team in college, in a natural way that people do. But seeing her in front of me here in this club, in her Jean shorts and black tank top, made me feel like no time had passed since we were laughing on the soccer field together.
"Annabelle!" I said and gave her a bear hug.
She hugged me back and then said, "It's so good to see you! What's the occasion? You look hot, girl!"
"I'm getting married. It's my bachelorette party." I said, as Annabelle held on to both my hands.
"Who is the lucky lady?" she winked at me.
"Me." I heard Brianna's voice behind me, as she put her arm around me.
Annabelle leaped into Brianna's arms faster than I could even process. They hugged, and Annabelle then hugged me again, congratulating us.
"I knew you two would end up together!" She said.
Her and the couple of friends she was with wound up dancing with us- and we also gave her a last minute invite to the wedding. She had just moved back to the area from Florida- and she said she would be there.
As the music played on and I danced under the strobe lights, I couldn't help but mostly focus on Brianna. We danced together- in a way that made me want to take her to the bathroom and do her there- but also in a way that truly made me appreciate how much fun I have with her. And how much fun I wanted to continue to have through the years with her. She was my everything, and I never would let that go.
Two mornings later, I had to wake up at 5 AM to start to get ready for the wedding. Brianna spent the night at her moms- and Savannah slept over my apartment with me. She drove us up to her parents house, which took an hour and half.
My mom pounced on the opportunity to do my hair and makeup, and Brianna's. Brianna and I agreed to not see each other until I was being walked down the aisle- by my dad- to her.
Savannah made her hide out in the basement and get ready with Maureen and Vivian.
We both agreed to not have a wedding party because the wedding was so small- but Savannah and Casey still got ready in Savannah's old bedroom with me.
My mom got Brianna ready first, and then me. When she was finished, Savannah slightly gasped and said, "You look gorgeous." Casey nodded in agreement.
I looked at myself in the full length mirror. I was in my simple yet elegant dress. I told my mom I didn't want anything too fancy for my hair and makeup. Just my hair- which was a little past my shoulders- to have loose curls at the end. And makeup that wasn't too heavy. I liked how I looked today- as a bride should. And I hoped Brianna would love it.
I heard a knock on the door as I was getting myself ready.
"Can I come in?" it was Maureen.
"Yes ma'am!" My mom said, unplugging her curling iron.
Maureen opened the door. She looked great in a lavender dress. Her blonde hair was down and straight.
Her, being the emotional person she was, teared up when she saw me. "You look beautiful, Blake."
I stood up and gave her a big hug. "Thank you." I said.
We pulled back and she said, "I am so excited to finally have you as my official daughter in law. Even though you basically have been since the moment I met you."
I gave her another big hug. I looked at the time on my phone after she went back down to Brianna, and realized it was a half hour until showtime. I couldn't believe it.
"Do you mind if I go get some air real quick and a glass of water?" I asked no one in particular.
"Of course. Take all the time you need." My mom said to me.
"Not too much time! You're getting married in a half hour." Casey laughed.
"And you better not be going to the basement!" Savannah warned me.
I laughed, "Don't worry, I'm just going to step out front and get some air."
Which is what I intended on doing. The backyard was being set up. Thankfully it was a beautiful day. As I made my way down the stairs, I saw a glimpse of blonde hair and a white dress heading toward the front door as well.
"Brianna?" I asked. I was almost down the steps.
Brianna, who was about to reach the knob of the front door turned around.
I felt my heart race after she turned around. Her hair was in a loose side braid, and she had on a light amount of makeup- enough to make her look glowy and radiant. Her dress was similar to mine in the sense that it was elegant and simple, and not gaudy. But it was strapless with a sweetheart neckline, and white rather than champagne.
We stood there, me a few steps up from the bottom, her at the door. Just looking at each other.
"You look beautiful." She said, her eyes trailing my body.
I walked the few steps down to reach her. We stood in front of each other. Instinctively, we held each other's hands, like we were already getting married.
"You look so beautiful, Brianna." I said, looking into those pale brown eyes I noticed the first day I met her.
"We shouldn't be seeing each other like this before the wedding." She chuckled.
"I don't care." I said.
"I know it may not be the most romantic to bring up the past. You know the night of the wedding that I ran away from...when I told you that I couldn't go through with it because when I was looking at Sydney, I just kept picturing it to be you." Brianna started saying.
I nodded.
"Well this is the moment I kept picturing. You, standing in front of me in a beautiful dress. On our wedding day."
I could feel tears springing to my eyes. "I'm so glad it happened."
Brianna leaned in and kissed me softly. I didn't even care that it was messing up my lipstick.
"I love you." she said to me.
I love you, Brianna. I will always. And forever.

A/N: Thank you so so much for reading. This has been amazing journey for me writing this story. And I appreciate every single one of you who has read it. I might write an epilogue in the future. But this felt like the right ending for now.
I am going to be starting two stories, Finding April and Not a Sin. I would love it if you checked it out. It will also be femalexfemale.
Thank you so much again for reading. This story is really special to me.

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