Part 10- Present Day

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I sat in my bedroom after I left the bar. After Sydney's little dramatic show, Brianna and I left. What else was there to discuss? She obviously had a fiancé to attend to.
I had no idea what would happen next, and I didn't even know what I wanted to happen next.
I wanted to talk to someone who just got it. Got me. There was always Savannah, and I loved her, but she was the type of person that always felt the need to give advice. Which I appreciated, but I just wanted someone to listen to me vent. And put together the puzzle pieces.
I wished Oliver was still here. He was the type to always just listen to me. Losing him still left a hole in my heart that I knew could never be filled. I pulled out my phone and scrolled back 3 years before, to the last picture we took before he died. He was 19 and I was 18 and it was an 18 and up night at a gay club, Woody's. We both were in black tank tops, and Oliver had on a gray beanie. His red hair looked thick and gorgeous as always underneath and his green eyes were shining- and somewhat red and dazed. He had his thin but muscular arm wrapped around me. Little did I know that would be my last time dancing under strobe lights to exuberant pop music with him. Something we planned to do until we couldn't anymore. I sighed, and tears welled up in my eyes. I could never get over this. And the one person who helped me through it all- well, she was someone else's now. Even though I kept thinking about how she didn't tell me to leave. She had to still care, right?
I didn't know what the next day would bring. But I put on my scrubs, tied my hair up in a high ponytail, got some coffee before work, and arrived.
I didn't see Brianna until the end of the day when I brought a patient up to physical therapy. She barely even looked at me. What the fuck?
I was feeling stressed. What did I even want from her? I had no idea. I decided to workout. I needed to relieve some stress. And after physical therapy hours the staff was allowed to workout in the gym. I had left a t-shirt and shorts in the locker room just in case I ever decided to workout. Today was that day.
And when I walked in, who else was there but Brianna. She was lifting weights in front of the mirror and all she had on were joggers and a sports bra.
I knew I was staring. But I couldn't help it. She was always toned and in shape, but this was something else. Her arms looked more muscular, and I wanted her to just throw me down on her bed with them. She was glistening with sweat, and looked concentrated. She didn't notice me at first but then she paused and looked over.
"I can leave." I said from the door.
"Why? You're just as entitled to workout here as me ." She said coldly, and continued pumping iron. She seemed mad.
"Okay. Fine." I said, and walked over to the elliptical. If she wanted to be rude, I couldn't stop her. But it was making me angry. I didn't do angry. I didn't do anything that should've made her act angry toward me.
I had my AirPods in and was working out for a little over a half hour when I saw her stop and grab her bag. She then took a swig of her water bottle and started to walk to the door, not even looking my way. Seriously? I was not about to let her get away with acting like a prick.
I stopped the elliptical as she was exiting. "Seriously, Brianna? You're not going to say anything?" I said loud enough so she could hear me.
I saw her stop in her tracks. She turned around, eyes blazing. "Why should I?"
"Look Brianna, I don't know what I did to make you so mad, but it's not warranted." I stepped off the elliptical. I was done anyway.
She walked over to me. "I wish you never came here to work." She said, "You've ruined everything."
Ouch. "Last time I check, you were the one who asked me to go get a drink yesterday. Not my fault your crazy ass fiancé showed up."
Brianna rolled her eyes. "That's not what I mean. You've just come right back into my life and ruined everything."
"What is this 'everything' you're talking about Brianna? I haven't done anything to you." I said, my voice naturally raising.
"You fucked me over. I started to finally get over you. Not be so fucking depressed I couldn't get out of bed. And now you come back and just-"
"I just what? What the fuck did I do?"
"Everything I felt for you has come back up. I was doing so well, Blake. And you ruined everything. Sydney is pissed." She was practically shouting.
"And you don't think that this isn't tough for me too? I learned to live without you. And" I was starting to tear up. I've built a tough shell the past couple years but it was starting to break.
Brianna was just looking at me and I was looking back at her. And then, what seemed to be some kind of fit of passion, she was taking a step toward me, putting her hand on the nape of my neck and was kissing me. Hard. Like this was something she wanted to do more than anything in this world. Like she loved me and hated me all at the same time. She bit down on my bottom lip and I was lost in her kiss. And if I thought that everything I felt for her before had come rushing back, this was like an absolute avalanche.
What are you doing Blake, she has a fiancé.
I pulled back, and so did she suddenly. We were both breathless, looking at each other.
"Fuck." Brianna said, "Fuck. Why did I do that?" She looked completely frazzled.
"I-I don't know!"
She bit her lip and shook her head. "That can't happen again, Blake. We can't talk anymore, at all."
She said, and then stormed out of the gym before I could even blink again.
I stood there, tears rolling down my face. Crushed.

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