Part 5- High School

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Varsity soccer had pretty much overtaken my life at the start of my junior year. I played and practiced my heart out- and it was paying off. I was a strong defense. The girls on the team had become my friends- when before that I basically only had one friend- Oliver Paul. They were helping me not be so quiet, so introverted. I was also able to avoid being home more, which helped.
When I wasn't playing soccer or doing homework, I was working Saturday during the day and on Tuesday nights as a server at a retirement community. I was only making 12 dollars an hour, but it was better than nothing. I wanted to save up for a car by my senior year.
I even considered myself to be friends with Brianna- I genuinely did like her. And thought she was hot and wished she didn't have a girlfriend. She had given me a ride home from a few more practices and she was a good soccer captain. She was encouraging but tough and I felt like I was learning a lot from her.
One game in the beginning of October, her girlfriend came to it. Brianna would talk to me a bit about Molly- I think because she knew I liked girls too. She would tell me that she was really into Molly, but wasn't a fan of her friends, she thought they were snobby. They had been dating for 7 months.
After the game, which we had won, I saw Brianna run up to Molly- who was in dark wash skinny jeans, a red sweater, and a patterned scarf that looked expensive. Her long, shiny dark hair was softly curled at the ends. She was petite, a quite few inches shorter than where Brianna stood at 5'7.  She was very pretty- and here I was, sweaty from the soccer game, looking a mess.
Molly stood on her tip toes, wrapped her arms around Brianna, and kissed her. A couple of the girls on the team whooped, but I just stood there and watched- with a pang of jealousy. Mostly because I knew deep down I wished that could be me. But also that Brianna was out. I knew I liked girls- but I barely told anyone. I didn't want to risk my mom knowing. Or face any backlash.
Brianna walked Molly over to where we were standing as a team.
"Guys, this is my girlfriend, Molly." She said, smiling at her.
"Hey guys, great job tonight!" Molly said cheerfully.
My teammates said hi, and I waved to her. I saw Brianna catch my eye as I waved. Act happy for her, Blake.
2 weeks later we were at practice, and Brianna seemed distracted. She kept looking at her phone and then staring off into the distance. She looked unhappy about something.
"Does Brianna look off to you or is it just me?" Annabelle Ellis, my teammate, who I had become good friends with asked me.
"She does seem like she is upset about something."
"Maybe go ask her if she's okay. So she can actually look up from her phone." Annabelle laughed, her blonde curls bouncing as she did so.
"Why me?"
"Brianna likes you. She seems to want to talk to you more than a lot of us."
I was slightly taken a back. "You think so?"
"Duh. Go ask her."
"I will after practice, I promise." I said.
When practice ended, I hung back. I was nervous to ask Brianna if she was okay, but I also wanted to just let her know I did care.
She was standing by her locker, on her phone. I had changed from my soccer uniform into leggings and a hoodie, my mom was going to pick me up.
I walked up to her. "Hey."
She glanced up at me. "Hey, good job today." She then looked back at her phone.
"Are you okay?" I blurted out. I wanted to ask a bit more gracefully, but oh well.
She looked back up at me and paused. She looked a bit irritated for a second, but then sighed. "Not really. Is it that obvious?"
"It is. Do you want to talk about what's going on?"
"Girl issues. Well, Molly issues. I think she might break up with me."
Don't be happy about this. "Oh. Why do you think that? You two seemed solid a couple weeks ago."
"You know when someone can feel someone losing interest in you. They don't say it out loud. But you can just feel it. It's slight changes in how they talk to you. Act toward you. That's what I'm feeling." Brianna looked down.
"I haven't been in a relationship before. But I do understand what you are saying." I nodded.
"You've never had a girlfriend?" Brianna looked at me inquisitively.
"No. I'm not out to many people."
"I had my first girlfriend when I was in the closet. You're smart for waiting. But you'll be a great girlfriend one day to someone."
I was taken aback slightly at her comment. "You think so?"
"Yeah, definitely. You're sweet, caring. Pretty too."
I could feel a slight tension between us. God, I just wanted to reach over and kiss her. But I didn't. I just said, "I could say the same for you. And if you need someone to talk to about Molly, I am all ears."
"Thanks." She gave me a small smile, "You're coming with the team next week to Liam Asher's Halloween party, right?"
"Annabelle mentioned it to me. You sure you want me to come with you guys?"
Brianna rolled her eyes but smiled, "Yes, of course. We are all getting ready at Mia's house."
"I'll be there." I said.
Halloween night landed on a Saturday, which worked out well. I did my shift at the retirement community from 10-4 PM, and then Annabelle picked me up from my shift. I had packed my costume with me- the least amount of time I had to spend home, the better.
I appreciated how good of friends I had become with Annabelle. She was a senior, and I knew already I would miss her next year. She was already committed to go to Florida Atlantic University to play soccer and study Psychology- she wanted to be a therapist.
I noticed Brianna never talked much about college. Most of the girls on the team were seniors, and they discussed it all the time. Brianna definitely could play soccer for any University- she was good enough.
We got to Mia Thompson's house to dress up in our costumes. Mia was actually in my grade. I had never spoken to her before. She was known for being rich and pretty, with her caramel skin and long, dark hair. I never really spoke to her at all before we played soccer together, and she was actually much nicer than I thought she would be.
We decided to all dress up as cheerleaders, just to be funny. I thought about how hot Brianna would look in a cheerleading outfit. Showing off her toned body- damn. I still had no idea what was going on in her relationship. She still seemed a bit down this past week, but I didn't ask about it.
We all got ready in Mia's massive bedroom. I took off my work clothes and slid the cheerleading uniform on. I hoped it looked okay- I wasn't used to wearing cropped shirts and short skirts. My hair- which is usually just down straight- I had my mom curl last night for me and it looked very blonde and voluminous.
"Blake, that uniform looks hot on you!" Annabelle said from across the room, straightening out her glossy blonde curls.
All the other girls looked at me and whooped and hollered and I laughed, slightly embarrassed. I saw Brianna looking at me. She hadn't changed yet into her uniform, but he had put her hair into a high ponytail and had lip gloss on. I wasn't used to seeing that.
I felt my stomach rumble, and realized I had barely eaten all day- just a granola bar.
"Mia, would you mind if I grabbed something to eat? I am starving." I asked Mia, who looked amazing in her costume.
"Of course. Grab anything you want from the pantry. We have tons of food in there."
I left the room and made my way down Mia's winding staircase to her kitchen. Almost got lost along the way. I walked through her state of the art kitchen to the massive walk in pantry.
I looked around. There was just about every kind of snack in here. Did I want Candy? Nah. What about chips? Pretzels?
I was about to grab a bag of popcorn that was a bit too high up on a shelf  when I heard a voice say, "Wow. This is basically a grocery store."
I turned around. Brianna. And I had to keep my jaw from dropping. She looked hot.
She was fully changed into her cheerleading outfit. It showed off her toned stomach, arms, and legs. She was fit, and to me it was very sexy. I knew she could throw me around. Did I really just think that?
"Oh, yeah. I know. I was going to grab that popcorn, but it's too high up."
"Let me help." Brianna stood behind me, reached up and grabbed the bag of popcorn. She had 4 inches on me, which in this moment helped. And she was standing awfully close to me.
"Thank you." I said, and turned around to face her. Wow. She was...close. She handed me the bag of popcorn. She also didn't back up. And I didn't want her to.
I could feel the tension between us and we stood close. Me against the wall of snacks.
She looked down at me. "You know, Annabelle was right."
I swallowed, feeling the heat between us. "About what?"
"You look really hot in that uniform." I felt her hand touch my exposed waist slightly, and it sent chills down my spine.
"Oh. think so?" Why was I so fucking awkward.
"Yes. You're perfect." She said, her grip tightening a bit on my waist.
"You know I think that about you too."
She gave me a soft smile and brushed a piece of my hair behind my ear. Was this happening? "I really want to kiss you, Blake."
My stomach was doing flip flops. "What about Molly?" I asked. I didn't want to be the girl on the side.
"Don't worry about Molly." Brianna said, and before I knew it, she was leaning in. And I wasn't about to stop her. Our lips met and I felt myself melt into her. Whatever fireworks they talk about in books and movies- they were going off at warp speed in my mind. Her lips felt like they were meant for mine. This. This was all I needed.

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