Part 15- High School

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3 months. It had now been 3 months since Thanksgiving, it was the end of February, and Brianna and I were going strong. We hung out as much as we possibly could- always at her house. It honestly was not too tough to keep from my mom. She never really paid too much attention to what I did, and didn't bat an eye when I said I was going out. I think she was happy that I had made friends actually.
Plus, she was pregnant. Much to my dismay, she was 8 weeks along. I knew when she kept running into the bathroom to puke. I wasn't upset about the fact that I was going to have a sibling- that I was excited for. I only saw my little stepsister, Harley, every other weekend. I was more so upset because this solidified that Ryan was going to be in our lives no matter what- for good. But she was so focused on her pregnancy, she was hardly paying attention to what I was doing.
Brianna's 18th birthday was coming up on March 5th. Her birthday was exactly 3 months before mine, which was June 5th, even though I would be turning 17.
One day after school a few days before her birthday before she drove me home, we went to Starbucks.
"What do you want to do for your birthday?" I asked her, sipping my coffee.
Brianna looked down, "I don't really celebrate my birthday ever. It doesn't matter to me really."
"Aw, come on. You have to do at least a little something for your 18th."
"I don't usually like to mention it...but my dad died on my birthday. My parents were throwing a party for me, he got wasted. They got in a huge fight because my dad was drinking, and he slapped my mom. In front of everyone that was there. Then he drove off, crashed into a pole." Brianna said. I could see immense sadness in her eyes.
" god. Brianna. I'm so sorry." I said, not even knowing how to really respond. I felt so awful for the girl I loved.
"It's okay. It's life. Just kind of kills me that his last moments were so awful. I wish he could've gotten help."
I put my hand on Brianna's. I hadn't really done that in a public place yet, but I felt like it was needed. We sat there together, me silently letting her know in the moment I would be there no matter what.
I laid in my bed that night thinking about Brianna. I wanted to respect her wishes about her birthday, but I also did want to show her it didn't have to be a tainted day. I wanted to do something special. I knew just who to call. She had given me her number just in case I needed it. I picked up my phone.
"Hey, Blake. Is everything okay, sweetie?" Maureen's voice came over the phone.
"Yes. Is Brianna with you?"
"Not at the moment. I'm in the car on my way back from the store."
I explained to her how I knew Brianna didn't really celebrate her birthday, without going into too much detail. When I told her I wanted to do a little something for her, she thought it was a wonderful idea. She suggested we do something small, with just me, her, and Vivian. We decided on cooking her favorite dinner- tacos. She said she would have Vivian find a way to distract her for the day.
So, Saturday March 5th, I texted Brianna a sweet yet short happy birthday text. She then told me she was going to be shopping with her grandmother during the day, but she wanted to see me later. Bingo.
Maureen picked me up from work at 3- I asked to leave a bit early. She said that Brianna and Vivian wouldn't be back until at least 6, Vivian loved her shopping. I had told my mom I was going to Oliver's.
Maureen and I had a great time cooking together. She had bought the ingredients a day before, we were making chicken, beef, and shrimp tacos. We also made some homemade guacamole. There were no words to describe how comfortable and at home I felt with Maureen- just like I did with her daughter.
I went along with Brianna's plan that she was going to pick me up from her house after stopping home. Little did she know, I was at her house already.
Maureen and I were setting the table when we heard Brianna's car pull up.
"She's here!" Maureen said, "She will be so surprised when she sees you here, and all this food."
And she was definitely surprised to see me sitting at the table with her mom.
"Blake! What are you doing here?" She said as her and Vivian walked into the kitchen.
I got up, "Babe, I know your birthday is hard day for you. And I want to respect that. But I also want to make your birthdays special for you. Because you deserve that."
I never thought I would see Brianna cry, but her eyes welled up with tears. I also saw Maureen get teary eyed out of the corner of my eye. This has been something they all struggled with immensely, this particular day.
Brianna walked up to me and wrapped me in a hug and kissed me on the forehead. "Thank you so much." She said, and I could feel a couple years on the top of my head.
The food was delicious- Maureen followed specific recipes and worked her ass off to get them right. As I sat at the table with these three wonderful women, I realized that they were becoming family to me. I also decided that I was going to tell Brianna tonight that I loved her. I needed to. It had almost slipped a few times, but I felt beyond ready to tell her.
We went up to her room after dinner. She shut her door and immediately pressed me up against it and started kissing me with force. Then she pulled back and looked at me.
"I love you." She said, her hands cupped around my face.
"I love you too." I smiled at her. So she did feel the same. "I love you so much, Brianna."
She smiled back, "I'm relieved you said it back."
"I was planning on saying it tonight to you. I've realized it for months now."
"Same here. And I've never said it to anyone before."
"Really? Not even to Molly?"
"Nope. And before her I kind of just dated casually. Things for a couple months at a time. But this...Blake, you're so different. And I love you. Like I really, really love you."
"I love you. Now, let me give you a birthday gift." I said to her.
"But you already made me dinner and got me-"
"Not that kind of gift. Another kind." I said, and winked.
She turned a light shade of red. " know I like to please you though."
Brianna was without a doubt a top. She seemed to get pleasure out of making me feel good. But tonight I wanted to make her feel good. It would only be my third time going down on her. And the other two times she didn't finish, she just flipped over, pinned me down, and wound up going down on me.
But I wanted to make her feel good, and I didn't want her to object. I got her in her underwear and sports bra, and started making my way down her body with my tongue and lips.
"Blake." She lightly moaned.
I warmed her up a little with my fingers, and I could feel her starting to get excited.
"Please...use your tongue." She said, begging me for more.
I started off light and gentle, circling my tongue over her sweet spot. I looked at her from the angle I was at, and saw her eyes close. She looked like she was enjoying it.
I sped up my pace and she started to grab at my hair.   It didn't take long before she arched her back and I felt her legs buck. "Oh...oh my god. Fuck." She said, and was starting to get turned on myself by how fucking hot she was.
I kept going with my until she couldn't take anymore. I then leaned across and kissed her. Her face was flushed, and and gave me a sweet smile.
"Well...thank you." She said, and we both laughed. "I hope my mom didn't hear any of that."
"I think we are okay. I can't wait until one day when we don't have to worry about that." I said, and then immediately went, "Um...if that's something you would want one day."
"I see a future you. A really great one." Brianna gave me a kiss. And then with a swift movement, flipped me over and pinned me on her bed.
"Your turn." She winked at me.

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