Part 11- High School

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Brianna quickly became the thing that was always at the forefront of my mind. I wanted to see her all the time- just be talking to her, kissing her, hanging out with her. I didn't think that the girl that humiliated me about 7 months ago in front of everyone at soccer tryouts would become my...was she my girlfriend? We hadn't exactly confirmed it yet. It was the week of Thanksgiving now, and we had this thing going since Halloween.
Soccer had ended for the Fall. It would pick back up in the Spring, and I knew I would miss it a lot until April. And that would be Brianna's last go around for soccer, unless she played in college.
Which was something she never mentioned- college. And I was going to ask her about it, but didn't want to overstep any boundaries.
The Tuesday before Thanksgiving we had a team meeting to discuss who was going to be team captain for senior year. We were going to have the meeting at Mia's house- which had become a special place to me considering it was where Brianna and I had our first kiss.
I knew I was in the running to become team captain, but I honestly didn't really want to be it. It was a lot of responsibility- and you needed a lot of confidence to be team captain- and I just didn't think I had it. I wasn't like Brianna who was self assured, confident, tough but fair.
I had to be at Mia's by 7, and I got dinner with Oliver beforehand at Cafe Con Leche, a small restaurant near my house that has a bunch of vegan options. Oliver was always going on and off of a vegan diet. This time he was on. We both got vegan tacos, him with seitan meat and mine with just veggies. He then was going to drop me off at Mia's.
"It's crazy how you're friends with her. She always seemed like such a bitch." He chuckled as we got into his car after eating.
"If I didn't play soccer, I wouldn't be friends with her I'm sure." I said.
"You might have to sneak me in to this meeting. I want to see her mansion. And scope out Brianna even more." He winked at me.
I blushed at the mere mention of her name, and then saw I was getting a phone call. My mom. What did she want?
"Hello?" I answered.
"Hi honey. Just wanted to tell you we are going to Ryan's parents for Thanksgiving in Delaware. We will be going tomorrow night and staying over."
Ugh. Are you fucking kidding me.
"Do I have to come?" I asked. I did not want to spend Thanksgiving with Ryan's racist, homophobic, crazy parents in their house in Bumblefuck Delaware. Let alone sleep over there.
I heard my mom sigh. "It's up to you if you want to spend Thanksgiving alone, Blake."
"I'll let you know." I said, "Bye."
Oliver looked at me. "You know you're more than welcome to spend Thanksgiving with my family."
I smiled at him, "I might take you up on it."
The whole time at Mia's house Brianna kept giving me flirty looks. We sat next to each other at the "meeting", our knees touching. I hadn't told anyone on the team about us, and Brianna hadn't either.
We decided that Ellen Howell would be team captain next year. Ellen was a great player, she was a lot like Brianna too in the sense that she was tough but kind, and I also knew Ellen's goal was to go pro one day. We all felt like she deserved it.
We all dispersed around Mia's basement after we decided Ellen would be captain, gathering our things to do. Brianna was going to drop me off at my house.
"Want to hangout tomorrow?" She asked me as I put on my coat.
"I would love to, but I might be going to Delaware for Thanksgiving. Apparently we are going to Ryan's parents house."
Brianna made a face at the mention of Ryan. "And you're definitely going?"
"I don't know honestly. I really don't want to. Oliver invited me to his house, but I'm also not sure about that. I don't want to feel like I'm intruding."
Brianna's eyes suddenly lit up, "Come to my house! It's just going to be me, my mom, and grandma. We'd love to have you so much. Please say you'll come."
A wave of happiness washed over me. "Of course I'll come." I smiled up at Brianna.
"I'm so glad!" She beamed, and then kissed me on the forehead. Without thinking it seemed. She pulled back, blushing like crazy.
"Well well well, what's going on here?" I heard Annabelle's voice say from a few feet away.
I felt my heart beating faster. I turned and saw most of the girls on the team staring at us. Some had smiles on their face.
I didn't even know what to say. I looked over at Brianna.
She swallowed, "I'm assuming you guys saw that?"
"You kiss Blake's forehead? Yes." Annabelle said, "And it was adorable."
I still didn't know what to say.
"What, I can't kiss my girlfriend on the forehead?" Brianna chuckled.
My girlfriend. My girlfriend. MY girlfriend.
"Hold up...when did this happen?" Annabelle said, sounding really happy. All the girls were staring at us.
"A little bit ago. But I've liked Blake for a while now. Nothing happened when I was with Molly though." Brianna clarified.
"Woo! I love this." Mia cheered. A few of the other girls joined in. I felt embarrassed, but happy. Brianna reached out and grabbed my hand. I think she could sense I was nervous. I saw Ellen looking at us too, slightly smiling.
"I'm so happy for you both?" Annabelle ran up and gave me a hug, then Brianna.
Girlfriend. That was all I could focus on.
When Brianna and I got into her car, she immediately leaned over and kissed me. "I hope you were fine with me calling you my girlfriend."
"Are you kidding me? I was more than fine with that. Honestly I was wondering...what we were."
"Well, I'd be more than happy if you were my girlfriend."
"I'm all yours."
She smiled at me, "I am sorry though you got put on the spot about it."
"It is okay. But what about you, how did you feel about it?"
"I was fine with it. I just know...I just know you're more shy in some situations. I just wanted to let you know that I'm always going to be there for you, to have your back no matter what." She said.
I reached over and hugged her. In that moment, I was feeling beyond lucky. So lucky to have Brianna as my girlfriend. I didn't want to ever let her go.

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