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<With Louis>
Louis wakes up in the middle of the night after he went to sleep. He had fallen asleep in the car so he didn't know who carried him but he does know that Zayn couldn't have. All tho he is way bigger then him he had zero muscles and Louis thought that he wasn't that skinny so he thought that he wouldn't be able to carry him. So who could have brought him in this room.

"THIS ROOM" Louis whispered, yelled so that no one heard him. But he wasn't fast enough to stop himself completely. He immediately ground at the feeling of his side, he looks down to see his whole side bandaged up.

Then he heard it. He heard footsteps walking to his door. He saw the door nob twist open and....

"Oh hi" The maid said to him

"Oh," he thought. "Its just a maid"

"Hi, where am i" Louis asked while looking around

"Your at the Styles residence. I heard someone screaming are you alright? Do you need anything? Is your cut bleeding," The maid asked folding blankets and putting them in a little closet by the T.V.

"No, i'm fine." Louis said looking at her this time.

She was a short lady (a little bit taller than him) she had dark brown hair. If it wasn't for the lamp that she turned on as soon as she walked in then he wouldn't have noticed that she looked old. Like really old. Probably in her 40's. But she did look good for her age.

"Oh okay" she said about to walk out. " Mr. Styles will wake up in 1 hours do you want to go walk around the house while he's asleep. Maybe I can make you something to eat."

"Is she not going to leave me alone if i don't have something" Louis thought
"Um I don't-" Louis was about to say he didn't want to eat but then he was interrupted.

"Come with me your a stick you need to eat." She leaves the room. He had to follow her out because this wasn't his house and he would have to follow orders.

They walked into the huge kitchen that had a big island that was a rectangle that took half of the kitchen.

"Here let me help" Louis walks onto the kitchen and tries to help her.

"No no no, i can do this by myself. I might be old but I've been doing this for the Styles family since they took me in. Well anyways what happened with you. Here." She walks to a stool and pats the seat for him to sit down.

"Oh um, thank you." He sits down

"Um i don't really know what happened and i for sure don't want to remember it." Louis said looking at his empty plate that she put out for him.

"And why don't you want to remember it" she asked putting the eggs that she made on a plate.

"Its a long story that involves my ex and i don't want to remember him. That's all" Louis said looking at the plate full of eggs in front of him.

"Shit what am i going to do with this now. Why did i have to follow her. I'm going to have to throw this all up when I go into that room. Ugh." Louis thought as he ate what ever was on the plate.

After eating he said goodbye and left to through all that calories up into the toilet.

568 words

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