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<Louis POV>

It has been a few weeks since that happened and Louis thinks that it's only getting better now because all he has been doing is light work. Harry and Louis have gotten a lot closer, they almost even kissed but then Zayn and Liam came I the room telling Harry that he had to go on stage in a few minutes. Harry has gin easy on him since, so Louis only has to be going over interviews,checking  his songs and trying to make people believe in the whole "holivia" act.

Harry and Louis have gotten a lot closer, they almost even kissed but then Zayn and Liam came I the room telling Harry that he had to go on stage in a few minutes.

Louis doesn't really get that part. Harry has a say in the person that he likes and his management as no right in it. Louis still does what they want because Louis still needs the job for their house.

Louis and Zayn moved out the week after the whole hospital situation because their friend moved out and signed them over, so not the house is officially theirs. Well officially Louis, because Zayin is never there any more because he's either at the office weighting a book or he's away trying to sell the book.

When ever Zayn is at the house they always try to do something in that small time. He goes for a month or two in different states and country's, then he stays for two or three weeks depending on where he's going.

"This sucks" Louis said throughing  the Monopoly money onto the ground. It was one of the nights where Zayn and Louis could spend together. "why are you always first, it's not fair" Louis is last. He has been last for the five rounds they have played.

"Just get good" Zayn said rolling the dice and.... "five" he moves five and lands on a property that is yet to be claimed.

"Don't" Louis said as soon as he saw that smell on his face. Zayn hands him the 1000 paper bill.

"Don't be butt heart, at least I let you be the bank person" Zayn said getting one of the houses and putting it down onto the bored. He has 7 already and if Louis gets one more of his property's then he would go broke and loose again.

When Louis rolls the dice the bell rings, voiding Zayn to look away. Louis rolled a 6, making him land on one of his property's.

"I'll be right back Lou." Zayn said not paying attention to the dice and Louis actions. Louis turned it over making it seem as if he rolled a 5.

When Zayn leaves around the corner to go to the door, Louis reaches his hand forward to grab a couple of hundreds (that were Louis before) and puts them back into there place in the place where all the money is placed.

When Zayn comes back his face is blank with anger and Louis already knows who it was at the door.



"Louis Tomlinson"

"Zayn Malik"

"Why was Luke at the door just now"

"I don't know"

"Louis William Tomlinson, tell me WHY LUKE WAS AT THE FUCKING DOOR JUST NOW!"

Louis was shocked, Zayn never yelled at him and when he did it was to tell him he was leaving or something stupid. He never yelled at Louis like this.

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