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They get out of the car and Harrys quick to leave there side. "Wow this is huge I'm going to end up getting lost." Louis said to Niall who was looking around the parking lot.

"If you think this is huge just don't go with Harry to the U.S, that's were all his fans are you are sure to get lost there." He pause for a second and looks around again. "Where are they?" 

Before Louis could say anything a pare of hands wrapped around his waste. Louis turned around scared thinking it was Luke, blood pumping , hardly able to breath. He turn around to see a tired looking Zayn. "ZAYN!" Louis pushed him away harshly ready to punch him but Liam quickly was there to save him even though if Louis did punch him he wouldn't have done anything to him "Why would you do that, I THOUGHT YOU WERE LUKE!" Louis say's putting a hand over his heart that as pumping hard at the thought of if that really was Luke. 

"Sorry Lad, didn't think of that it was suppose to be as a joke I kind of forgot about that whole incident." Zayn said looking at the agitated Louis. "if it makes it any better we can go into the new house in 2 days, or less if we help him." Zayn said looking over at Niall and Liam as if to get there help in calming them down. 

" Yeah that means less time with the cranky brat, All though I did have a dream of how I was awake one night and I was going to get a glass of water and heard moaning coming from Harrys room, it sounded like you two were having se-"Niall said looking over at the flustered Louis 

"Not this again, I don't want to hear it." Liam said covering Zayn's ears as he speaks "You kept saying this the night you saw Louis and Harald together that one night, you kept me up till 4 in the morning and all you were talking about is this thing called "Larry"  I'm sick of it so stop, they don't even know each other its barely been what 2 days since there knew each other." Liam said uncovering Zayn's ears.

"can we please stop talking about this, its really uncomfortable to listen to, especially when its about me." Louis said  walking in a direction that harry went in. 

"Louis where are you going?" Zayn called out in back of Louis, he got no response.


"Shit where am I" Louis thought to himself when he came across a door that said not to go through. He took a left turn, only because that was the only way to go. He soon saw a sigh that the stage was that was so he followed to sign and came to a hault when men came rushing past him and into a room that said "DO NOT ENTER". 

He didn't realize that someone was behind him because when He reached for Louis hand, louis jumped up because he thought that it was Nick, who he met briefly that one night they went for him when he was drunk, or Luke, who lets just say was "mean" to him. 

Louis never really like the idea of Luke ever being abusive or more than mean. when ever Zayn or one of his friends or parents told him he was abusive he would simply back talked them and tell them they were crazy. 

Truth is Louis never really liked anyone other than him, so he never really knew what a good relationship was. All he really knew was if they ever get into a fight it was always his fault and he would apologized and when ever he got hit he would get a present from him the next day. But that day when Zayn caught him hitting Louis, Zayn forced Louis to brake up with him the next day or he would call the cops. Louis didn't want Luke to go to Jail so he did what he had to do to get him out of trouble even if it would one day coast him his life.

So when He pulled him into his dressing room, louis fought back. Even though he wanted to go back with Luke, he was still afraid of what happened last time with the gun. "LET ME GO! I DONT WANT TO GO WITH YOU! STOP YOUR HURTING ME PLEASE! LEAVE ME ALONE!" Louis shouted with tears running through his eyes, eyes shutting hard, Right hand trying to free his left, feet failing to stop what ever was the source that was pulling him. 

The sudden movement suddenly stopped. Afraid to open his eyes until he heard his voice. "Louis chill its me. You need to calm down before you have a panic attack." Louis open his eyes to harry on his level Bent down to where they were close together.

*Camera Click* 

"Breath louis, do you need water or anything." Harry says trying to calm the freaking out Louis.    "Here come sit down" Harrys said grabbing Louis hand and pulling over onto a little couch. " are you okay do you need anything?" Harry said looking him in the eye waiting for him to respond. 

"No, I'm fine you just scared me is all" Louis said trying to control his breathing. " I didn't mean to freak out, I just thought that you were my Ex trying to take me back." Louis said now able to breath easily. 

"was that the one who was at your house the night I took you guys in?" Harry asked "Luke was it?"

"Yeah." is all Louis could say because he really didn't want to tell a man he just met his full story, he had to trust someone to tell them those kind of things. 



They hear a knock at the door , Harry gets up and goes to the hair stand where he originally was suppose to stay .

"Hello any one in her?e" A girly voice asked opening the doo alittle

"if so we are here to rob you" A second voice came up 

When they came in Louis looked at the one with brown hair, partly because she came in first and louis thought that if he wasn't gay, he would totally have a crush on her. 

"oh look, Hazzy has a friend in here, should I be worried boyfriend?" The first one, a blond, came in and went to Harry.

"No this is my assistant. since I don't want to do all the boring work." Harry said looking at Louis 

"weird look at your girlfriend ,"Hazzy"' Louis said in his head mocking the nickname. As if Harry was reading Louis head, he looked at the blond.

"we aren't quite dating, its only for the public "darling" Harry said to her

"His I'm Eleanor and that over there is Olivia. She and Harry were suppose to be a couple because the whole world thinks he's gay even when he's clearly not. So management set up a whole thing with them. It's weird but if a spot opens up like that I would do that anytime" Eleanor smiled and looked down, placing her hand on his arm .

"Louis go get me water, and hurry I don't have time" Harry said getting in the way of Eleanor and Louis. 

without saying anything, louis gets up and heads out of the room to go get water for the "Harry Styles"


Words: 1247


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