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Its been 6 days since the death threats, Louis and Harry have been in bed all day not having the motivation to do anything. They have been ignoring their phones like it had the flu. They both turned it off the day the unknown number got too graphic.

Louis was forcing himself out of bed to go meet with Michael. He had put it out for too long, he just didn't want to get out of bed and out of Harrys arms if he was being completely honest. Michael under stood that he was having personal problems and that was why Louis had too cancel their plans. Of coerce Michael didn't know the whole story but the fact that Louis was crying while re arranging the plan had Michael not question and pushed it back a couple of days. He didn't mind, as long as Louis got better Michael was fine.

Louis got dressed in one of Harrys white hoddies and a pair of his black skinny jeans Zayn had dropped off after Louis begged him to, because he was getting tired of having to pick up Harrys trousers every so often, nights before.

Louis had told Zayn where he was going, because the older man had been asking questions about why he needed skinny jeans when he was only sleeping most of the day. Louis went on about having the rules with Harry, but then how he and Michael made plans and how he already pushed back the time where they were supposed to hand out. Zayn was not having the fact that Louis and Harry made love and that it wasn't the first thing Louis told him when they spoke after that.

Harry was asleep when Louis was getting ready quietly.

"Lou, what are you doing? Get back into bed that person might see you," Harry says looking up to Louis as he was just about to leave the room,

"Um, Hazz I was just going out, I didn't want to wake you." Louis spoke quietly not wanting to fully wake the older boy up.

"Are you going alone? Ill come with you to make sure your safe" harry says getting up from the bed.

"No, I'm going with Z, I wont be that long and ill give you a call once I'm there." Louis said compromising knowing that he's going to get his ass beaten once Harry finds out he was lying to his face.

"Okay but i don't trust you going alone, ill give you a ride there so i know your safe." Harry says not giving in.

"No that's alright Hazza. ill be fine i have my pepper spray on me in case something were happen to me. I can take care of my self H." Louis says putting his hand to the door knob.

"Okay, ill give you a call if  i get an upset feeling. You better answer or else." Harry says getting up to kill Louis on his lips before going back to bed.

Louis quickly gets out before Harry can change his mind, leaving the huge house already feeling that he has eyes on him. Just when he was about to get into his car he gets a call.


"Just checking if you were okay,"

"Hazza, i can see you looking down on me from your window right now. and its barely been 10 minutes since I've left the room."

With that Louis says "goodbye" and hangs up the phone, getting in his car not being able to look at the man that was watching over him.

Couple minutes latter Louis is sitting at the table looking at the man that he was about to talk about his sex life. Louis was not going to love this little little meet up but he was going to do it anyway because he was not mean.

"Hey Louis over here." Louis heard a voice once he got into the small café. He walks towards the voice until he sees a familiar face.

"hey, sorry if I'm late I couldn't get out of the house." Louis says smiling at the thought of Harry watching over him through the window.

"its fine, I've only been here for ten minutes it's not that long compared to other times. Any way, you and harry?" Michael said to ease the tension.

Louis tells Michael everything, except the rules and the number that texted him every now and again. Well until Louis got a message telling him that he should kill himself.

"who is that? Why are they saying that to you?' Michael asked looking at the message that just popped up.

"I don't know they started to text me yesterday when I was with harry. Look they were watching up through the window when we were in Harrys house." Louis said handing Michael his phone.

"shit Lou, did you think to take this to the police, you can get the person in major trouble if they ever get caught. Didn't harry say anything about this?" Michael said scrolling though the messages that were displayed out for him.

"Yeah he kept telling me to bring this to the police witch I'm going to do but it would be useless if we don't hive anyone in mind. He also told me to block the number but I cant, I don't want to. its crazy but I don't care." Louis says and before Michael could say he was crazy or anything they both heard girls screaming and clicks of flashing lights from cameras.

Just then he gets a call from harry, he answers praying that he didn't see any pictures of them two together.

"Louis were are you?"

"At the mall, I'm leaving right now to do back home."

"Okay drive safe"

"Okay" Louis says walking out with Michael a few feet a head of him. There were so many flashes and he really didn't want to be kicked out of the mall again, or even worse , banned.

They part ways with a hug and saying there good byes. Louis goes into his car and happy to see that he brought his bag that Zayn brought his cloths in, he really needed sleep. He put his keys in and started backing up trying not to hit the remaining fans that followed after him, he really didn't care if he hit one of the pops.

he drives to his place that was only 15 minutes away from the mall. He parked the car in the drive way and got his bag out of the back seat and went into the house were he saw a shocked Zayn standing in the door way with his phone in his hand.

"What are you doing Zayn" Louis said throwing his bag on the couch going to walk to his room. Until Zayn grabbed his arm.

"dude what's wrong?" Louis asked looking back at the boy who was looking at his phone. It was then when Zayn turned his phone around and showed him a picture of louis and Michael sitting there talking in a corner of the café. In big red letters it said, "LOUIS< HARRY STYLES ASSISTANT WAS OUT WITH HIS BOYFRIEND????"

"What the actual fuck Louis," Zayn said clicking off his phone. "I told you to stay clear of any one.

"I was being carful Zayn I swear I didn't let anyone see m-" Just then he got a notification on his phone. "Shit"

Harry had sent a picture of Louis and Michael in the café sitting together in a corner talking. Just then he got another notification,

Harry: Get over here now

Louis: I can explain

Harry: Louis get over here right now or your punishment is going to be worse.

"Shit, i need to go" Louis said afraid of what Harry was going to do to him, he agreed on punishments but when it actually happened he was deathly terrified. he grabbed his keys that were sitting on the table next to the door.

" I might not come back till later in the day probably at 4" Louis said leaving the house getting in his car and leaving to Harrys house that was a 16 minute drive.
Yesterday was the 11th year anniversary of one direction 😭 can't believe it has been 11 years since Louis jumped into Harry's arms!!!

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