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<Harry's POV>

Harry wakes up hearing someone throwing up. He wants to know who it is but when he starts walking towards the noice he soon realizes that it was Louis so he leaves him alone and goes into the kitchen.

"Hello, how did you sleep" the made asked once Harry walked into the kitchen.

"Hey, i sleep fine. What did you feed Louis."

"Oh i cooked some eggs but he didn't want anything but he still ate it" She said smiling at herself.

"I cant tell her shes going to think she did something wrong" Harry thought while getting the food she put infront of him.

"Oh". Harry said while stuffing his face with the food.


"Shit". Harry has to think of an exuce and fast.

"Oh umm.. Nothing i just heard that he was awake and um... Thought you didn't realize he was here." Harry said not sure what he was saying he just said anything that came im mind.

"Oh yeah he woke up when i went to put some blankets and cloths away. Hes really nice he tried helping me cook but i said no. Not to be mean but he looks like he cant cook but he would be a grate husband tho." She said winking at Harry and when he got a little flustered she smiled at him.

"Stop i don't even know him and im not even gay"Harry said getting annoyed. Yeah he lobed her with all his heart she was basically his mother but she can get annoying from time to time.

"Soo everyone is a little bit gay" she said taking his now empty plate. " wait you don't remember him?" She asked coming back from the sink.

"No im pretty sure we never met. I think i would know him if I did." He said raising a eye brow to Lilly his maid.

"Wow you really don't remember him. You two used to be so close.I remember you used to like him when you were little." She said and wow for a little old lady she does remember way far back.

"What." Then it hit him. Louis was-

"Wait what was his name something like Lou i think? Remember you would not stop talking about him the first time you meet i think it was your first day. Wow that was a long time ago. I cant believe you forgot about him."

"That's impossible Lou moved schools then countries than when i think i see him i know it's not him because that same peraon was always with his boyfriend and we said he would wait for each other." Harry said remembering all the times he saw Louis and his boyfriend. He starred ro get mad.

"Why would he lie to me lie to me" Harry though while going to his room.

With out thinking he took a right instead of a left and there he was infront of Louis room. The boy who lied to him when they were in 6th grade. The boy who had a boyfriend while he was all alone going through a hard time with his job.

With out thinking he knocked on the door and there he was standing infront of the door. Harry walked into the room without asking.

"So what happened last night?" Harry asked sitting on his bed that he got for the room he didn't even use.

"Umm. I was looking for a job that day and i remember Zayn forcing me yo go to this bar that ibe never went to. And then i remember getting a little bit tipsy and then my ex grabbing my waist and then him forcing me into the back room and then we got into a fight and that's all i remember." Louis thinking his hardest to remember.

"What was the fight about?" Harry asked Louis because he wanted to know if his ex hitting him was worth it. Even tho if it was for a grate reason he still shouldn't have done that.

" See i would love to tell you but i don't think i have what it takes to say anything. Im sorry." Louis said looking at his feet.

"Its fine." Harry said but he really needed to get to the bottom of this because he can see cuts all over his neck and his forehead and he knows that his ex was toxic and that a boy like Louis should never ne near some one like that. Even if he didn't know him that well. A person like Louis doesn't need to be treated that way.

"So what do you do as a living because i would love to have a job like that if THIS was my room." Louis asked looking around.

"Oh um i work for this huge company singing. But right now its really not going so well." Harry said  truthfully

"What happened?" Louis asked sitting besides him.

"Nothing-" before Harry could finish Lilly came into the room and answered the question. She had been eas dropping on their conversation.

"He needs an assistant fast but we cant find anyone who would do it." Lilly said knowing Harry needed an assistant really soon becausw he was being to over worked

"I always wanted to be an assistant but i really never knew how to become one." Louis said looking at Lilly then at Harry.

"Would you like to become my assistant till i find an actual one?" Harry asked because he honestly didn't care who it was just as long as he didn't have to do paper work every day then have to go to sing songs and wright songs. He just didn't have the time to do it.

"I would love to but can i please just try out a couple other jobs before i pick on one?" Louis asked. He would have said yes but if his ex found out than he would be dead by the next time he sees him.

"Sure but try beeing fast Harry doesn't have-" Lilly said to louis but was cut off by Harry.

"Take your time we don't need an assistant right away." Harry said leaving the room but stoped half way. "When do you think you wil be leaving?" Harry asked trying not to sound mean because he didn't want to scare him off. He needed louis to do every thing. But then it hit him that he left him and he got a little mad making him snap. 

"Ohh um... Ill ask Zayn to come pick me up im sorry for intruding." Louis said pulling out his phone to text Zayn.

"Its fine. Tell me if you want the job when you figure that you want it." Harry said yo Louis before walking out of the room with Lilly.

Before Louis knew it Zayn showed up to pick him up. Zayn was so happy to see that he was okay. He did ask questions on to what happened but Louis just said that he didn't remember. But he couldn't stop thinking on to where he has seen Harry from. His head started to hurt so he stoped thinking and just talked to Zayn for the remaining time they were driving.
1206 words
Im writing this at school in the gym. Im not aloud to do anything because i hurt my foot ughhh
I hope you enjoyed. Please vote thay would mean the world to me
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