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<Louis POV>

The night after Louis woke up in Harrys arms, Louis was woken up earlier because he felt some thing hard poking his bum. He moved around to try to ignore it but when ever he moved it poked him even more so he just gave up and thought of what he would do. 

After 5 minutes of thinking Louis some how got out of Harrys strong grip and pushed Harry onto his back. He then slowly went in-between Harrys leg and started to go down do the level of his hard dick. He started to palm the older boy threw his black boxers causing Harry to moan in his sleep un aware of Louis in between his legs about to suck him off.  

Louis finally got the courage and pulled Harrys boxers down to his ankles. He started to kiss up his huge cock leading to his tip, and then he licked up causing Harry to let one of those sweat sounds causing Louis to moan taking Harrys throbbing dick into his mouth. 

With a shock of pleasure harry thrusted up into Louis mouth making Louis choke up on his cock that just hit the back of his throat. Louis started to go up and down on Harry talking it out from time to time and licking in-between the slit tasting the pre cum that Harry was producing. 

"Lou-" Harry was cut off by a moan, "What are yo-, ugh fuck shit" Harry trusted up again but this time Louis grabbed his dick and started to  move his hand up and down. "shit Louis im close" Harry said pulling his hand down into Louis hair tugging at it, making louis go back to Harrys dick and putting it in his mouth. 

Louis took Harry out of his mouth and licked his tip and took him back into his causing Harry to moan out louis name and cum in his mouth with another tug on Louis hair. 

Harry then got Louis in his hands and brought him up out of the covers. He could clearly see Louis swallowing his cum.

"Cant we stay in here all day, we don't have to go out and to that interview." harry said still a little hazy from his climax.

" no we need to go promote your song and album, come on get up we need to get dressed." Louis said through kind of sore from Harry fucking his through. He then got up and went to get his clothes that Harry had thrown the night before. 

Harry mentally grown but still got up stepping into his closet putting on some new cloths getting extra for Louis to wear as well.

After they finished getting dressed they both went down stairs into the kitchen. "sit on the stool and ill make you some food then we can go." Harry said walking around the island 

"oh, um okay" Louis said looking blankly at the turned off oven. He knew he wasn't going to eat it, and if he did then he would just throw it up and hope that Harry wont ask any questions. 

Louis didn't realize that Harry was already finished and setting the plates on the island in front of Louis. He looks at Harry about to tell him he wasn't hungry but Harry beat him too it " don't tell me your not hungry Lou, i can practically hear you stomach growling from all the way to the sink, now eat"            

He was right, even though Louis really wanted to tell him that he wasn't hungry the smell of the freshly baked pancakes made his stomach growl even louder. But a little part of him was yelling at him to not eat it, so he didn't. " I'm sorry Harry, but i cant eat it. My stomach hurts and if i eat it i might throw up" Louis looked down to his feet "I'm sorry" And with that Louis got up from his seat and went up stairs to get his phone he had left on the bed side table.

Once Harry was finished with his food they got in the car and drove to the interview place quietly not speaking to one another. It was awkward, way too awkward to not talk about when ever they get past this little hiccup in the rode, witch Louis was dreading for the day to come. Then he would have to tell Harry why he doesn't eat, only Zayn knows that not even his mum knew about that.   

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