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<Harrys POV>

Harry wakes up in his bed. he went to a gay bar last night with Nick and when he got there he thought about how louis betrayed their promise and he did the unthinkable he had a one night stand with a girl he didn't even know.

Of coerce he had plenty of one night stands in the past because they promised to wait for each other and not to date anyone un till the met again. So Harry wasn't braking a promise Louis was the one who did, not Harry.


"Good morning baby" the girl beside him said touching his arm

"Why are you still here?I thought you left." Harry asked the girl that was now tracing his tattoos.

"I know you don't want me to go don't try to hide it" she said touching his dick 

A shock of pleasure went through him but it wasn't enough to get him hard.

"Stop. Can you please leave?" Harry said getting up and putting on his boxers

"Come on dont make this a one time thing Harry. You know how that always go." The Girl said

"I don't even know your name. I was drunk last night i wasn't thinking so yes this is an only one night stand. Harry said throwing her close at her.

She gets up and changes into them and gets to the door way.

"The names Olivia. If you want to do this again than call me okay." Olivia said then left the room.

"What ever shed crazy" with that his mind shifts to Louis. He secured that he wss going to go GRT dome food and other things just to make him feel like he's home because after all he was still his crush a little.

"Hey Lily I'm going to get things for the house. Do you want me to get you anything?" Harry asked walking into the kitchen.

"No I'm fine. Also when do you think Louis is coming back I already miss him." Lily said as she was sweeping up the kitchen.

"I don't know but I do know he won't be able to pass up this job he seemed like he really wanted it." Harry said to her getting the keys out of his jacket and leaving

He was now at the store in the food section getting all the goods when he gets a phone call.

"Louis, hmm what does he want. Did he already do side that he wanted to come with me?" harry thought as he answers the phone and started to walk out to pay

*The phone call ends*

Harry almost forgot to pay he was so mad and confused at the same time. He didn't know if he was hurt or not.

~Harry- Hey can you come to my house right this second if important get there in 3 seconds

~Liam- why?

~Harry- Just do it Liam

And with that he rushed to his house to put all the stuff away. When he got there he saw Liam's car out side his house. He knew Liam would get there fast because Liam's house was close to his and it would only take about 5 minutes to walk

Harry walks into the room " Here Liam put all this stuff away ill be back."Harry puts all the bags on the table.and true to head out.

"Hey slow down. Is that why you wanted me here. To put your.food away.Really I have a job you know i m a bissy man." Liam says taking hold of Harry's hand to make him not leave.

" shit bro I can't talk right now Louis and Says are in trouble indeed to go just put all this stuff away. And when your finished stay here I'm sure Says would like company. He sounded pretty scared." And with that Harry rushed to their house. "A 20 minute drive to his house was a long way to go every single day. But Louis could do it if he really wanted the job" Harry thought to himself.

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