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<Louis POV>

After leaving the room Louis went followed the smell of fresh muffins that thankfully led him to the kitchen that wasn't too far from Harry's dressing room.

"Why couldn't he just come get water for himself, why did he need me to come get it. I mean I am his personal assistant but still he wasn't doing anything other than talking to that blond girl that I didn't even catch her name because she was all over Harry" Louis thought in his head forgetting that the other girl, Eleanor said both their names.

"Lou thank god I found you, I began to worry were you went off to" Zayn said scaring Louis a little but, giving him a little jump scare.

"Zayn, omg dude don't scare me like that" Louis said annoyed that he was taken away from his thoughts. "Don't worry about me, I went to Harry's dressing room on accident but thankfully I did because I didn't know where I was going. So now here I am getting the all time "Harry Styles" a water bottle that was literally 4 steps out grown his room. " Louis said feeling kinda annoyed.

"Oh that's why I found find you" Zayn said but then looked Louis in the eyes with a Sorry look in his eye. "I'm sorry Lou but that's what you sighed up for, so you have no choice to do what ever he asked you to do. Even if it's to walk a few steps and always having to kiss his ass, he could fire you in a second with out hesitation and we could really use that money"

"I know, I know, I know, but it's really hard to kiss his ass while he's basically scolding me all the time with his eyes, but I think he's going easy on me because he literally gave me a heart attack."Louis said bringing up the event that happened a few minutes ago

"Louis Harry has to be mean to u even if he doesn't want to, he needs to train you to get stuff done, like your going to have to start booking his shows,talk shows, interviews and other stuff. Your going to have to get him out of drama, and yeah sure his manager can do that but I just met with him a little while ago because Liam had to talk to him about Harrys show and he didn't even know the name for this place or what his album was called" Zayn said getting a blueberry muffin and shoving it in his mouth while saying "your basically going to be his mum for how ever long your going to be his assistant"

"I know but he should at least do a little to help me out. Zayn serially he wasn't doing anything, all he was doing was sitting with a blond haired girl and talking." Louis rolled his eyes and finished his statement off "but I guess your right, at the end of the day I just need to kiss his ass and follow him around like a lost puppy. I should shut up before I get fired."

"Yes you should and you should go give him his water, he looks mad" Zayn said looking over Louis' shoulder.

Confused, Louis turned his head to the side looking over his shoulder and there he saw was The Harry Styles looking at him. Eye brows eased a frown on his face and tried eye like he just woke up not too long ago, witch was true they did just get up 1 hour ago, but the thing that got Louis saying goodbye to Zayn and leaving to go give him his water, was how he was already dressed and got his hair done so that means-

"37 FUCKING minutes to go get a simple water bottle. What did you have to do run 7 miles to get  a water bottle. If I knew that was the case I would have just got water from the house, it would last less time getting that water then you walking 2 steps" Harry was mad, and you could see it he puts hard work to try to make his fans happy and anytime away from the concert, like having a conversation with someone and talking about stuff not related on how to put the best show for the fans would get him pissed off In 1 second. But of corse Louis didn't know that.

"I'm sorry" Louis dissipated to kiss his ass then to make him more upset. "I got lost in a conversation with Zayin"

"Of corse you did, do you even want this job because if your not going to take this seriously then I will fire you and get another assistant" Harry said looking around as if he's just going to see a man with a sign that said "I CAN BE YOUR ASSISTANT".

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