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Its been 2 months since the whole Luke thing happened and things where a little weird between the two boys. First because when Zayn came back there were only 2 beds so one of them were forced to sleep on the couch, and since the couch was small Louis was forced to sleep there for the night since Zayn was supposed to stay for a day and a night and leave the next day .It was  also weird and awkward when Louis went into his room to grab cloths ,because he and harry had to go to the company and work, he saw Harry getting out of the shower with his towel on his hip hanging a little low to see his v-line

They were now at Harry's company  right now in a meeting. Louis was taking down notes on who to call and the places to get reservations so Harry can preform.  They have been in a huge room with a long table and about 25 people sitting around it, Harry sitting next to him looking over Louis shoulder so he doesn't mess anything up and it was getting on Louis nerves.

"can you stop, I know what I'm doing Harry" Louis whispered throwing a knowing glance at the older boy. 

"Shut up Lou. I'm just making sure you don't mess this up. This is actually a really big concert that you can get you fired on sight if you mess up." Harry said missing the fact of the nickname and looking up because he got cough staring at Louis face, but shhh Louis doesn't need to know. 

Louis stopped writing because he heard Harry saying his nickname. Louis kind of liked that Harry said it. Louis smiled at that thought. 

"Yeah an- Louis stop day dreaming! get to work we aren't paying you to sit on your ass and act like your working. start writing you asshole." The person that was ahead of the meeting told Louis as he quickly snapped back into reality and started to write down the things that had been put on the bored in front of them on a big Wight bored with a flat screen beside it.

What Louis didn't see though  was how Harry looked at the man who just called him an Asshole. Harry looked back down at Louis and decided that he was going to fire that man after he had helped them with the big important concert.

The meeting was now over, Louis turned his back left and right cracking his back in his chair when a man came up to him. Sitting next to him. 

"um hey" Louis said to the man that randomly set next to him, Harry, 3 seats  away talking to people that were important and that took control of the merch and shipping it out to the right full owners and fans. 

"um hey, i just want to tell you I'm sorry for my friends behavior he just went through a brake up with his boyfriend and i guess you just reminded him of his ex boyfriend John ." The guys said

"oh um its fine i guess." Louis said over hearing Harry saying his goodbye to the people who he was talking to 3 minutes ago this man came up to Louis. 

"um, I'm Alex by the way" Alex said, Harry coming from behind them putting his arm on Louis shoulder, scaring the other boys.  

"Louis come on lets go" Harry said looking at Alex then looking back at Louis. 

"Oh um okay," Louis said turning to Alex once again. "Well ill see you around Alex, it was nice to meet you but i have to go" Louis said smiling at the boy that was slightly taller than him.

"wait can i maybe have your number, i think your really cool even if we have only been talking for 5 minutes" He said smiling down at Louis.

Louis quickly grabbed a piece of paper from his notebook where he kept all important things for Harrys concert, writing his number down quickly because Harry was getting inpatient. But with a roll of eyes he left Louis to be with Alex. 

"Here you go, text me anytime" He turned around seeing that Harry had already left. But before Louis could leave to go catch up with Harry, he felt a pair of hands grabbing his wrist. 

"wait, what's your name" Alex said stepping a little closer causing Louis to freeze in his spot, not knowing what to do.

"oh its-" Louis was interrupted with someone ripping his hand free from Alex's grip and leading him to the exit of the room. He turned around and saw that it was Harry who had pulled him away. "oii we are away can you let me go" 



"because if i let you go then your going to take so long to get in the car, we have been here for 3 hours, i want to go sleep." Harry said opening the entrance door but eminently regretted it because of the hundreds flashes and screaming girl's that were outside waiting for them. "shit" he closes the door and text Paul to come get them.

It took 5 minutes till they finally saw Paul come around the corner with a tired face. 

"okay," Paul said when he locked eyes with Harry and Louis, "don't say anything, don't make faces, don't look at anyone, just get in the car. Louis stay away Harry, and-" Paul was cut out by Louis. 

"Wait why do i need to stay away from Har-" 

"no questions, obviously you haven't been to date with the news, just don't look at him or don't go by him. When we get into the car don't even look at each other Louis go around the car and get in the opposite side of Harry, act as if the other one doesn't exist okay good" Before Louis could question anything Paul pushed open the door and started to lead them to their car that seemed like it was 10 miles away.

"Harry when is the next album coming out"

"Harry what is with you and Olivia" 

"Normal so far, just a bunch of bullshit" Louis though, only thinking of the Olivia comment. Louis smiled at that thought.

"Harry what would Olivia think of you shagging with your assistant!" 

Both their heads quickly turned to the guy that said that, then turned to face each other as they were kind of close together, just Harry being a few steps above him.

"#LARRY STYLINSON" a fan shouted causing every girl to scream at the top of their lounges

"Ugh what is with these people" Louis thought

"Have you guys had sex yet" with that question they started to pick up their paces 

"none of your business and gross we don't even stand each other for more than 10 minutes" Louis thought

"bet they have" Someone  shouted causing Harry to stop but started moving after Paul poked at him to move forward.

Finally they reached the black SUV, Paul opening the door letting Harry go in first, Louis had to wrap around and get on the other side not before hearing some shout to the right in the side of him. 

"Harry you can do so much better then this pig, he's not even famous why are you even okay with being seen with him he's ugl-" Paul shut the door so Louis wont have to hear anything else that the girl had to say 

"dang," was all Louis said that whole car ride. 

Words: 1266

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