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Louis woke up to Harry shaking his shoulders and telling him to wake up. 

"Wake up, we need to be at the stage in 10 minutes , you need to wake up right now. The other boys already woke up 5  minutes ago. hurry" Harry said angerly at Louis once he saw that Louis was half awake. 

"what time is it?" Louis said very tiredly 

"5:30, we have to be there 5 hours before going on stage hurry up and get your as-"Harry was interrupted by Niall. 

"Hay, don't be mean to your new assistant." He posses and stairs at the position that Louis and Harry was in. "umm..." Niall was quick to take his phone out and take a picture of Louis and Harry closer than they have ever been.

Louis was laying down on the king size bed and harry was next to him sitting down with his hands on his shoulders, making it look like Harry was pinning Louis to the bed. 

With that in mind harry let go of Louis and got out of the bed and went with Niall by the door. "If I come back in here and your still asleep I will kill you by giving you a lot more work than you need to be doing, Got it." with that he left slamming the door. 

Louis not scared of Harry given the reason for why he then layed back down and tried to go to sleep. 

"Oh, He's not kidding, he will have your head if he catches you sleeping when he comes back. He once fired a girl because she got him his wrong coffee. He's not the person to mess around with when ever he's serious. So you should get up. Niall said before walking out leaving Louis with his thoughts and to get ready for the day.

"Shit" Louis thought to himself getting up from the bed.

 He looks around and sees he's not in the bedroom that harry said was going to be the room that he has to stays in until Zayn's friend gets the extra bedroom ready. Louis was slowly dreading the day where he has to share a bedroom with Zayn. Even though they are bestfriends and comfortable with each others body enough to sleep in the same bed, there are still personal need that Louis cant help to do when ever a sexual thing happens in a movie or video or even a book. 


"I'm finished if you want to go now" Louis said walking into the living room where Harry and Niall were both on their phone sitting across from each other. 

"Finally we would have been there by now if it weren't for your ass waking up 30 minutes after I told you to wake up." Harry said getting the keys and heading for the door 

"Im so sorry Louis he gets like this almost every concert day, he just wants everything to go well for his fans, his fans come first before every thing." Niall said getting up from the couch and walking to where harry went 

"Its fine i geusse" Louis said under his berath for only Niall to hear. "also what happened last night, did you see you friend put his hand on my thigh last night when we go into the car." Louis said to Niall because he was too upset with harry  to talke to him about it. 

" I didnt see that but i did see harry move seat with you" He nudges harry who sat next to him " Why did you do that Harry, he could have maniged that on his own you do know that right, he is older than 20. " Niall said getting harry to glance at them but soon looked out the window. 

 "I wanted to sit with my friend and see what he was doing at the bar when we all had a concert the next day" Harry said as if stating the obviose. He glanses at Louis once more and Louis would be lieing if he said that he didnt get butterflys from that. 

"okay whatever you say Harald, that was still cute even if you say that you wernt thinking of Louis and his feelings on having Nicks hand on his thigh."Niall said looking at Harry to see his reaction, but when Harry didnt give the one he was hpeing for he looked at the driver and saw that the driver was smiling to witch he then smiled and looked at Harry "See harry even ur driver likes you guys together, Isnt that right Max" 

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