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~At the bar~

<With Louis>

"So what are we doing here, you know i don't like being at party's or places with lost of people" Louis said looking from the car window at the gay bar sign.

"We are having fun. Now let's go and dance like there is no tomorrow" Zayn said getting out of the car and heading into the bar.

" But there is a tomorrow and it includes me trying to find a job." Louis said getting out of the car and trying his best to follow the tall man. " ugh can't you just listen to me for on-"

" shh" Zayn put his finger up to my mouth. "Just have fun that's why i brought you here." And with that Zayn took his leave to get drinks and to go hook up with some guy.

" Sometimes i think he doesn't have self control" Louis thought as he got onto the seat and asked the waiter for bear.

Once getting a few he was finally tipsy and walked of to the dance floor where he started moving his hips. But when he was about to take his leave to get another drink he felt hands around him swaying him.

"Umm, can you please let me go" he said trying to push the man off of him and going to his seat.

"Come on baby did you forget your boyfriends hands already? Maybe we should go in the back room and have a little fun so that you remember what I feel like." Luke said while pulling him into the back room.

" No, I don't think that's a good idea" Louis said trying to get free from his grip.

" Come on baby, don't think I haven't forgot about what you did to me. But I forgive you so we can be together again. Plus i know you really wanna--"

<With Harry>
"Come on it will be fun" Liam said getting out of the car and into the bar

"Yeah we will be in the back anyways so no one that's a fan will know who you are. You can stay by us if you like I know your not a fan of your fans Knowing you like to do any of this stuff."

Harry gets out of the car and follows the two boys. He had no idea where Liam went and he didn't care or at least he didn't show that he cared.

They went in the back and got in from there and that's when they were greeted with workers who sent them to their table in a dimly lit room with lights flashing.

It was about an hour in and still no sight of Liam. " Where did Liam run of to?" He asked looking around. "He didn't answer his text I sent him 30 minutes ago"

"Hes probably getting drunk and is now fucking some guy" Nick said taking a sip and getting up. "got to go to the bathroom for a sec." With that he got up and went to the bathroom.

It was about 20 minutes after and no one was at their booth so he got bored and went to go get himself a drink and just walk around. He had zero care for the crowds at this point he just wanted beer.

When he was coming back he saw there were to people heading to the back room but he didn't care until he saw Niall following them with that curies look in his eye. So with that he put his drink down and went to Niall and the two boys. One looked as if he was about to get a feast while the other one looked as of he was about to through up or cry.

"I don't think that tiny one wants to be there" Niall said to Harry once he got to him.

"And what makes you say that" Harry said sounding dumb and even he knew it.

"Look at the poor little cub. He looks like he lost his mommy" Niall said looking at the two. " And i'm sure the little cub doesn't like his daddy" Niall said pointing to the other guy. Clearly a little drunk.

"There about to fuck and your sitting here watching them you-" Harry was immediately cut off by someone yelling, coming from inside the room the two boys just went into.

"STOP. PLEASE. I DON'T WANT THIS" the tiny one yelled and started to cry. "What the fuck is going on" Niall ran inside the room yelling.

"Ugh what dose that boy always have to butt in." Harry thinks and looks into the room where Niall just walked into seeing the tiny one crying in Niall's arms and the other boy making a fist and yelling at Niall to get out.

"NO. I'm not leaving." Niall said to the man.

"Excuse me? Who do you think you are" And with that he slapped Niall.

He had it coming. But being the guy harry is he didn't see it like that. He walked into the room and started beating the shit out of him. It did get stopped with Liam coming into the room with a jet black hair boy that looked like he could be one of Harry and them. And then Nick came into the room and with the three of the guys they took harry off the guy.

"What are you doing to this man?" Liam said to Harry once they got him off.

"LOUIS, ARE YOU OKAY!" Zayn asked running and sitting with the short boy, who looked kinda cute but Harry's not gay so it doesn't matter, and Niall.

" who was that and why did he slap me?"

"I-it was no one" The little one said witch Harry think his name was Louis.

"Aw you poor thing." Niall looked him up and down and had a horrified look on his face.

Liam must have saw it to because when Harry looked at Liam he had asked " Niall what happened"

" i-its nothing" with that he got up and gave Louis a hand up. But he couldn't walk ughh grate. That's when Harry saw it for a split second.

"Shit Lou" Zayn said going to Louis and holding his stomach with his hands

"Hmm ,Lou that's cute" harry thought

"Wh-" and with that Louis past out on the floor with Niall holding him.

"Harry can we take him to your house please its the closest place and i want to be with him it feels like we need him with us" Niall said trying to carry Louis all by himself but was immediately helped by Zayn.

"why I don't even know him?" Harry asked

" please Harry, Zayn said that it took him about 1 hour to get here and with this" Niall said pointing at the now red blood stain on his shirt. " I think it would be best to bring him back to your house and let him rest for a bit."

"Ugh I hate it when hes right" Harry thought " fine whatever but I need the house to be quiet so i can finish writing my song" Harry said leaving to go to his car to take the boys home.

Zayn and Niall carried him to the car, Liam opening all the doors and Nick covering him so that the paps don't see him or his cut. Knowing the media they will frame them and make it look like they killed the thing.

Zayn took his own car going home and saying he would come back tomorrow and see if hes okay, and said that Niall was in charge and then kissed Liam, well now they know where Liam was all night. 

Then every one left leaving Harry and Louis together in the same house. Harry didn't think to much of it until he kept thinking of the boy in his guest bedroom that was unconscious. When he knew be couldn't get foo close was when he keep putting the songs to circulate to the half dead man on the bed. This was going to be fun.
*Author's Note
This one was longer
i hope you enjoy 
Word count: 1373

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