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Louis got out of the hospital exactly 3 days ago, since he got home Harry has been calling him none stop because he still needed to go to a concert that he had to make up to his fan. Louis persisted on making the concert but Harry kept turning the idea down saying that he already had someone taking care of it. 

Right now Louis was talking to his bestfriend. They were going on about how Harry and Liam were supposed to be back an hour ago. 

 That was until Louis heard his phone go off. He had left in the kitchen to charge because it was dead by the time he got out of the shower. Louis goes to his phone thinking it was Harry telling him were he was. But what he saw made him let out a sob. 

On his phone it showed a tweet from his boyfriend, "I love my boyfriend." With a link attached. A picture of Louis sleeping, the boy could tell that it was the time he fell asleep in Harrys car when they went shopping that one time were he was first attacked by that crazy fan.   

Louis was over the moon that he didn't even realize that he was grabbing his keys and heading out the door until he heard Zayn yelling, "Use protection!" as he closed the door

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Louis was over the moon that he didn't even realize that he was grabbing his keys and heading out the door until he heard Zayn yelling, "Use protection!" as he closed the door. He got in his car and drove to his house not caring if he was there or not. 

Once he got there he went inside the house calling Harrys name, with no answer he went up to Harrys room where he saw the man peacefully sleeping on his bed. He opened his eye to show that he was still up, he made eye contact with the smaller boy raising his hand signaling for the younger boy to go to him. They coddle for a little while talking about random things until Harry got a call. 

He picked up his phone and saw that t was Simon. 


"Styles? Wat the fuck do you think you're doing? You better delate that this instant if you still want your job. Remember, you signed a contract so you have to do what ever i say or else." Simon said on the other line of the phone talking really loudly.

"I'm not doing that Simon. Yes i signed a contract but if you take me to court then i will just tell them how you are forcing your artiest to date certain people just because you cant live with an man sticking his dick up another mans dick, or a girl fingering another girls-" Harry was cup off by Simon. 

When they were done arguing they finally settled on a decision. They would see how the fans reacted and if they like the idea, witch Harry knew they would then Louis and Harry could remain together. But if not they would "brake up" and go on like nothing happened.

Once they both hung up Harry and Louis thought it was a good chose to go on twitter and see what people were saying and how they reacted to the news. 

For the most part it was really good, some saying that they already knew, that they were happy that Harry was happy and so on. But what really caught Louis attention was the comments that said Louis didn't deserve Harry. Or the one calling him really bad stuff that he had to re-read to actually produce what they were saying about him. 

Louis doesn't even know that a few tears had slipped from his eyes until his phone gets ripped out of his hand and feels Harry pulling him to his side for comfort. Harry try's to comfort him but when he realized that that didn't work he grabbed out his phone, that was abandon behind him, and went live.

When there was a decent amount of people on the Instagram live he starts, "Listen guys, i love the support on this that some are giving me and my lover. Yes it is true i have a boyfriend if some of you guys don't know I'm bisexual and like boys and girls. The reason why i went live was because some of my fans are not being supportive in this and i just wanted to say is that I'm not going to change and so is our relationship." Harry paused to look at the chat. When he only read positive things he leaned in closer to the phone and whispered so Louis couldn't hear him. "Because i promise you guys, I'm going to marry this man if its the last thig I do." Harry finished with a smile on his lips.

Harry then got up and grabbed his guitar and sat down in front of his phone and Louis. "I was going to sing this to you on your birthday, but i think this is the right time." Harry said starting to play a soft tune. 

"Your hand fits in mine like it's made just for me. But bear this in mind, it was meant to be. And I'm joining up the dots with the freckles on your cheeks. And it all makes sense to me." Harry said looking Louis in the eyes. 

"I know you've never loved the crinkles by your eyes when you smile
You've never loved your stomach or your thighs
The dimples in your back at the bottom of your spine
But I'll love them endlessly" Louis looked at him with tears in his eyes. 

"I won't let these little things
Slip out of my mouth
But if I do
It's you
Oh it's you
They add up to
I'm in love with you
And all these little things"

"You can't go to bed without a cup of tea
And maybe that's the reason that you talk in your sleep
And all those conversations are the secrets that I keep
Though it makes no sense to me"

 Louis laughed as all the sense of Harry telling him the stories that he told Harry while he was sleeping.

"I know you've never loved the sound of your voice on tape
You never want to know how much you weigh
You still have to squeeze into your jeans
But you're perfect to me"

"I won't let these little things
Slip out of my mouth
But if it's true
It's you
It's you
They add up to
I'm in love with you
And all these little things"

"You'll never love yourself half as much as I love you
And you'll never treat yourself right darlin' but I want you to
If I let you know I'm here for you
Maybe you'll love yourself like I love you, oh"

"I've just let these little things
Slip out of my mouth
'Cause it's you
Oh it's you
It's you they add up to
And I'm in love with you
And all these little things"

"I won't let these little things
Slip out of my mouth
But if it's true
It's you
It's you
They add up to
I'm in love with you
And all your little things" Harry finished setting his guitar down 

Louis didn't wait a second more to jump on top of Harry putting all his weight on the older man causing them to fall back laughing. 

Once the two were done, they stayed on live answering questions. They ended the live once it turned 2 and as they were finally going to sleep Louis spoke. "I heard what you said, about you marring me. Is that true? Do you mean that?" Louis asked turning to Harry. 

"Lou, your the love of ,my life, your my soulmate and the reason why im still here. I love you and counting down the days till i drop down on one knee and asking to marry you. Remember our plan, move in together, get married. live in a nice house so we can adopt 3 kids and be happy. Loubear, your my home. Where ever you go ill go." Harry said going closer to the boy. 

"Even if i go to the moon?" Louis asked partly joking.

"Yeah love. ill follow you to the moon. I love you babe and if you ever drought that remember the song that i wrote for you. Remember all the songs i wrote after i met you because all of them were made for you." Harry said closing his eyes. 

"I love you, from the bottom of my heart so please don't break it." Louis said not knowing if Harry had heard him. 

"I wont, i promise." 

And just like that they fell asleep happily. Louis couldn't believe he found his soulmate just by going to the bar with Zayn, we was for sure to thank Zayn when he got back to his house.  


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