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<Harry's POV>

"Okay, me and Harry are going to go get the boys while you two stay in the car." Liam said looking at Zayn. Because wow, Liam must really like Zayn.

"What ever you boys do, do not get out of this car. You don't know if the men here are really waisted and you don't want to be the one who gets kidnapped." Harry said walking out of the car. Liam soon following after him

Harry and Liam go into the gay bar to look for Nick and Niall. They were looking every where when suddenly they heard a man scream for pleasure.

"There's Nick" Harry said . And then both left to go see where the noise had come from

They went upstairs to where the bathrooms were. They soon spotted Niall waiting out the bathroom door with a discussed face.

"Hey Niall come on we need to get you guys home like now. Simon will have your head for doing this on a show night." Liam said grabbing the younger boys arm.

"Wait Nick is still in there with his little boy toy" Niall said drunkenly, "shouldn't we wait for him to be done."

They waited fora little, then when the door opened a boy came out, someone who looked for milliner. Harry couldn't put his finger on it but apparently this guy remembers Harry because seconds later he shoves Harry out of the way and was off like he was never there.

But that wasn't his problem right now. His big problem was how he was going to get Nick home in one piece.

Last time they took him to his house when he was drunk they couldn't find him the next day. And when they did he was in a bar 10 miles away. He could have got into a car crash or something. So now Harry's going to have to let him stay at his house.

Nick soon came out of the bathroom and was suddenly greeted with the boys. "Shit, Niall I told you not to call the boys. We could have taken a cab home" Nick said as soon as he saw them.

"Nick remember the last time we took a cab together. You almost forced me to get under you. I don't like it when we're drunk and alone and you know that . So I had no choice to call them. Harry's the only one that can control you." Niall said stepping back so Nick won't try to do anything.

"Come one you two" Harry said grabbing Nicks arm so he won't go any were. " we have people in the car that are alone we need to leave now"

And with that they were leaving. They step out of the car and with a glanced down at Nick he saw him smirk while looking in his car.

"Shit Louis" Harry thought while walking to the car. He turns to Liam be hind him. "Hey can you drive I don't feel like it." Harry said taking Niall from him and opening the care door to put him inside.

"Sure. Where are the keys." Liam said putting his hand out to get them. Harry gives them to him and goes in the back where Niall was sitting next to Zayn, Zayn was in the middle of Niall and Louis, Louis was in the middle of Zayn and Nick, Nick was next to Louis. Nick looked up at Harry and gave him a smirk.

Harry caught Louis stiffen and look in front of him. Harry looked down and saw that Nicks hand was on his inner thigh. It was slowly inching to his dick. He saw that Louis was trying to pull his hand off but the older boy was not budging.

So Harry had to do some thing he had never done in his life. Mostly because he doesn't like anyone, but Louis he feels differently about him.

"Hey Louis come sit over here and tell me what you thought of the song before we were interrupted" Harry said once Nick was an inch away from his dick.

"Don't be silly Harry, we are driving right now he can't get up and change spots right now. He's just going to have to stay here  with me"  Nick says giving him another smirk.

" Come here Louis" Harry said moving to the side of the seat so he could have a little but of room.

Louis tried to get up from his spot but he couldn't. He looked down and saw that his hand was pulling him down making it hard to stand up. "I can't" Louis said and looked down. But before he knows it he's ripped off his seat and placed on the other side.

Harry then sat in Louis spot so the same won't happen to the other boys. "You need to stop" Harry said "Liam stop the car"

Liam drove into a empty parking lot and stopped the car.

"Go in the front Nick." Harry demanded

"No, Hazza I'm making friends I don't want to" Niall said giving him the puppy eyes.

But before he knows it he's getting carried out and thrown to the front seat with Liam.

"Liam you can go sit with your boyfriend now, I can handle him you can't." Harry said from the door to the passenger door.

Liam didn't even hesitate when he jumped to the back seat where he sat next to Zayn and Niall. He wanted Louis to feel safe so he didn't sit by him, he wanted him to have his friend next to him.

When they got to Nialls house they said goodbye to the blond boy and noticed that Louis had fallen asleep already so they didn't talk loud while saying goodbye.

They then headed to Harrys house witch was not that far away from Nialls house.

When they go there Zayn had fallen asleep and was leaning up against Liam, but he had his hand around Louis so he knows that Louis still there and safe.

They went into the house. Nick carrying himself up the stairs, Zayn being carried into Liams room witch was in the back right of the first floor. Now it was time that Harry put Louis into his bed. But that bed had a sleeping Nick.

He could have put him in another room because he'll he had 39 that he wasn't going to use but when he thought about it he thought that if Nick were to wake up he would try to go for Louis. So what Harry did was go to his bedroom and place Louis onto the right side of his bed.

He wasn't like the other boys. Where Niall would have put him in another room claiming he was straight. He was not like Nick were he would have sex with them even when they were asleep. And he was not like Liam where he would sleep with them in the same bed (not doing the dirty). But he was himself, he put Louis on the bed and locked the door so no one could come in.

He got a blanket that Lilly had placed on his chair and steeped on his sofa that he had in his room. He didn't want to scare Louis when he wakes up. And pluses he did have to wake up early tomorrow anyways so that was good for Harry so he didn't have to walk 14 doors down to wake him up.
Word count:  1253 :)
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