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<What Louis wears>

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<What Louis wears>

{ With Louis }
"Where are you even going" Zayn asked.

"I'm going to go get a job " Louis said with a dark and tired voice from the lack of sleep he has been getting.

"Really this again"Zayn rolled his eyes." Look, my job can afford this house. So you don't need a job i got this." Zayn says placing a hand on Louis shoulder. "Just think of it as i'm your surger dad-"

"Don't even Zayn." Louis stops him before he finishes."I want a job even if it doesn't get me a lot of money. I still want to help you out in paying for this house" Louis says

Zayn sighs" fine buy at least take a brake for a little you've been going out all week trying. Take a brake come sit down" Zayn walks Louis to the couch.

Louis sits down and takes a breath "Fine, but only for a little bit"

"I have an idea go get dressed now and wear something nice" Zayn said while walking to his room to put his shoes on.

"Ugh, why I need to go get a job if i want a life outside of you" Louis gets up from the couch and heads up to his room.

Louie figures that he want to wear a hoodie with black skinny jeans. He heads into the bathroom and takes off his cloths and put on the fresh clothing. He then puts his hair into a nice quiff and heads into the living room where he and Zayn left off their conversation last.

"You ready?" Louis said reaching the bottom step

"Ye- your going like that?"Zayn looks at him head to toe taking in his look.

"Yeah, now lets go i'm bored already. Where are we going" Louis said walking to the door Zayn following after him.

"You will see when we get there" Zayn said walking out the door and locking it.

"You will see when we get there" Zayn said walking out the door and locking it

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<What Harry wears>

{ With Harry}

"Harry get your ass of that couch and come with us it would be so much fun" Niall said holding up a pizza slice with his left hand and holding his drink in his right hand.

"I said my answer about a million times i'm not going with you guys I have a life and i don't even like going to gay bars" Harry said to Niall that was now finishing his pizza. "Plus i have to do some paper work for a new Assistant, since the last one quit. 

"Come on man live a little what's wrong with going to gay bars" Liam said while sitting on the couch across from Harry who had papers spread across him.

"Maybe because, hmm i don't know I'M NOT GAY" Harry said standing up and going into his large kitchen.

" You don't have to be gay. Nick is going and hes far from being gay." Niall said walking into the kitchen with Liam following after.

"I'm gay" Nick comes in from the hallway hes wearing a plain black t shirt with white skinny jeans.

"Shh" Liam comes from beside him and smacks his hand.

"See he is gay so there for I will be the only straight guy there" Harry says after he over heard Nick saying he was gay.

"COME ONNNNNN LETS GOOOOO PLEASE" Niall screams as he gently hits Harry.

"FINE" Harry shouts grabbing his car keys "But you have to sing in my next concert, all of you" Harry walks out of his mansion wearing only a black button up shirt and black skinny jeans.

"YAY" Niall shouts while getting in his car.

They then drive off while oblivious that Harry will fine his assistant that he was looking for since last month

694 words
This is my first fanfic so i'm sorry if its not good if you want to give me any ideas on what to do next you are more than welcome to <3

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